Well folks, the world sucks. At least we have romance.
We have things like this bit of amazingness to look forward to. I mean, we have to wait until March, but in the meantime, we get to look at all that sexiness anytime we want.
Sponsored by PageHabit – Get FREE SHIPPING on your first box with code “RIOT”.
PageHabit offers a monthly ROMANCE book box curated and annotated by acclaimed authors for the most diehard bookworms. Each box comes with an exclusive, author-annotated new release, a written letter from the author, a bonus short story, fun bookish goods and instant membership into an active online book community of over 20,000 members. Take a peek at our past featured authors and titles; September’s featured book is perfect for those who like their romance novels with a side of crime.
Get FREE SHIPPING on your first box with code “RIOT”.
And we have romance bookstores! It’s never not the time to remind you that The Ripped Bodice exists, and they have a Patreon! (Also, if you ever have the opportunity to make the pilgrimage to Culver City, take it. They are so nice and the store is wonderful. And yes, you will be overwhelmed with choices and paralized by indecision. It’s a store almost completely comprised of romance. The hard choices will be made and you’ll be wandering back and forth for hours.)
Also, PassionFlix has officially launched! Not only can you watch some old favorites, but their first original, Hollywood Dirt, has launched! And if you’re like me, you might want to read the source material.
Have you seen Danielle Steel’s desk? Oh my wow.
It’s time for a new round of Avon Addicts! It’s a bit of a harrowing process, but you get some serious goodies if you’re selected.
Have you watched the Fifty Shades Freed trailer yet?
Dudes. Bluewater Bay is ending in December after over 20 books. Twenty. How did I look up fromBurnt Toast B&B and see that there were suddenly a score more books?
PS. What do you collect? I’ll bet it’s not these. (PS, Rebecca Romney is one of my all time crushes and now I need to start some kind of romance collection that will win me this award just so I can meet her.)
Tweet thread of the week: Olivia breaks it down.
Over on Book Riot
Get recommended by awesome authors: we just launched our newest podcast, Recommended! Listen to interesting people talk about books that matter to them. The first episode has authors Samantha Irby and Robin Sloan pitching two all-time favorites. Go find out what they are in Episode 1. Episode 2 is available too!
Google Search will show you ebooks available in your library now. Have you tried it out?
And don’t forget, you can always check out the Romance/Erotica tag on the Book Riot site to go back and read stuff you might have missed, all the way back to the start!
How about some book deals?
Stay Until Dawn
by Jamie Pope is 1.99 right now!
Bella and the Beast by Olivia Drake is 2.99.
Loretta Chase’s Dukes Prefer Blondes is 1.99.
The second book in Rachel Van Dyken’s Curious Liaisons series, Cheater’s Regret, is 1.99.
Carla Burgess’s romantic comedy Stuck with You is 1.99 too!
And now, recs!
It’s Bi Visibility Week, but I have trouble making choices, so you get this instead of my regular two or three recs.
Santino Hassell: Illegal Contact, Sunset Park
Whether you’re into football players or foulmouthed potheads, Santino Hassell can write the bi hero of your dreams. I lean quite a bit further towards Raymond Rodriguez, but both heroes claim bisexuality and have some wonderful times falling in love.
Elyse Springer: Thaw and Heat Wave
These two books in the Seasons of Love series are fabulous stories of women in lust and in love, and Thaw gives us some bonus ace rep.
KJ Charles: A Fashionable Indulgence, An Unnatural Vice
KJ Charles does historical romance spectacularly, and takes us into a London world most Regency authors don’t go for. These two are books in different series, but are equally entertaining. An Unnatural Vice is the second in a series, but you can read it on its own; that said, An Unseen Attraction is also great and features an Indo-British hero.
Rebekah Weatherspoon: So Sweet
Take a fat, sex positive heroine, give her a sugar daddy, and watch the flames. It’s the first in a novella trilogy, so get ready for all the sweet sexy fun.
Cat Sebastian: The Lawrence Browne Affair
While also the second in a series (and you should definitely read The Soldier’s Scoundrel), you can definitely enjoy this on its own. Georgie and Radnor are just wonderful.
AM Arthur: Hot Licks
I know, you say. Jess keeps telling me to read books in the middle or at the end of a series. But thing is, this is one of my favorite same-sex OT3s, and features a demisexual hero and a pansexual hero.
Alisha Rai: A Gentleman in the Street
Goddamn, this book. Akira Mori is the shit. She’s confident, rich, talented, and open to pretty much anything in the bedroom. And Jacob Campbell is into all of that.
Megan Mulry: the whole Regency Reimagined series (starting with Bound to Be a Groom)
These books are cotton candy, hot chocolate, and good pho all wrapped in awesome, sexy stories.
New and upcoming releases!
Acting on Impulse
by Mia Sosa
Sizzling Desire by Kayla Perrin
The Heat Between Us by Cheris Hodges
Covet by Yolande Kleinn
The Scoundrel and the Lady by Robin DeHart
The Love Song of Sawyer Bell by Avon Gale
His Perfect Partner by Priscilla Oliveras
In Her Court by Tamsen Parker
That’s probably enough for now, huh? In the meantime, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at jessica@riotnewmedia.com if you’ve got feedback or just want to say hi!