Swords and Spaceships

Swords & Spaceships May 5

Happy Friday, y’all!

Let’s start off with a bang: The Arthur C. Clarke Award shortlist has been announced! The big surprise on here is Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead, which is sweeping the awards circuit — and for good reason. It’s an incredibly powerful book, as well as an alternate history of the Civil War that posits underground steam locomotives. Once you think about it as alternate history, you can see how it made the list, but I’d bet most folks weren’t expecting to see it pop up here. I’m also a huge fan of A Closed and Common Orbit and Ninefox Gambit. If I had to vote, it would be for Ninefox — I haven’t read a space opera that intricately built and plotted in a very long time and I’m dying to see it get some critical recognition, but there are no bad picks here.

How many different retellings of The Beauty and the Beast can you think of? I maxed out at five, but Amanda put together a list of literally 100 (!!).

This guy is building a wearable puppet version of K-2SO for Halloween. Apparently you just need a 3D printer, a bunch of PVC and sculpt-able foam, oh, and some killer construction skillz. And I thought my collapsible lightsaber was cool… (I still think it’s cool.)

For those who like hearing their stories: Tor is launching a new imprint called Tor Labs “emphasizing experimental approaches to genre publishing, beginning with original dramatic podcasts.” Which basically means we’re getting new story podcasts, starting with Steal the Stars which includes UFO-related hijinks.

Tak is a boardgame you could actually play, even if you don’t live in Patrick Rothfuss’s books. (Which possibly everyone on this list would prefer, perhaps?) More astonishing to me is that the Kickstarter collected over $1 million before it closed. A million dollars! That is some serious Kingkiller Chronicles love.

And finally, because I am writing this on May 4th, I require you all to read some Star Wars puns.

For this issue’s reviews, I am delighted to present to you: Zombies, two ways.

Zone One by Colson Whitehead

While there are blood and guts aplenty, Zone One is more about the bureaucracy of the apocalypse than its monsters. Think of it as the literary baby of The Office and The Walking Dead. The main character, nicknamed Mark Spitz in an extended running joke, is part of the clean-up crew sweeping through lower Manhattan, trying to clear out zombies one building at a time. In this horrible future there are two kinds of zombies: skels, which will tackle, bite, and turn you if given half a chance; and stragglers, which return to one location and just … stand there. Creepy, sure, but not so hard to dispose of — in theory.

Our narrator, nicknamed Mark Spitz in an impressively long-running joke arc, has survived both the normal world and the apocalypse by being perfectly mediocre. When you’re the ultimate average, gliding through life looks a lot easier apparently! We get his own backstory of flight and survival, along with those of his crew; we also get the marketing ploys of the new provincial government, the vagaries of logistics for body-bags and ammunition, the promotionally-driven allowances for looting, the daily annoyances of “sweeper” duty, and the daydreams of times gone by. Mark Spitz was, among other brief careers, a social media manager, and one of the most-quoted passages of the book (at least in my circle) comes from his anecdotes about that job.

The narrative jumps back and forth in time from one chapter — often one page — to the next, lending to the surreal tone of the narrative. Whitehead deploys that surrealism to both hilarious and devastating effect. And just when you think you know the story, that’s when things get really interesting.

Hadriana in All My Dreams by René Depestre

hadrianaIf Gabriel Garcia Marquez were to write a zombie novel, it wouldn’t be this but you’d be in roughly the same ballpark. René Depestre’s amazing Hadriana in All My Dreams, originally published in 1988 and now reissued by Akashic Books, is a riotous, magical, raucous look at Vodou culture as well as an ode to Jacmel, Haiti.

Set in his own hometown, Jacmel, it follows the wedding-day zombification of a beautiful young French-Creole girl named Hadriana. About to wed her Haitian fiancé, she collapses immediately after giving her vows. But Hadriana is not dead — instead, she’s been drugged and transformed into a zombie by a man with nefarious purposes. The first half of the book is told by Patrick, her childhood friend and unrequited lover, and gives us a local’s view of the folklore, religion, spirituality, and racial politics that blend and clash in Jacmel.

This novel is both sensual and sexual; from succubus butterflies to Hadriana’s Carnival-influenced funeral to the enslavement of women via zombification, bodies are central to both the narrative and plot. Depestre is unabashed in his celebration of sexuality and unflinching in chronicling the ways it is abused. Refreshingly — and importantly to this reader — he also chronicles women’s agency in ways I was not expecting to see. This is a fever-dream of a book, a look into the origins and folklore of zombies, and a local’s-eye view of Haiti in the early 1900s, and it will change the way you think about zombies.

This newsletter is sponsored by 5 Worlds Book 1: The Sand Warrior.

The 5 Worlds are on the brink of extinction unless five ancient and mysterious beacons are lit. When war erupts, three unlikely heroes will discover there’s more to themselves than meets the eye. The clumsiest student at the Sand Dancer Academy, Oona Lee is a fighter with a big destiny. A boy from the poorest slums, An Tzu has a surprising gift and a knack for getting out of sticky situations. Star athlete Jax Amboy is beloved by an entire galaxy, but has no real friends. Can these three kids discover their talents in time to save the 5 Worlds?


I love giveaways where we get to giveaway a complete collection, be it series or set or limited run. It’s just fun.

And a complete set of Leigh Bardugo books is even more fun. One lucky Book Riot reader will win two Bardugo box sets, one each of The Grisha Trilogy and the Six of Crows Duology.

And we’re making it even more interesting by making it a 24-hour only giveaway. Entries are open until noon eastern on May 5th, 2017. So act, well, now.

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click the image below. Good luck!

What's Up in YA

13 REASONS WHY and Actual Teen Vs. Actor Teens: On Empathy & Compassion for Real Teens and YA Lit

Hey YA Readers!

“What’s Up in YA?” is sponsored this week by Rachel Bateman’s Someone Else’s Summer from Running Press Kids. 

Anna’s always idolized her older sister, Storm. So when Storm dies in a tragic car accident on the night of her high school graduation, Anna is completely lost. That is, until she finds Storm’s summer bucket list and decides to honor her sister by having the best summer ever—which includes taking an epic road trip along with her sister’s best friend Cameron. Who knew that Storm’s dream summer would eventually lead to Anna’s own self-discovery?


As a head’s up, there are mild 13 Reasons Why spoilers in here, but little in this discussion goes beyond what someone might have seen in a preview. Likewise, while this newsletter centers around the adaptation, the takeaways are applicable on a broader level, so no need to worry about knowing this specific story or book. It’s instead an example of a phenomenon in YA adaptations and in media for teens more broadly.

I think it goes without saying, but just to be safe: trigger warnings abound for discussion of suicide, mental illness, and sexual assault/rape. This newsletter is also quite lengthy, so take it in chunks as you need to — I’ve included at the end the commentary readers have sent in, making this a really wonderful and meaty discussion.


The longer that I’m away from watching of 13 Reasons Why, the more a lot of it leaves a bad taste in my mouth message-wise. There’ve been a number of great pieces written about this, of course, so I’m adding nothing to the discussion by saying there’s a huge gulf not explored in the story between mental illness and we should all be kind to one another. Where Clay’s big “ah ha” moment at the end is that we should be kinder to one another (at the expense, it seems, of listening to someone insist that they are okay and don’t want to be talked to), the viewer walks away knowing that there was something much more deeply troubling with Hannah. She was absolutely a victim of sexual violence and bullying, but knowing her deep desire was for someone to come rescue her, even after she pushed everyone away over and over, it’s frustrating and hugely disappointing that mental illness is not brought up or explored with depth. That the show ends with Alex at the hospital following an attempted suicide suggests that there might be a season two, and if that happens, this is an area that demands exploration.

That said, the biggest thing that bothered me with the show was a simple one: how old all of the characters looked.

It’s a well-known phenomenon that YA adaptations — most any teen-centered shows, really — generally cast actors who are outside of the target demographic. It’s part experience and part of who is available to do the work. It’s also a matter of legality. But with 13 Reasons Why, there’s a disturbing lack of trying to make these teens look like teens.

Case in point: if you’ve watched the show, have you noticed the tattoos? We’re not talking the kind of tattoos that an 18-year-old might get upon their birthday or the kinds of tattoos that a parent might let their teens get in high school. We’re talking large chest pieces, arm pieces, and other tattoos that are not only massive, but well-healed and aged.

Then there are the moments where the characters are nearly nude. Not the sex scenes, mind you, which, while a little beyond realistic for teen sex, aren’t unrealistic for teen sex on screen. The scenes in locker rooms or bedrooms where the bulk of the character’s body is undressed. There are clear signs of adult maturity, spots where body hair is too well groomed or muscles too defined for awkward teen bodies. Where faces are chiseled in ways that say “20-something who works out” rather than “17-year-old teen boy who plays football.”

Lest this sound like nitpicking, remember: from the beginning of the show, we know that Clay and Hannah are sophomores in high school. That means they’re 15 or 16, in later episodes, maybe 17. In many ways, those two are the most realistic looking to their ages, Hannah more so than Clay. But their friends and classmates are in the same age range, with, perhaps, an 18-year-old senior or two in the fray.

And yet, here are some of the teenagers as they appear on screen:


neck tattoos



If you aren’t familiar with the “Actual teen vs adult teen” Tumblr, I highly recommend digging into it a bit. Liz Burns wrote about it a few years back, interviewing the creator Ann Foster. Foster has kept the Tumblr going, and I love how it puts this visual difference into perspective. She’s not yet done 13 Reasons Why but I suspect it’ll provide a lot of interesting visual comparisons.

It sounds nitpicky to find this representation of teens to be a problem, but by not even attempting to make these teenagers look like teenagers, imagine how easy it is to write off the problems they’re experiencing as things they’re equipped to deal with. The dude covered in tats? He’s old enough to make wise decisions, since he clearly had the capacity to make the decision to be inked. Those sexually active teens with super mature adult bodies? Obviously, they know how to handle dealing with grief and shame and the trauma surrounding the loss of a classmate (or a car accident that kills a classmate or a party that got out of hand or the consequences of repeat sexual violence or, or, or). Likewise, these teens might fall into that ever-loved category of “too stupid to live” that gets slapped unfairly on many YA characters who, remember, are teenagers. 

Because the “teens” look like adults, the cognitive dissonance a viewer experiences — especially an adult viewer with little direct exposure or interactions with teens — is pretty significant. It would be easy to write off the deep problems these characters experience and more, easy to call some of what they do whining or childish, because they look like they’re big enough and wise enough to do something about it. But the truth is, that’s the point of the story: these teens are not wise or smart enough to do it.

There’s a big gap between the visual we’re presented and the depth of the story, and it’s there that much of the show falls apart.

It’s been said for quite a while that many don’t believe YA is for teens anymore or that it ever has been. That, thanks to the growth of the category via books like Twilight and The Hunger Games which brought to their franchises legions of adult fans, there’s no longer a space for teens to call their own in the book world. I’m not sure I entirely buy this argument as a whole; I believe we conflate some of the statistics about who is buying YA books with who is reading them (and ignoring things like the fact a new YA hardcover can cost $20 — a sizable chunk of change for a teenager but less so for a full-time working adult). I also think that we’re easily led into believing it because of marketing and how much YA marketing for big books (or books that are going to be made big) is geared toward adults, rather than teens. Again, probably in part due to who is buying the books, which ties back to where the money is. Not to mention it’s adults in the online world who tend to be writing blogs or newsletters or long form pieces about YA lit and it’s adults who are most likely consuming those same pieces. 

And then we have adaptations like 13 Reasons Why which have at their core real, troubling issues teens may be dealing with personally. In cases like this, it’s easy to let our adult sensibilities take over because those teenagers look really. damn. mature. It’s also easy for us as adults to prescribe what we think are solutions to those situations from the outside. See, for example, the think pieces that have popped up about how troubling it is there weren’t more discussions in school about how suicide is a bad thing and not to do it. Aside from that not being true, in my own experience as a teenager in high school and in working with teens in various high schools, when suicides have occurred, the school’s response is often silence. There are many reasons for this that are boring and not story-worthy. They don’t heighten the drama, though in many cases, they certainly heighten the frustrations that students have, making their teen minds even more confused and hurt.

Teenagers are hormonal monsters made of whine and awkwardness, anger and rage, stupid decision making and obnoxiousness. This is what they are because this is what they’re biologically meant to be, as well as what they’re psychologically and socially molded to be. But they’re made this way for a reason. They are not mature enough to make great decisions because they don’t have the experience necessary to do so and their brains are literally not yet wired to think through the implications of their actions. 

This is, perhaps, one of the reasons they make such interesting characters. It’s also why those who work with teens absolutely love working with them.

So when we turn a story like 13 Reasons Why into an adaptation and fill it with characters who don’t look even close to teen age, we take away those really tricky, sticky, tough pieces of being that age and instead, want to prescribe and dictate what we think reasonable adults should be doing. We’re not being primed by seeing them as greasy, smelly, messy teenagers with gangly, awkward bodies and minds. We’re seeing them as fully functioning, mature adults. We aren’t even being given the chance to empathize.

It might not sound like a problem when applied to a show — it is, but certainly not in the same capacity that it is a problem when those same mentalities are then applied to the real world. Because the truth is, they are and they will be applied. Again, the “too stupid to live” label comes to mind, as do the reviews and think pieces which prattle on about how whiny and dramatic teen characters in YA books can be. (They’re that way in real life, though, because they’re built to be that way). 

But we can at least hope that those adult sensibilities might also include having a good, meaningful series of discussions about the show, about its faults, about its strengths, and about how powerful it is to share a conversation between adults and teens about the confusing, painful, and downright shitty parts of growing up.


Last week I asked readers to share some of their input on the show or links they’ve read that really got their attention. I’m copy/pasting them below, keeping them anonymous. I love that y’all responded and love that we can make this a place of discussion.

I’m a high school English teacher/reading specialist. I’ve read and taught the book in class, and students loved it.

My students love the show as well–I don’t know that they are catching *all* of the things that I catch–Clay masturbating to the picture of Hannah and Courtney, for instance, wasn’t caught by them. They are confused why I haven’t binged the show like they did. I’m ready for episode 6. 

It’s a hard watch for me. The book was hard as well, but the show seems harder. And, I know what’s coming. I don’t know why it’s different, but it is. 

Ultimately, I think it’s a show that raises important issues, but it does much of why the book does; leaves items open for interpretation. My students don’t see Hannah as manipulative or blaming others, but they see how she wants them to know. Yes, they know suicide is a choice, but we talk about bullying and sexual assault to our students so much they also know that there are factors that lead up to it. If it weren’t controversial, it probably wouldn’t be doing it’s job. 

Though I don’t know him personally, I am friends with Jay Asher, the author of the novel, on Facebook. He played an integral part of the production of the series, and is aware of much of the issues that are playing out. 


I’ve seen the interviews where Selena Gomez and other producers say that they showed the gratuitous violence because they wanted to show people that “suicide should never be an option” but, to me, it felt like they were making a show for people who have never gone through these things. People who have never self harmed, people who have never been suicidal, people who have never been sexually assaulted. Sadly, people who have been through all these things are the ones that the book really resonated with and the ones that were most looking forward to the show. My biggest problem with the show itself is that infamous suicide scene. I’m upset that they showed suicide in such a graphic way when there are plenty of suggested guidelines for what to do and what not to do when portraying a suicide on film, but that’s not all of it. They completely ignored a big part of Hannah’s character and her wants when they changed her method of suicide. Hannah wanted to use pills so that she wouldn’t feel the pain of dying, so that she’d be asleep when she died because she was still afraid of it. She wanted to use pills so that her parents could pretend it was an accident if they wanted to. She didn’t want a grisly scene for her parents to walk in on. If Jay Asher had just randomly chosen a way for Hannah to die and hadn’t given her specific reasons for the way she wanted to kill herself, I wouldn’t be nearly as angry about the show. To me, it feels like the show ignored Hannah’s character and changed the way she died because a death by pills wouldn’t be shocking enough. It wouldn’t be as action packed as slitting her wrists. There wouldn’t be enough intense drama to film. They chose to change her method of suicide purely for the shock value.

You mentioned the hype that Thirteen Reasons Why has been getting and you compared it to that of The Hunger Games, and I have some feelings on that too. So much of the media attention about the show horrifies me. There are quizzes about “which 13 reasons why character are you” and “which guy from 13 reasons why should you date.” There are memes, like the “welcome to your tape” meme, which is where if someone says something to upset you, you tell them “welcome to your tape.” One that’s particularly horrifying is a facebook copy and paste game? thing that I saw one of my facebook friends post. It said “let’s play 13 reasons why. drop your name in the comments and i’ll reply back tape or no tape. if i comment tape, you’d be one of my reasons. if i comment no tape, we’re cool.” She had 50+ comments! I’m not sure if people wanted validation that they haven’t done something to make them be a reason or what, but I was disgusted. When The Hunger Games came out, the media behind it was frightening. People immediately went for the starcrossed lovers trope and did the whole Team Peeta/Team Gale thing. There were countless blog posts about “how to look like you’re from the Capitol” and makeup campaigns to give you looks from the Capitol. The whole point of the books was missed. It wasn’t entirely the media’s fault, the movies messed it up pretty badly too, focusing on the love triangle and leaving out the worst parts of the Games. They pretty much completely left out the Avoxes, Peeta’s need of a prosthetic leg, Katniss’ hearing loss, their PTSD, the list goes on. The media for Thirteen Reasons Why is doing the same thing. They’re focusing on the love story between Clay and Hannah and making jokes about some of the most serious things.


Full Disclosure: I have not yet watched 13 Reasons Why, but I have read the book. 

I am on the side of many people who see the story as a revenge fantasy. I don’t know if I’d say that it glamorizes suicide, but I don’t think it shows how PERMANENT this choice is. I would assume that, because Hannah is so present throughout the show, that it’d be easy to forget that she is no longer living even if “justice has been served”.  Sharing the message that we must be kind and realize our actions affects others is such an important one. But where’s the talk about mental health? I’ve seen articles telling 13 Reasons Why fans that they’d probably enjoy Pretty Little Liars, which is so far from helpful in the mental health department. 

I haven’t watched the show because I know it will upset me. I’m sensitive, I have depression, and I know I’m not personally strong enough. This article made me feel better about that:


When I first heard about 13 Reasons Why being made into a TV series for Netflix, I was hesitantly excited simply because while it is a rather hard subject matter, it is also one that I believe should be discussed. However, having read what I have about it, I don’t believe I can watch the series.

Most of what I’ve read has come from this post at Teen Librarian Toolbox:

I believe Karen Jensen explains her view quite well and brings up valid points against watching the TV series.


I am the grandmother of three 13 year old girls, a 12 year old Haitian girl, and a precocious 11 year old girl. These girls are voracious YA readers. Just for fun I have been reading along. Oh, my! They all loved The Outsiders. It is the gospel to them. So affected by the story. All the Bright Places dissed school counselors. Ugh! Speak offended me. The author dismissed all cheerleaders as slutty, cruel people. And as I said,  the kids really buy it. Thirteen Reasons Why scares me. Suicide is so final. Not romantic. The girls have read these books but I am discouraging the show. We read Aristotle and Dante, better. Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda was a good book to read but all of us wish it had been written by a Homo sapiens who had actually lived it. The Perks of Being a Wallflower at least gave us some hope. 

I could go on and on. But I wish for more responsible writers. I want a protagonist who is strong and smart and survives. 

Well, in parting the girls are also are reading Austen and Dickens. Classics and comics. 

My concern, I guess, is how the books teens read affect their world view. It is not easy in school society.


People have been attacking 13 Reasons Why for many reasons. Yes, I agree Hannah was manipulative in her making of the tapes (i.e. using them to cast blame on others for her problems–justifiably or not)–and I definitely think she could’ve handled some things that happened to her better than she did.

I don’t think they romanticized the suicide scene like some do. She clearly was terrified (as evidenced by her heavy breathing) and the scene has haunted me since. How is slashing your wrists that deeply and bleeding to death romantic?

What bothered me the most was that she had to be driven by a rape and bullying to kill herself. Not every depressed teenager has been assaulted and raped and deemed the class slut. Non-sexually active teenagers (even those who’d want to have sex) get depressed. Teenagers who aren’t bullied try to commit suicide (and some succeed, unfortunately). I guess my main pet peeve was that sex, in whatever form–without or with consent, pinching an ass or rape–was a driving force behind Hannah’s suicide. Why does it have to be girl + depressed is because of some issue with sex. There are many other reasons why a teenage girl would be that depressed. It’s a case of, yet again, making a story about girl be all about sex and, thus, objectifying girls as sexual objects rather than as showing them as regular people.  Yes, sex is on the minds of teenagers quite a lot. I’m not naive about that. I’m just wondering if the series put so much emphasis on that aspect just for the titillation factor. If they did it for that reason in the hope of getting more viewers, then I’m not so thrilled with it.

I think they could’ve ended each episode with a list of warning signals to watch out for and give people tips about what to do if they think someone might be thinking about killing themselves. It could save someone’s life, you never know. Isn’t it more important to stress suicide prevention versus dwelling on why someone chose to do it!?!?


I haven’t seen the show version of TRW, and I’m honestly not really planning on it as I’ve heard that it’s pretty graphic.  But I did want to write in and express the frustration I’ve been feeling with people throwing the book under the bus with the show.  Say what you will about it, that book has saved lives, and I don’t think that should be ignored.  If even one teenager felt heard and validated by reading a story, that is important, and with this book, it’s way more than one.  I feel like a significant part of the problem was the translation from book to screen, where reading about suicide is one thing, actually seeing it happen on screen is another (and also a pretty unnecessary decision on the part of the producers).  I worry that in our (rightful) outrage, we are ignoring the good in the story, and there is some good!  There are definitely problems and things are overly simplified, but for me, TRW was the first book that I read that had the guts to acknowledge that hey, teens can be brutally bullying and go through HARD STUFF and that I wasn’t the only suicidal teenager out there.  That was a powerful truth for me as a person of intersecting marginalized identities who had pretty much no social support as a teen.  My two cents, for what they’re worth.  


I think it romanticizes suicide, which is extremely dangerous when it comes to teens and young adults who are struggling with depression and suicide. It has been seen in the past that doing this usually triggers a rise in young suicides. I’ve encountered numerous people in the last few weeks who suffer from depression that say this show brought on a depressive episode, and they wished they hadn’t watched it. I don’t want to say a show is to blame for a rise in suicidal tendencies, but that if a show wants to start a dialogue about suicide awareness, romanticizing it is entirely the wrong way to do it.


Thanks for being part of this community, friends. We’ll see you back here next week for a big link roundup.

-Kelly Jensen, @veronikellymars

Riot Rundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by Adult-ish, by Christine Vanko and Adulthood for Beginners, by Andy Boyle.

Ready for #RealLife?

Whether you’re a newly minted “adult” navigating your first job and paying rent for the first time—or are just about to graduate and join the “sophisticates” in the real world, Adult-ish and Adulthood for Beginners provide the tools and advice for Millennials seeking to ease the transition from dorm room to cubicle life.

Adult-ish, an illustrated, interactive journal encouraging self-reflection, is a celebration (and keepsake) of your first years as an “adult.”

Adulthood for Beginners is the hilarious—yet useful—guide for avoiding years of awkwardness, mistakes, bad dates and more that older Millennials and Gen Xers wish they’d had when they were younger.

The Stack


Today’s The Stack is sponsored by Gallery 13.

From the New York Times bestselling author and award-winning creator of Essex County, Secret Path, Descender, and The Underwater Welder comes an all-original graphic novel about a brother and sister who must come together after years apart to face the disturbing history that has cursed their family.


The Handmaid’s Tale Audiobook You Didn’t Know You Needed

Greetings Audiobookers!

I’m Katie and I’ll be taking over as your audiobooks tour guide! (This also means I’ll be hosting the Book Riot Insiders audiobook chat at its new time, the second Thursday of each month from 1-2 PM EST, so Insiders, mark yer calendars!)

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by

100,000 titles, 1 app, endless listening! Your first book is free when you sign up for, the premier membership service for audiobook lovers. You can stream books live or download for offline listening, and enjoy great features like sped-up narration, sleep timer and custom bookmarking. Browse by genre or curated lists, check out promotions and giveaways, and switch seamlessly between devices with cloud-syncing technology. Plus, integrates with CarPlay, Android Auto, Sonos and tvOS for easy listening in your car and home. Try today!

I’m currently listening to two audiobooks: one is A Colony in a Nation, written and narrated by Chris Hayes and Only Daughter, written by Anna Snoekstra and read by Saskia Maarleveld.

A Colony in a Nation is really interesting–-it’s one of those books that has a straightforward way of synthesizing information you know to be true in a better-articulated package than you (or at least I) could do alone. Hayes looks at race relations, crime, and the privilege/marginalization dichotomy from through the lens of the “colony” (poor areas, often with heavy Black and brown populations) vs. the “nation” (middle/upper class white areas) and the systems that keep these two communities separate. He’s a good narrator; it’s always a treat when the author narrates their own book (although there are a few times where he tries a little too hard to do the “voices” of the people he’s quoting and I’ve found myself cringing during my commute).

The jury is still out on Only Daughter –-I’ll report back. So far, the plot has required absurd suspension of disbelief–the protagonist assumes the life of a girl who went missing 11 years prior. If you can get past the fact even the twins in the Parent Trap couldn’t pull it off (and they were, you know, twins) it’s kind of an interesting story. If I were reading the print version, I probably would have abandoned it by now, but the narrator’s voice is so soothing (a calm Australian accent is hard to turn off) that I’ve been letting the book play while I do laundry.

With The Handmaid’s Tale sweeping the nation (interpret that however you’d like), I want to put in a plug for The Handmaid’s Tale (BBC Radio Collection) version of the audiobook. Full disclosure, it’s a slightly abridged version of the book (I know, I know) but it’s read by a full cast and it’s basically like listening to a really lovely stage performance of the infamous book. There’s also a version narrated by Claire Danes that I’m told is very good but I’m partial to the aforementioned BBC version.

New Release I am Very Excited About:

This is Just My Face: Try Not To Stare by Gabourey Sidibe

“Gabourey Sidibe—’Gabby’ to her legion of fans—skyrocketed to international fame in 2009 when she played the leading role in Lee Daniels’s acclaimed movie Precious. In This Is Just My Face, she shares a one-of-a-kind life story in a voice as fresh and challenging as many of the unique characters she’s played onscreen. With full-throttle honesty, Sidibe paints her Bed-Stuy/Harlem family life with a polygamous father and a gifted mother who supports her two children by singing in the subway. Sidibe tells the engrossing, inspiring story of her first job as a phone sex ‘talker.’ And she shares her unconventional (of course!) rise to fame as a movie star, alongside ‘a superstar cast of rich people who lived in mansions and had their own private islands and amazing careers while I lived in my mom’s apartment.’

Sidibe’s memoir hits hard with self-knowing dispatches on friendship, depression, celebrity, haters, fashion, race, and weight (“If I could just get the world to see me the way I see myself,” she writes, “would my body still be a thing you walked away thinking about?”). Irreverent, hilarious, and untraditional, This Is Just My Face will resonate with anyone who has ever felt different, and with anyone who has ever felt inspired to make a dream come true.”

Links for your ears!

Listen To Gabourey Sidibe’s Hilarious Audiobook Bloopers — EXCLUSIVE CLIPBustle

EW Releasing Chapters of David Sedaris’ Audiobook Before its May 30th ReleaseEW

Stephen Fry talking about Sherlock Holmes is pretty much the most British thing ever– Mashable

Five reasons I learnt to stop turning a deaf ear to (and start loving)

Audible Releases Alien: River of PainYahoo Finance

I’m new to the newsletter game and I’d love to hear from you about what you want to see in the newsletter, what’s making your ears happy these days and/or anything else. Feel free to tweet at me (@msmacb).


audible six month

We’re giving away a six-month Audible membership, but you have to act fast. This thing is only open until 11:59pm eastern on May 3rd, 2017. That’s right, it’s a two-day only kind of a thing.

Here’s the deal. Open to U.S. residents, one entry per email. Winner will be chosen randomly and notified via entered email.

Alright, that’s it. Go here to enter the giveaway or just click the image below. Good luck (and act fast):

Kissing Books

Mountains of Men: Kissing Books for May Fourth (heh), 2017

Happy Star Wars day! Who’s your favorite Star Wars couple? I have a special place in my heart for Ciena and Thayne from Claudia Gray’s Lost Stars, but I totally betrayed them for a few months with aaaalll the Stormpilot (and maybe some of the Jedistormpilot) fanfiction after The Force Awakens came outOf course I am all about OG Han and Leia, but I like to pretend their story ended in Episode VI. Let me have that. 

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by The Noble Servant by Melanie Dickerson.

New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson returns with The Noble Servant, a retelling of the fairtale classic, The Goose Girl. In this medieval tale, Lady Magdalen is on her way to join the Duke of Wolfberg in marriage when her maidservant betrays her, takes her identity, and sends her down to the lowliest household position—tending the geese. But while out in the field, Magdalen encounters a mysterious shepherd who reveals that not all is as it seems in the castle, and it is up to them—the lowest of the low—to regain all that is lost.

(For the uninitiated non-dweebs who read Kissing Books, you can read all about the silliness of May The Fourth Be With You here.)

In other news, how has your reading gone since we last chatted?

Romancelandia has been pretty quiet (they deserve a break from all the drama!), and right now they’re all busy at RT Convention, but there are always books!

Over on Book Riot, we’ve got romances that pass the Bechdel-Wallace test.

Amanda Diehl compiled diverse romances coming out in the next quarter.

And next: book recs!

I finally got around to reading The Thing About Love by Julie James and it was great fun. I’d (gasp!) only read one other Julie James novel before and hadn’t been bowled over the way others seemed to have been, and I discovered I just hadn’t found the right Julie James novel. This one, about two FBI agents with a history that—as with most histories—is remembered very differently by the pair, is fantastic, funny, and frustrating in the best ways. If you want all the interesting undercover work without the angst of a romantic suspense, this is the book for you.

I just (literally just) finished Rebekah Weatherspoon’s Haven and holy gee whiz. You’re gonna want to get your hands on this one immediately. When Shep hears screaming from his remote mountain home, he has no idea what’s going to happen to his life or that of the beautiful woman whose life he saves. Where’s that fire emoji when you need it? This book requires heat-resistant gloves just to turn the pages. And because YMMV, if the name of the series (Beards and Bondage) didn’t give enough of a hint, you’re gonna want to be prepared for bearded heroes. And kink, of course.

Both of these books include a mountain of a man as our hero, neither of whom tries to hide how much of a sweetheart they actually are. So if that’s your thing, you’ll want to mainline these back to back.

And per usual, some books out now and coming soon:

Concourse, Santino Hassell

Necessary Medicine, MK York

Seized by Seduction, Brenda Jackson

To Me I Wed, KM Jackson

The Librarian and the Spy, Susan Mann

Dating the Undead, Juliet Lyons

Bombshell, CD Reiss

Love Me Again, Jaci Burton

Crazy for You, Rina Gray (5/ 8)

Deadmen Walking, Sherrilyn Kenyon (5/9)

The Girl Who Knew Too Much, Amanda Quick (5/9)

Lethal Lies, Rebecca Zanetti (5/16)


Time to get back to reading (not even gonna lie about “getting caught up”). In the meantime, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback or just want to say hi!

Until next time, m’loves!

Unusual Suspects

Mystery/Thrillers For Shakespeare Lovers, and More!

Hello fellow mystery fans! Family Councils Ontario has created a reading program for Long-Term Care Homes and if they pick their books wisely this could turn into some awesome mystery party events–just sayin’!

Nevertheless, she persisted!

Murder Between the Lines by (Kitty Weeks Mystery #2) by Radha Vatsal: I adore Capability “Kitty” Weeks and her persistence to live her life as she chooses. While she’s finally gotten the writing job she wants she’s always pushing for more, and to actually be treated as a proper journalist—something believed only men can be in the early 1900s. (Good luck getting Kitty to stand down!) After visiting an all girls school for a writing assignment Kitty finds herself needing to dig deeper into the death of one of the girls since she’s unable to accept the sleepwalking explanation. Set in N.Y. at the beginning of WWII the novel is filled with historical facts and puts Kitty into women’s suffrage events, visits from President Wilson, and even has her looking into Thomas Edison’s battery invention. I’m looking forward to more of this series!

James Patterson plans to write a true crime book about Aaron Hernandez, the former NFL star who took his own life while serving life in prison.

Even though I must solve everything I loved this quote in The New York Times article In Praise of Agatha Christie’s Accidental Sleuths by Radhika Jones: “I never tried to piece together the clues. I vastly preferred to hear it from Hercule Poirot or Jane Marple. Why spend time with such endearing, clever characters if you’re not going to let them do their job?”


Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott: When I read too many disappointing or problematic books in a row I usually try to pick up a fun book to wash my brain clean and Pretty Fierce delivered! Kai’s parents are contract killers who’ve raised her around the world as they moved from job to job–that is until a job goes very wrong and Kai ends up orphaned and living with strangers. She’s also finally attending high school and has a boyfriend she loves to pieces, which is of course when the past comes back for her. It seems there are people out to kill (?) kidnap (?) clearly cause Kai harm and since she still doesn’t know what her parents last job was nor what happened to them she has to find out who is after her in order to stay safe. And her boyfriend is coming along for the action-packed ride because let’s just say those two haven’t been very honest with each other and they’ve got some stuff to work out while trying to stay alive. I can totally see this being adapted into a CW series starring Aimee Carrero kicking ass.

Emil Ferris’ unique and clever mystery graphic novel My Favorite Thing is Monsters created a four studio bidding battle for the screen rights. Sony won.

For Shakespeare Lovers:

If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio: Ever wanted to solve a murder while being submersed in Shakespeare’s words? Have I got a book for you! Seven students attending Dellecher Classical Conservatory as Shakespeare actors have bonded and created a click as they eat, sleep, breathe Shakespeare–that is until a real life tragedy! The novel starts with Oliver being released from jail and a detective coming to ask if he’ll now finally reveal what really happened ten years ago at the Conservatory. As Oliver finally tells what led to the tragedy, and the roles each student played before and after, you’ll wonder how much is life imitating art and vice versa… This one had a type of ending that I love–but I can’t tell you.

And if you’ve been dying to get your hands on Paula Hawkins’ Into the Water it is now out in the wild! If you’re a must-read-before-the-adaptation reader DreamWorks Pictures is already working on the film so times a ticking.



On Book Riot: Since mystery fans are usually fans of plot twists here are 100 must-read novels with twists!

And Amanda Nelson, Jenn Northington, and Katie McLain did a special mystery/thrillers themed Get Booked podcast!

I have to go shopping now:

If you’ve always wanted a Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine bag dreams do come true!

Until next time, keep investigating! And in the meantime come talk books with me on Twitter and Litsy— you can find me under Jamie Canaves.

Level up your reading life with Book Riot Insiders! We’ve got exclusive content and goodness for subscribers, including a new releases calendar, an Insiders-only forum, and more. Join us! 

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In The Club

In The Club May 3

Welcome back to In The Club, a newsletter of resources to keep your book group well-met and well-read.

This newsletter is sponsored by The Widow of Wall Street by Randy Susan Meyers.

The Widow of Wall Street cover A provocative new novel by bestselling author Randy Susan Meyers about the seemingly blind love of a wife for her husband as he conquers Wall Street, and her extraordinary, perhaps foolish, loyalty during his precipitous fall.

When Phoebe learns her husband’s triumph and vast reach rests on an elaborate Ponzi scheme her world unravels. Her children refuse to see her if she remains at their father’s side, but abandoning him feels cruel and impossible.

From penthouse to prison, Randy Susan Meyers’s latest novel exposes a woman struggling to survive and then redefine her life as her world crumbles.

Books for your mama: Bustle breaks down how to put together a successful mother-daughter book club. We get questions about this so regularly on Get Booked, I felt like there might already be some of you trying this and many more interested. And section 5, on choosing your books, has some great methods that would work with any kind of book club — I had never heard the 5-3-1 Method before, but I dig it.

OMG, so awkward. Sharifah talks about awkward book club moments, whether it’s you or the person sitting across from you, and she had me cracking up with this video. Be prepared for some realtalk!

Want to get more calendrical with your group’s choices? Here are 50 fictional literary dates to tie into, courtesy of Lithub.

Get out the popcorn: Casey has five great lesbian movies based on books for your consideration. Whether you’re doing a page-to-screen book club or just need some good books to discuss, she’s got you covered.

Every villain is the hero of their own story. And to prove it, the B&N blog has five (debatably delightful) disturbing narrators for you.

And now for this week’s Read Harder Challenge recommendations! Here are round-ups of themed lists for a couple tasks, plus a shout-out each to a personal favorite.

For: read an LGBTQ romance novel (courtesy of Sarah MacLean)

For Real by Alexis HallFor Real by Alexis Hall, which is an incredibly sweet and incredibly dirty romance that made me cry and/or blush depending on the page. Talking points include May/December romances, BDSM, and how we recover when we get lost.
5 Authors To Get You Started in M/M Romance
Romance beyond gay and lesbian
A (Semi) Comprehensive Guide to LGBTQ+ Romance
Lesbian Romance Novels

For: read a book published between 1900 and 1950.

We by Yevgeny ZamyatinWe by Yevgeny Zamyatin, which came before 1984 and starts with the premise that happiness is more important than freedom. It’s a classic.
– Books That Shaped America: 1900 to 1950
Best Children’s Books: 1900 to 1950
Popular 1900s to 1950s books on Goodreads



More Resources: 
– Our Book Group In A Box guide
– List your group on the Book Group Resources page