Unusual Suspects

True Crime Memoirs, Miss Fisher’s Movie Gets Pushback, and More

Hello fellow mystery fans! Have you heard of this awesome story about Wanda Steward? She was illiterate in her mid-forties but thanks to a Philadelphia nonprofit she learned to read and then wrote a children’s book which was read by Idris Elba for #ProjectLiteracy’s bedtime story.

Sponsored by The Darkness Within by Lisa Stone

No-one is born evil…are they? A lorry crashes on a dark wet road. In the wake of the tragedy, a dying man receives another chance at life – but does he really deserve it? And if he lives, will those around him wish he hadn’t? When critically ill Jacob Wilson has a heart transplant, his behavior becomes very strange. His worried parents and girlfriend try their best to understand his sudden mood swings, but as things worsen, they begin to live in terror of what they might find in their son’s bedroom next – and as Jacob’s personality morphs, so too do the lives of those around him… The Darkness Within is a spellbinding crime novel with a dark heart.

Another Great, Yet Heartbreaking, Memoir True Crime: (Trigger Warning: Rape/ Suicidal Thoughts)

After the Eclipse: A Mother’s Murder, a Daughter’s Search by Sarah Perry: While I can’t imagine how they find the strength to write about the tragedies that altered their lives, I find I prefer the true crime memoirs written by survivors or relatives over true crime written by strangers gazing in. They tend to focus more on the actual humans affected over the actual crime and perpetrator, reminding us that people are more than the tragedy. In After the Eclipse Sarah Perry not only recounts the night her mother was murdered in the room next to hers when she was twelve, but also her mother Crystal’s life. The book is written in chapters that alternate between Crystal’s life before and up to her murder, and Sarah’s life after her mother’s murder. Then in 2005, years after the crime, Sarah gets the call that they solved the crime and the book ends with Sarah’s experience with the trial and finally speaking to Crystal’s family and friends about the past. It’s heartbreaking to not only see Crystal’s young life cut short and the effect on her daughter, but also Sarah’s struggle afterwards being passed around homes and the police never quite believing her that she didn’t know who murdered her mother. Sarah’s look at how slut shaming, sexism, and misogyny puts women’s lives in danger makes this an especially worthwhile read.

Links Worth a Click:

Rioter S.W. Sondheimer had an amazing chat with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. (And he has a lot of book/comic recommendations!)

Also on Book Riot: 8 Great Missing Person Mysteries on Audio

and Google Search Now Checks Your Local Library for Ebooks.

According to Rolling Stone: Ten True Crime Shows to Watch this Fall

Lifetime’s straight-to-series psychological thriller drama You (An adaptation of Caroline Kepnes’ novel) has cast Hari Nef in a recurring role.

Kenneth Branagh, director and star of the upcoming adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express, has also recorded an audiobook of Agatha Christie’s classic novel. You can hear an extract here.

Widower Patton Oswalt tweeted that Michelle McNamara’s true crime book, which she was working on when she died, will be published in February 2018. I’ll Be Gone in the Dark is based on the Golden State Killer and has an introduction by Gillian Flynn and an afterward by Patton Oswalt.

The Miss Fisher movie Kickstarter is a thing and it was funded in 2 days. There is also pushback from Australia: Why we’re not supporting the “Miss Fisher” the Movie Kickstarter.

Former President Bill Clinton and James Patterson sold the rights to The President Is Missing to Showtime to be adapted into a TV series.

Page-turner to Curl Up With This Fall:

Don’t Let Go by Harlan Coben: I could not remember for the life of me if I’d read Coben before (which is not a statement about his writing, but about my terrible memory pre-Goodreads) so I picked this one up and honestly inhaled it. If you need to disconnect and to read a quick-ish page-turner, this one worked for me. You have a detective who has never been able to let go of his past: his brother’s death and his high school girlfriend’s disappearance. Then his ex-girlfriend’s prints show up at a murder scene. (I just realized that sounds a bit similar to his TV show The Five.) I’ll be honest I had to read through more stereotypical gender stuff than I personally care for but this was also a rare mystery/thriller that treated mental illness with kindness which was really appreciated. You get a mystery, a dash of romance, a bit of a thriller with a twist!

A Good, Important, Crime Novel: (Trigger Warning: Rape)

Dark Chapter by Winnie M. Li: This is a crime novel that follows two characters before, during, and after a rape. Vivian is an American filmmaker working in London who loves to hike and Johnny is an Irish teen whose family are travelers living in a caravan. It is not written in the puzzle solving mystery fashion but rather as a crime novel that explores how a boy can become a rapist and how a woman’s life is changed. Watching Vivian navigate through friends not knowing how to help, dealing with the 72 hour window for PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) emergency HIV prevention medication, all the interviews, police procedures, witness stand, and rape culture’s effect on a boy made this a sometimes difficult read, but ultimately an important one. Hopefully it will lead to more dialogue that not only helps victims but places more emphasis on not raising boys to be rapist.

Recent Paperback Releases:

IQ by Joe Ide (Great new series with the sequel coming out in October which is excellent.)

Different Class by Joanne Harris (Literary Crime)

Turbo Twenty-Three (Stephanie Plum #23) by Janet Evanovich

The Sleeping Beauty Killer by Alafair Burke and Marry Higgins Clark

The Lost Woman (Louise Rick series) by Sarah Blaedel (My review)

A Perilous Undertaking (Veronica Speedwell #2) by Deanna Raybourn (Delightful historical feminist mystery– my review)

The Lost Boy by Camilla Läckberg (For fans of dark Scandinavian mystery/thrillers)

The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life by John Le Carre´ (How can the memoir of a man who was a spy and then became a best-selling author of spy novels not be great?!)

Browse all the books recommended in Unusual Suspects previous newsletters on this shelf. And if you like to put a pin in things here’s an Unusual Suspects board.

Until next time, keep investigating! And in the meantime come talk books with me on Twitter, Instagram, and Litsy–you can find me under Jamie Canaves.




We’re giving away a year’s worth of great books in translation!

Have you met Open Letter? They’re the University of Rochester’s literary arm, doing the good work of publishing excellent international literature translated into English. They produce ten books a year, and also run the annual Best Translated Book Award (for which I have been a judge). Famously, only 3% of books published in the US every year are books in translation (and less than half of those are by women)—Open Letter is here to help change that number and to give us all damn fine books to read from the world over. And we’re giving away a year-long subscription to their press!

Entries are open worldwide and will be accepted until 11:59pm, Sunday, October 1st. Winner will be randomly selected.

Go here to enter, or just click on the image below. Good luck!

The Stack


Today’s The Stack is sponsored by TAPROOT and ROAR Comics.

A Haunting Love Story

Blue is having a hard time moving on. He’s in love with his best friend, Hamal. But Blue’s also dead. Luckily, Hamal can see ghosts, leaving Blue free to haunt him to his heart’s content. But something eerie is happening in town, leaving the local afterlife unsettled. When Blue realizes Hamal’s strange ability may put him in danger, Blue has to find a way to protect him, even if it means… leaving him.

An Original Graphic Novel from Roar Comics!
Written & Illustrated by: Keezy Young

On Sale September 26 wherever great books are sold!

Riot Rundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by ACHILLES Book One of the Deep Sky Saga, by Greg Boose, from Diversion Books.

Stay up all night with this “action-packed…survivalist series starter” in the vein of The 100 with “a compelling cast of supporting characters that keeps the pages moving.” (Booklist)

In the year 2221, humans have colonized an Earth-like planet called Thetis. After a tragic accident kills dozens of teenage colonists, Thetis’ leaders are desperate to repopulate. So, Earth sends 177 new homesteaders across the universe in the Mayflower 2. For Jonah Lincoln, an orphaned teen, this is a chance to reinvent himself, to be strong and independent and brave, the way he never could be on Earth. But their ship crash lands, killing half the passengers, and leaving the rest stranded on a moon, Achilles. When all the adult survivors suddenly disappear, leaving the teenage recruits to fend for themselves, Jonah worries for their fate, especially since it appears Achilles isn’t as uninhabited as they were lead to believe.

The Goods

Banned Books Week bundle!

Banned Books Week is just seven days, but you can celebrate the freedom to read all year long with awesome accessories. Bundle our banned books pouch, tote, and heat-reactive mug for just $30 this week!

To make it even sweeter, get free shipping on ALL orders!

Today In Books

The 5 Under 35 Are All Women: Today in Books

Ladies Represent!

I was over here raising the roof when the National Book Foundation announced this year’s 5 Under 35 honorees. All of the honorees are women and three are women of color. What what. The 2017 list is: Lesley Nneka Arimah, author of What It Means When a Man Falls From the Sky: Stories; Halle Butler, author of Jillian; Zinzi Clemmons, author of What We Lose; Leopoldine Core, author of When Watched: Stories; and Weike Wang, author of Chemistry. An all-woman list has only occurred once before.

Today In Adaptations

Marlon James is writing the adaptation of his Man Booker Prize-winning novel A Brief History of Seven Killings. The chief director of the HBO series Insecure, Melina Matsoukas, is behind the series’ development, and she’s on board to direct as well as executive produce the show. James will also executive produce in addition to writing the script. It is comforting when the author is deeply involved in the adaptation.

Enjoy A Banned Book This Week

Banned Books Week kicked off and people are celebrating the freedom to read all over the nation and the web. The Banned Books Week Coalition shouted out a bunch of activities being hosted by their sponsor organizations. Readers are encouraged to participate in everything from theatrical performances and bookstore parties to online advocacy. So celebrate your right to read and enjoy a banned book this week.

Thank you to After the Eclipse by Sarah Perry for sponsoring today’s newsletter.

When Sarah Perry was twelve, she saw a partial eclipse of the sun, an event she took as a sign of good fortune for her and her mother, Crystal. But two days later, Crystal was murdered in their home in rural Maine, just a few feet from Sarah’s bedroom. The killer escaped unseen; it would take the police twelve years to find him. After the Eclipse is the story of a murder, an investigation, and a trial; but more than that it is an exquisite memorial for a mother stolen from her daughter.

In The Club

In The Club Sept 27

Welcome back to In The Club, a newsletter of resources to keep your book group well-met and well-read. Let’s dive in.

A Poison Dark and Drowning by Jessica CluessThis newsletter is sponsored by A Poison Dark and Drowning by Jessica Cluess.

Henrietta Howel doesn’t need a prophecy to know that she’s in danger. She came to London to be named the chosen one, the first female sorcerer in centuries, the one who would defeat the Ancients. Instead, she discovered a city ruled by secrets. And the biggest secret of all: Henrietta is not the chosen one. In the seductive and explosive second book in the Kingdom on Fire series, Jessica Cluess delivers her signature mix of magic, passion, and teen warriors fighting for survival.

The Book Riot contributors got inspired by “fall”s of many different kinds, leading to this list which includes everything from Reichenbach Falls to falls from grace to Things Fall Apart. Enjoy!

5 Under 35 is an award that goes to (you guessed it) 5 debut authors, all under the age of 35, and this year’s list is very very good. If your group is interested in contemporary fiction, buzzy books, and doesn’t mind hardcover, all of these would be excellent choices.

‘Bees’ might not be the first theme you think of for your next discussion, but maybe it should be! Here’s a list of five books about bees (including poetry, fiction, AND nonfiction) that might give you some starting points.

What does membership in 10 book clubs look like? Pretty great, actually, if you believe Laura (and I do). The most I’ve ever done at once was seven, so I salute her! There are also great ideas for different styles of book club — themed, classic, two-person. For the record, I too want to join her mother’s book club.

Does your book club need a soundtrack? Well here you go: seven songs with literary references embedded in their lyrics.

For those feeling ambitious about their fall reading, one Rioter put together a Back To School reading list for grown-ups. It’s full of classics across genres that you might have missed in your school days (or might want to revisit).

Is your group into audiobooks? Here are 11 places to find free (and legal) ones!

Read it before it’s on-air: Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld (which is a contemporary retelling of Pride and Prejudice) is getting a “soapy” adaptation from AMC, with a team that includes an executive producer from Pretty Little Liars. I can’t decide if Jane Austen would be delighted or horrified??

And that’s a wrap: Happy discussing! If you’re interested in more science fiction and fantasy talk, you can catch me and my co-host Sharifah on the SFF Yeah! podcast. For many many more book recommendations (including the occasional book club question!) you can find me on the Get Booked podcast with the inimitable Amanda.

Your fellow booknerd,

More Resources: 
– Our Book Group In A Box guide
– List your group on the Book Group Resources page

New Books

Magic in NYC, Prisons in Space, and More New Books!

Hello, book lovers! I don’t know about where you are, but here in my secret volcano lair in Maine it is SO HOT again. (It has nothing to do with it being in a volcano, I swear.) I hope you’re having a cooler September with lots of good things to read. Speaking of great things to read – segue achievement unlocked! – I have a few for you below and you can hear about several more great books on this week’s episode of the All the Books! Rebecca and I talked about a few amazing books we loved, including After the Eclipse, Five-Carat Soul, and Starfish.

Sponsored by Seconds Acts by Teri Emory

An unshakeable rapport among three women takes root in a college dorm in the 1960s. At midlife, they find themselves re-examining choices and compromises they have made over the years. Sustained by their abiding friendship, the three women move to relinquish past regrets and make peace with present circumstances in order to flourish in the second acts of their lives.

P.S. – Have you checked out our newest podcast, Recommended? Each episode features two really interesting people talking about a book that they love! Check out Samantha Irby and Robin Sloan in Episode 1. Because who doesn’t need more book recommendations???

provenanceProvenance by Ann Leckie

Eeeeeeeee! Leckie has followed up her record-breaking Imperial Radch series with a fun, fast novel of power and birthright! A young woman must regain status and power to save her world, but she needs the help of a thief to do it. INSERT CAPERS HERE. There’s a prison planet, priceless artifacts, political turmoil, heists, and interstellar conflict. It has all the ingredients needed to make this an amazing book! Not that you needed me to tell you Ann Leckie is amazing. Run, don’t walk, to pick it up!

Backlist bump: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie

passagePassage by Khary Lazarre-White

Set in NYC in 1993, Passage is the story of Warrior, a teen trying to navigate the world and the hurdles and dangers he encounters as a young black man. Haunted by the spirits of his ancestors and the demons of oppression, it will take more than the loving support of his family to help him exist in an unfair, yet supposedly post-racial, society. This is a powerful novel that shows just how far America hasn’t come with regards to racism.

Backlist bump: The Liminal People by Ayize Jama-Everett  

an unkindness of magiciansAn Unkindness of Magicians by Kat Howard

Magic + New York City + Kat Howard = HEART EYES. Something is happening to the magic in NYC. No one understands it, except Sydney, a young magician with more power than has been seen in the city in decades. But Sydney doesn’t want to restore the city’s power – she wants to destroy it. This is a fun dark fantasy with a strong protagonist and lots of imagination.

Backlist bump: A City Dreaming by Daniel Polansky

That’s it for me today – time to get back to reading! If you want to learn more about books new and old (and see lots of pictures of my cats, Millay and Steinbeck), or tell me about books you’re reading, or books you think I should read (I HEART RECOMMENDATIONS!), you can find me on Twitter at MissLiberty, on Instagram at FranzenComesAlive, or Litsy under ‘Liberty’!

Stay rad,



Win a Fiction Audiobook Prize Pack!


10 lucky winners will each receive one prize pack with the following (physical CD) copies: The Stars Are Fire by Anita Shreve, Watch Me Disappear by Janelle Brown, and The Shark Club by Ann Kidd Taylor.

With fall ramping up, it’s back to juggling busy school and work schedules with social engagements like date nights, yoga with friends, and book club. Luckily, you can listen to your book clubs next pick so you can stay on top of it all.

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click the image below:

Riot Rundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel from Entangled Teen.

Where harbingers of death appear, the morgues will soon be full.

Angie Dovage can tell there’s more to Reece Fernandez than just the tall, brooding athlete who has her classmates swooning, but she can’t imagine his presence signals a tragedy that will devastate her small town. She can’t know she’ll be thrown into a battle between good and evil with Reece right in the center of it—and he’s not human.

Still, she knows something most don’t. The secrets her town holds could kill them all. But falling in love with a harbinger of death could be even more dangerous.