Riot Rundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by Audiobooks and Pear Press.

Just released in audiobook, from the popular New York Times bestselling author of Brain Rules, John Medina’s Brain Rules for Aging Well (hardcover release is October 3rd) shares how you can make the most of the years you have left through fascinating stories of how to remain vital, happy and sharp. Written and narrated with an infectious sense of humor, Medina breathes life into the science and delivers a book destined to be a classic on aging. Enjoy this free audiobook through for a limited time.

The Goods

Always Be Closing

Time to do the last-chance dance! Today is the last day to preorder your limited-edition Always Be Closing tee. Don’t miss out.

Today In Books

THE ART OF FIELDING Author Faces Copyright Suit: Today in Books

The Art of Fielding Author Sued Over Copyright Infringement

Charles Green, a former college baseball player, is suing best-selling The Art of Fielding author Chad Harbach. Green alleges that Harbach copied many elements of his manuscript, Bucky’s 9th, including “the specific climax and denouement.” According to Green, the screenplay, which was later reworked into a novel, was shared widely among publishing and entertainment professionals, which is when he believes Harbach had the opportunity to pounce. Only time and an expensive lawsuit will tell.

Clinton’s Memoir Sees Highest Nonfiction Opening In 5 Years

Hillary Clinton’s memoir What Happened sold 300,000 copies, and the book’s hardcover sales made it the highest opening for a nonfiction release in five years. Divisive as the book may seem, based on the rating incident where Amazon had to bulk remove polarizing (mostly negative) reviews from reviewers who were not verified purchasers, readers are buying up those copies. Sales exceeded first week numbers for her 2014 book Hard Choices.

Racist Trolls Will Never Stop Whining About Black Hermione

Racist trolls lost their lids when illustrator Anoosha Syed posted a depiction of Hermione Granger as a black girl. Syed pointed out that the books never stated Hermione or Harry’s race (Harry was depicted with a darker skin tone, and trolls took offense to that as well), and that she can draw WTF she wants. Syed drew the characters as she imagined them. She was shocked by the backlash, but the artistic community and people who heard about the attacks showed up to support her online.

Thank you to The Summer That Made Us by Robyn Carr for sponsoring today’s newsletter.

Robyn Carr has crafted a beautifully woven story about the complexities of family dynamics and the value of strong female relationships.

For the Hempsteads summers were idyllic at the family house on Lake Waseka. The lake was a magical place, a haven where they were happy and carefree. Until the summer that changed everything.

After an accidental drowning turned the lake house into a site of tragedy and grief, it was closed up. But one woman is determined to draw her family together again, and the only way that can happen is to return to the lake and face the truth.


Back-to-School Audiobooks

Hey there, audiobook lovers!

I love summer as much as the next gal but early fall always inspires a little school-related nostalgia. This year it’s particularly intense, as I just visited my alma mater (Oberlin College! woo woo!!) for the first time since my graduation ten years ago. I wandered through Tappan Square, browsed books and school supplies at the Oberlin College Bookstore, and felt very, very old. So this week, we’ve got a list of books set at college or boarding school. These are just a few of my favorites but if you’ve got additional suggestions, hit me up on Twitter and tell me what to read (or listen to!) next.

Sponsored by OverDrive

Meet Libby, a new app built with love for readers to discover and enjoy eBooks and audiobooks from your library. Created by OverDrive and inspired by library users, Libby was designed to get people reading as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Libby is a one-tap reading app for your library who is a good friend always ready to go to the library with you. One-tap to borrow, one-tap to read, and one-tap to return to your library or bookshelf to begin your next great book.

Back-to-School Audiobooks

Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart

This is one of my favorite books in the whole world and has inspired many a boarding school-themed booklist in my day. It’s not just the boarding school that makes this book special, though– it’s the kickass protagonist Frankie Landau-Banks. During the summer between her Freshman and Sophomore years of high school, Frankie went from awkward duckling to super hot swan. Which is silly to even think about, she knows, because she’s still the same old Frankie. When dreamy senior Matthew Livingston takes notice of the new Frankie, however, Ms. L-B begins to see the perks of her new image.

Except. Except even though Matthew is her boyfriend now, he’s not being totally honest with her. Because Matthew Livingston is part of a long-heralded secret society at Alabaster Prep, The Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds. An all-male secret society. Barred from the club because of her gender and kept on the sidelines of Matthew’s world, Frankie decides to take matters into her own hands. And Alabaster Prep will never be the same.

Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld

Lee Fiora is the only student at the prestigious Ault School in Massachusetts from South Bend, Indiana, and she’s very aware of that fact. Now a senior, Lee understands how to navigate the school, though she never quite feels like she fits in. “Ultimately, Lee’s experiences–complicated relationships with teachers; intense friendships with other girls; an all-consuming preoccupation with a classmate who is less than a boyfriend and more than a crush; conflicts with her parents, from whom Lee feels increasingly distant, coalesce into a singular portrait of the painful and thrilling adolescence universal to us all.”

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

If you’re looking for a book about the halcyon days of youth, this ain’t it. Tartt’s first novel is dark, disturbing, and so very good. A group of students is selected by an enigmatic professor to be in his private Classics tutorial. The small cadre become absorbed with both the material and the professor. Their obsession has them teetering on the edge of sanity with lethal results.


Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

As a child, Kathy–now thirty-one years old–lived at Hailsham, a private school in the scenic English countryside where the children were sheltered from the outside world, brought up to believe that they were special and that their well-being was crucial not only for themselves but for the society they would eventually enter. Kathy had long ago put this idyllic past behind her, but when two of her Hailsham friends come back into her life, she stops resisting the pull of memory. Now, years later, Kathy is a young woman. Ruth and Tommy have reentered her life. And for the first time she is beginning to look back at their shared past and understand just what it is that makes them special–and how that gift will shape the rest of their time together.”

Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton

I can’t wait to get my hands on this one as two fellow rioters have raved about it (the audiobook specifically!). “Gigi, Bette, and June, three top students at an exclusive Manhattan ballet school, have seen their fair share of drama. Free-spirited new girl Gigi just wants to dance—but the very act might kill her. Privileged New Yorker Bette’s desire to escape the shadow of her ballet-star sister brings out a dangerous edge in her. And perfectionist June needs to land a lead role this year or her controlling mother will put an end to her dancing dreams forever.”

On Beauty by Zadie Smith

On Beauty is the story of an interracial family living in the university town of Wellington, Massachusetts, whose misadventures in the culture wars-on both sides of the Atlantic-serve to skewer everything from family life to political correctness to the combustive collision between the personal and the political.”


New Release of the Week

Thanks, Obama: My Hopey, Changey White House Years by David Litt

I’m not going to lie to you guys, when I saw this, a noise came out of my mouth that sounded like… a semi-aroused squawk? I’m not sure. I just know I got very excited and also wanted to cry. President Obama’s longtime speechwriter, David Litt, recounts his time writing for the forty-fourth president. “With a humorist’s eye for detail, he describes what it’s like to accidentally trigger an international incident or nearly set a president’s hair aflame…With nearly a decade of stories to tell, Litt makes clear that politics is completely, hopelessly absurd…In telling his own story, Litt sheds fresh light on his former boss’ legacy. And he argues that, despite the current political climate, the politics championed by Barack Obama will outlive the presidency of Donald Trump.”

If you like audiobooks, you’ll love Annotated!

It’s an audio-documentary series telling stories about books, reading, and language.

Links for your ears:

Hillary in My Head

Slate Magazine

Yeah, I know, I’m shoving my politics down your throat, I’m sorry, but I really do agree with this Slate review of HRC’s What Happened.

Why Audiobooks are the new Netflix

British GQ

I thought this was going to be snarky or something (because I’m a jerk, I guess?) but this is actually a really lovely, (informative!) endorsement of audiobooks.

If there are themes/topics/ideas you’d like to see me cover in this newsletter, please hit me up anytime on twitter or at

Until next week,




Win a Copy of THE THING WITH FEATHERS by McCall Hoyle!


We have 10 copies of The Thing With Feathers by McCall Hoyle to give away to 10 Riot readers!

Here’s what it’s all about:

Emilie Day believes in playing it safe: she’s homeschooled, and she’s probably the only girl on the Outer Banks of North Carolina who can’t swim.

Then Emilie’s mom enrolls her in public school, and Emilie goes from studying at home in her pj’s to halls full of strangers. To make matters worse, Emilie is paired with starting point guard Chatham York for a major research project on Emily Dickinson. She should be thrilled when Chatham shows interest, but she has a problem: she hasn’t told anyone about her epilepsy. Will she withdraw to safety or follow a dead poet’s advice and “dwell in possibility?”

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click the cover image below:

Kissing Books

Romance Recs for Bi Visibility Week

Well folks, the world sucks. At least we have romance.

We have things like this bit of amazingness to look forward to. I mean, we have to wait until March, but in the meantime, we get to look at all that sexiness anytime we want.

Sponsored by PageHabit – Get FREE SHIPPING on your first box with code “RIOT”.

PageHabit offers a monthly ROMANCE book box curated and annotated by acclaimed authors for the most diehard bookworms. Each box comes with an exclusive, author-annotated new release, a written letter from the author, a bonus short story, fun bookish goods and instant membership into an active online book community of over 20,000 members. Take a peek at our past featured authors and titles; September’s featured book is perfect for those who like their romance novels with a side of crime.

Get FREE SHIPPING on your first box with code “RIOT”.

And we have romance bookstores! It’s never not the time to remind you that The Ripped Bodice exists, and they have a Patreon! (Also, if you ever have the opportunity to make the pilgrimage to Culver City, take it. They are so nice and the store is wonderful. And yes, you will be overwhelmed with choices and paralized by indecision. It’s a store almost completely comprised of romance. The hard choices will be made and you’ll be wandering back and forth for hours.)

Also, PassionFlix has officially launched! Not only can you watch some old favorites, but their first original, Hollywood Dirt, has launched! And if you’re like me, you might want to read the source material.

Have you seen Danielle Steel’s desk? Oh my wow.

It’s time for a new round of Avon Addicts! It’s a bit of a harrowing process, but you get some serious goodies if you’re selected.

Have you watched the Fifty Shades Freed trailer yet? 

Dudes. Bluewater Bay is ending in December after over 20 books. Twenty. How did I look up fromBurnt Toast B&B and see that there were suddenly a score more books?

PS. What do you collect? I’ll bet it’s not these. (PS, Rebecca Romney is one of my all time crushes and now I need to start some kind of romance collection that will win me this award just so I can meet her.)

Tweet thread of the week: Olivia breaks it down.

Over on Book Riot

Get recommended by awesome authors: we just launched our newest podcast, Recommended! Listen to interesting people talk about books that matter to them. The first episode has authors Samantha Irby and Robin Sloan pitching two all-time favorites. Go find out what they are in Episode 1. Episode 2 is available too!

Google Search will show you ebooks available in your library now. Have you tried it out?

And don’t forget, you can always check out the Romance/Erotica tag on the Book Riot site to go back and read stuff you might have missed, all the way back to the start!

How about some book deals?

Stay Until Dawn by Jamie Pope is 1.99 right now!

Bella and the Beast by Olivia Drake is 2.99.

Loretta Chase’s Dukes Prefer Blondes is 1.99.

The second book in Rachel Van Dyken’s Curious Liaisons series, Cheater’s Regret, is 1.99.

Carla Burgess’s romantic comedy Stuck with You is 1.99 too!

And now, recs!

It’s Bi Visibility Week, but I have trouble making choices, so you get this instead of my regular two or three recs.

Santino Hassell: Illegal Contact, Sunset Park

Whether you’re into football players or foulmouthed potheads, Santino Hassell can write the bi hero of your dreams. I lean quite a bit further towards Raymond Rodriguez, but both heroes claim bisexuality and have some wonderful times falling in love.

Elyse Springer: Thaw and Heat Wave

These two books in the Seasons of Love series are fabulous stories of women in lust and in love, and Thaw gives us some bonus ace rep.

KJ Charles: A Fashionable Indulgence, An Unnatural Vice

KJ Charles does historical romance spectacularly, and takes us into a London world most Regency authors don’t go for. These two are books in different series, but are equally entertaining. An Unnatural Vice is the second in a series, but you can read it on its own; that said, An Unseen Attraction is also great and features an Indo-British hero.

Rebekah Weatherspoon: So Sweet

Take a fat, sex positive heroine, give her a sugar daddy, and watch the flames. It’s the first in a novella trilogy, so get ready for all the sweet sexy fun.

Cat Sebastian: The Lawrence Browne Affair

While also the second in a series (and you should definitely read The Soldier’s Scoundrel), you can definitely enjoy this on its own. Georgie and Radnor are just wonderful.

AM Arthur: Hot Licks

I know, you say. Jess keeps telling me to read books in the middle or at the end of a series. But thing is, this is one of my favorite same-sex OT3s, and features a demisexual hero and a pansexual hero.

Alisha Rai: A Gentleman in the Street

Goddamn, this book. Akira Mori is the shit. She’s confident, rich, talented, and open to pretty much anything in the bedroom. And Jacob Campbell is into all of that.

Megan Mulry: the whole Regency Reimagined series (starting with Bound to Be a Groom)

These books are cotton candy, hot chocolate, and good pho all wrapped in awesome, sexy stories.

New and upcoming releases!

Acting on Impulse by Mia Sosa

Sizzling Desire by Kayla Perrin

The Heat Between Us by Cheris Hodges

Covet by Yolande Kleinn

The Scoundrel and the Lady by Robin DeHart

The Love Song of Sawyer Bell by Avon Gale

His Perfect Partner by Priscilla Oliveras

In Her Court by Tamsen Parker

That’s probably enough for now, huh? In the meantime, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback or just want to say hi!

Today In Books

Neil Gaiman Gives GOOD OMENS #BTS: Today in Books

Neil Gaiman Gives Good Omens #BTS

We got a first look at David Tennant and Michael Sheen in the upcoming adaptation of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s Good Omens, thanks to Gaiman’s Twitter activity. And he didn’t stop with the one photo. Today, Gaiman continued to tweet everything from an adorable, curious squirrel on set and atmosphere dressed in Victorian garb, ratcheting up the anticipation for this production. I both can’t help but look, but also want to see it through fresh eyes that first airing.

Google Now Shows What Ebooks Are Available In Your Local Library

Google added a new Search feature that shows if your local library has the ebook you’re looking for in stock. This is great news for people like me whose reading life heavily relies on ebook library loans. Apps like Libby have made it easier to search for ebooks, but we all use Google so much in our daily lives, it can’t hurt to have one more convenient way to look up availability, especially if you’re on your desktop.

Honey & Wax Announce First Winner Of Annual Book-Collecting Prize

Brooklyn’s Honey & Wax Booksellers have announced the winner of their first annual book-collecting prize. The winnings go to twenty-nine-year-old Jessica Kahan, an Ohio librarian who has collected about three hundred popular American romance novels of the 1920s and 1930s. H&W’s Heather O’Donnell and Rebecca Romney initiated the prize hoping to “encourage young women who are actively collecting books to own and share that part of their lives, and to think strategically about the future of their collections.” Kahan will receive a thousand dollars, and five honorable mentions will each receive two hundred dollars.

Sponsored by Finding Grace, the chilling new drama from Warren Adler that gets to the heart of brainwashing and its power to corrupt and control.

When their twenty-three-year-old daughter Grace goes missing, divorcees Harry and Paulie are forced to leave behind their newly constructed lives to track her down on a sunny farm in California. Seemingly unharmed, the two soon learn that she is actually in the clutches of a notorious cult. Under the spell of mind control, she denies Harry and Paulie as her family, leaving them to search for answers in the most desperate of places. Harry and Paulie race to bring Grace back home – but will she ever be able to return? How do you help someone who doesn’t know they’re lost?

Unusual Suspects

1800s True Crime, and More Mysteries!

Hi fellow mystery fans! We’re two days away from the official start of fall but I’m already watching Halloween movies and decorating with ghosts. Take that, official days!

Sponsored by Trell by Dick Lehr

On a hot summer night in the late 1980s, in the Boston neighborhood of Roxbury, a twelve-year-old African-American girl was sitting on a mailbox talking with her friends when she became the innocent victim of gang-related gunfire. Amid public outcry, an immediate manhunt was on to catch the murderer, and a young African-American man was quickly apprehended, charged, and — wrongly — convicted of the crime. Dick Lehr, a former reporter for the Boston Globe’s famous Spotlight Team who investigated this case for the newspaper, now turns the story into Trell, a page-turning novel about the daughter of an imprisoned man who persuades a reporter and a lawyer to help her prove her father’s innocence.

A Great Series Set in Ghana:

Death by His GraceDeath by his Grace cover image: blue background with graphic design images of priest clothes, bridle clothes, kaftan (Darko Dawson #5) by Kwei Quartey: While you can technically jump into the series here and not feel lost, there is something–which I can’t reveal because mystery!–that happens which makes me advise that you read the entire series in order. With that said, I love novels that are set outside of the U.S., especially in countries we don’t usually get many books from. Add in a mystery, and make it a series and I’m so happy! This time around, Chief Inspector Darko Dawson of the Ghanaian federal police is looking into the murder of Katherine Yeboah, a woman having marital problems because of infertility. As Dawson tries to solve the case you also get to see glimpses into his private life of him caring for an ill father, and raising two boys with his wife. A good pick for anyone looking for a mystery series to binge and also a good choice for audiobook listeners.

For Your Ears:

If like me you love listening to short-ish podcasts while getting-things-done and love hearing interesting people talk about books they love, you may get as excited as I am for Book Riot’s new podcast Recommended!

Rincey and Katie talk Stephen King and recent releases on Read or Dead!

A Little Q&A: Lamar Giles (I give authors I’m excited about 5 questions and let them answer any three they’d like.)

Overturned cover image: black background graphic drawing of skull and suits on playing cardsFake ID was one of the first audiobooks I listened to, which helped me not only fall in love with listening to audiobooks but also want to read more from Giles. His characters are teens (generally over their heads) who are always realistic and intriguing. Not to play favorites, but if I had to it would be Nikki Tate from Overturned. She is pretty much running her family’s casino, playing in illegal games, trying to get things ready for college, and getting to know her father again now that he’s been exonerated. It’s enough to overwhelm anyone, but Nikki always has a plan, and a stubborn head on her shoulders, which is why I loved watching her navigate her life.

And here’s Lamar Giles:

If you were forced to live the rest of your life as one of your characters who would it be?

It would definitely be Nikki Tate from OVERTURNED. She’s a pro level card player, and world class problem solver. Plus, unlike her, I think I could enjoy living in a Las Vegas casino, if only for the room service! I wouldn’t be a fan of the murder-y stuff. But, you know, you take the good with the bad.

If you adapted a well-known book into a Clue mystery what would be the solve?

IT: Pennywise, with all the things you’ve ever feared, in the sewer.

If you were to blurb your most recent/upcoming book (à la James Patterson):

If I blurbed myself, I think I’d go the hypnotic suggestion route: “This book will make you want to tag @Oprah on Twitter!” ~ Lamar Giles

Thanks Lamar! And because it can’t be said enough I love Nikki Tate!

Lots of Links:

What I’m watching next: Author Harlan Coben’s first original TV series The Five (set and originally aired in the U.K.) is now streaming on Netflix for U.S. and Canadian members. When a missing child’s DNA shows up in a recent murder scene four friends reunite.

Quicksand cover image: blue water of pool with lettering sinking inNetflix has ordered its first Swedish original thriller: Quicksand. Based on the bestselling novel by Malin Persson Giolito.

The city’s medical examiner has been a pioneer in analyzing complex DNA samples. But two methods were recently discontinued, raising questions about thousands of cases.” via The New York Times

For true crime fans: Soledad O’Brien and Ice-T will explore the deaths of Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur in a special airing Sept 24th on Fox.

LA Confidential cover image: dark night car with headlights and police officers aroundBased on James Ellroy’s noir classic, L.A. Confidential is in development at CBS.

According to Max Read at Vulture this is The Best Way to read John Smiley Books.

The sequel film to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo‘s U.S. adaptation, The Girl in the Spider’s Web, has officially cast it’s Lisbeth Salander: Claire Foy.

Origin cover image: dark blue background with lettering and a spiral staircase in center like a shellYou can read an excerpt from Dan Brown’s upcoming novel Origin (Robert Langdon #5).

If you’re patiently–or not so patiently–waiting for the 4th book in the Cormoran Strike series J.K. Rowling is currently writing it.


Interesting Case of Girlfriend Murdering Her Girlfriend in 1892:

Alice + Freda Forever cover image: red background white lettering and black line drawing of two women holding hands

Alice + Freda Forever: A Murder in Memphis by Alexis Coe, Sally Klann (Illustrations): I kind of prefer true crime that takes a look at old crimes like this because they don’t feel sensationalized and they have an added historical element. In this case, it also has the added bonus of line drawing illustrations and the lovers’ letters (although the letters were not easy to read on a Paperwhite-style ereader). If the crime had taken place today, it would be viewed most likely as a jealous and obsessed woman who murdered her fiancee´ when she broke things off–or honestly, probably wouldn’t have happened– but being that it happened in Tennessee in 1892 when the term lesbian wasn’t even in use, there are a lot of things at play. Women’s behavior at the time (including girls practicing relationships for men amongst themselves) along with the look at journalist, court proceedings, racism, homophobia, and “insanity” made this a really interesting read.

More Kindle Deals!

The Queen of the Night by Alexander Chee is $2.99 (Literary Mystery)

Vertigo by Pierre Boileau, Thomas Narcejac, Geoffrey Sainsbury (Translator) is $1.99



Browse all the books recommended in Unusual Suspects previous newsletters on this shelf. And if you like to put a pin in things here’s an Unusual Suspects board.

Until next time, keep investigating! And in the meantime come talk books with me on Twitter and Litsy–you can find me under Jamie Canaves.

In The Club

In The Club Sept 20

Welcome back to In The Club, a newsletter of resources to keep your book group well-met and well-read. Let’s dive in.

cover of You Bring the Distant NearThis newsletter is sponsored by You Bring the Distant Near by Mitali Perkins.

Told in alternating voices across three generations, You Bring the Distant Near explores sisterhood, first loves, friendship, and the inheritance of culture—for better or worse.

From a grandmother worried that her children are losing their Indian identity to a daughter wrapped up in a forbidden biracial love affair to a granddaughter social-activist fighting to preserve Bengali tigers, award-winning author Mitali Perkins weaves together the threads of a family growing into an American identity.

Here is a sweeping story of five women at once intimately relatable and yet entirely new.

Amy Stewart is visiting book clubs, digital-style! You can get a Skype visit and a set of books from the Kopp Sisters series for your group by entering here, while supplies last. Having read the first book in a mini-club with my mom, I can personally recommend them — they’re fun, well-researched, female-forward historical novels with action and family drama.

Want to start a teen book club at your local library? We’ve got a group leader with four years of experience under his belt giving you some how-to tips.

Interested in adding some graphic novels to the mix? Here’s a list of a few that will give you all the feels. Allllllll of them.

Differing viewpoints are what book group is all about. So why not get multiple POVs from the characters as well as your group members? Here are four novels to start with.

Always take the cannoli! If you need more of the Cosa Nostra for your group, Liberty’s got a list of 10 Mafia reads.

Want to read something outside of the Big 5 publishing houses? Even if you’re not sure what publishers you’re usually reading, it’s always great to explore a bit. Get indie-er with this list of 100 must-read books from indie presses.

Spotlight: “Wait, What Just Happened??” Books To Read With A Group

There have been several books in my life I have read with a group, and only because I could read them with a group. One of the beautiful things about a discussion is that you can sit down and hash out what ACTUALLY happened, which can make some bananapants books that much more accessible. Here’s a list of books that are confusing, “What just happened?”, WTF-inducing reads, with thanks to the Book Riot contributor corps for suggestions.

Ship of Theseus by JJ Abrams and Doug Dorst

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

The Devourers by Indra Das

Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delaney

Ghost Summer by Tananarive Due

The Blue Girl by Laurie Foos

The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins

Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson

The Vegetarian by Han Kang

The Hike by Drew Magary

Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

The Man in My Basement by Walter Mosley

White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi

Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin

The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace


And that’s a wrap: Happy discussing! If you’re interested in more science fiction and fantasy talk, you can catch me and my co-host Sharifah on the SFF Yeah! podcast. For many many more book recommendations (including the occasional book club question!) you can find me on the Get Booked podcast with the inimitable Amanda.

Your fellow booknerd,

More Resources: 
– Our Book Group In A Box guide
– List your group on the Book Group Resources page



Penguin Drop Caps Giveaway: Pick Your 3 Favorites!


One of my goals in life is to own the complete set of the Penguin Drop Caps. For those unfamiliar, this is an A-Z selection of rainbow-colored modern and canonical classics.

And so that you can live out MY dreams, we’re giving away three of the Drop Caps of your choice to one winner.

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click on that magnificent image below. Good luck!