Kissing Books

Slow Going, But Still Marvelous

How’s your Thursday going? I finally made it through a couple more books and am very excited! Reading slumps are the worst.

Over on Book Riot

I’ve never really enjoyed Heyer, but if you have, Namera compiled the 25 best one-liners for you to enjoy. (Or if you haven’t tried her, see which of her books pulls you in.)

What are your favorite co-written books? I feel like this is a good category for romance readers to really shout out some good ones!

Is now the time to finally pick the right ereader for you?

And if you like YA romcoms, here’s an exclusive look at an upcoming one!


Cover of American Squire by Sierra SimoneIf you’ve been feeling a Sierra Simone craving or just want to dive back into the world of New Camelot, American Squire is 99 cents. It’s a short piece, but looks pretty intense. Sierra Simone always delivers when it comes to it, no matter how long it is. I mean, Midnight Mass, anyone?

When was the last time you picked up a basketball book? If it’s been a minute, you definitely want to check out Shots Not Taken by Nicole Falls. Not only does it have…quite the cover in its simplicity, but it also features something that could only cross paths in Nashville: b-ball and country music.

New Releases

Since last week, I’ve read two books that I’m excited to share with everyone. The first was a bit slow-going, but still marvelous. The other was the kind where I literally had to say “stop” aloud to myself to put the damn thing down to go to work. An hour late.

Cover of Lord of the Last Heartbeat by May PetersonLord of the Last Heartbeat
May Peterson

Somewhere, I heard the words “magical opera” and came running. I’d already been interested enough in the broader blurb to download it, but I really decided to push it up my list based on a lot of people’s initial reactions to it before release. I was also curious about the intersex representation, which someone mentioned just days before I started reading it. May Peterson’s Twitter identifies her as nonbinary transfem, and she throws some of that identity into Mio, the intersex protagonist whose song is magic. The breadth of his power is unknown when we meet him, as he does dirty work for his mother, one of the biggest mafiosas in Vermagna. Her power lies in using people’s secrets, and Mio can uncover them with his voice. But he doesn’t want to do that anymore, and reaches out to Rhodry, a moon-soul who has died and now shares the spirit of the bear, on a whim. Rhodry, himself, has some issues in his home dealing with curses and ghosts, and secrets, but is fascinated by Mio the singer and curious about his need to escape his mother. Lots of things happen and it’s as much a mystery as it is a romance as it is a fantasy, with some nice gothic elements to it.

I don’t read a lot of fantasy, which might be why this one was a slow starter for me. I was very involved when I was in it, but could only read small bits at a time. Except the second half. I got to about 55 percent and just zoomed through it. It’s wildly compelling, and you just love both protagonists to bits. I am looking forward to seeing what else May is going to toss our way…especially because there are a few characters I’m just going to need more of, whether they’re leads in a future romance or not.

Cover of Island Fling with the Tycoon by Therese BeharrieIsland Fling With The Tycoon
Therese Beharrie

I don’t often pick up category romances with one of those “everything you need to know is in the title” titles (not because I don’t like them, but can go just a touch banner-blind to them—I’m trying to get better at that, too), but a: it was Therese Beharrie and b: it was Therese Beharrie. Her stories are super addictive, and this one was no different. Piper has arrived on Mykonos for her brother’s wedding, only to not have a ride from the airport. After some confusion, she finds her ride: the bride’s brother, who has essentially funded the whole destination wedding. When the groom literally runs off during the first of four nights’ worth of wedding celebrations, Piper and Caleb are the ones who have to go find him. Along the way, they make a lot of discoveries about themselves and each other, and only getting over those discoveries will make it so the thing that’s between them will actually work. They just have to get out of their own way.

I have had an ARC of this book for…a very very long time. Longer than I had one for One Day To Fall, which came out last month. I finally sat down to read it, and was upset with myself for taking this long. Piper and Caleb are such complex and wonderful characters, and watching their interaction is so addictive, I literally could not stop. If not for that whole pesky having to work thing, I might have just kept going until it was over. (It’s more than likely that by the time you read this, I will have just eaten what was left.)

Other new books I’m excited to pick up:

Cover of Sweet Perfection by Kat ColeSweet Perfection by Kat Cole
Everlasting Desire by Stephanie Nicole Norris
Love & The Laws of Motion by Amanda Weaver
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (regardless of its categorization in Amazon, reports are actually that it is a love story but not a romance, but come on, look at that cover; and it’s about lesbian necromancers in space—you know I’m going to at least try)
Beautiful Accidents by Erin Zak
Healing Hannah’s Heart by Preslaysa Williams
On the Corner of Love and Hate by Nina Bocci

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

Romance for RAICES is Live!

It’s Monday (again) and we’ve got some stuff to talk about. But most of it is good! Let’s take advantage of it!

News and Useful Links

Have you checked out Love In Panels’ Romance for RAICES auction? It. Is. Amaze. It’s also already really expensive, but there are definitely things for everyone to bid on, whether you’re a romance writer or stick to reading. There’s a set of signed hardcovers with a bonus item that might lead to actual blows.

If you’re in the market for a new podcast, and love #rombklove on Twitter, definitely check out RomBkPod.

This is a fascinating look at how Holley Trent approaches writing her polyamorous romances.

It’s not yet available online, but if you’re in range of The Ripped Bodice you should check out their new Trope Tea.

Things move quickly in romance, and it seems like it was ages ago that we discovered that a woman had taken advantage of Nalini Singh. She accepted a scholarship for attendance to the New Zealand Romance Writers’ Association, having not been a writer nor having plans to be a writer. If she had just been interested in discovery of romance, it would be one thing. But she wrote an article—which I’m not going to link because I don’t want to give her clicks—that was…well, what you’d expect from someone with no respect for the romance genre. But Nalini herself was gracious in the storm, so let’s read about her instead.

I hadn’t actually seen a number, so it was a bit of a shock to discover that Dreamspinner Press owes TJ Klune, one of their best-selling authors, well over 25,000 dollars in royalties. He is just one of countless authors the publisher hasn’t paid their royalties, and we don’t know what the final total might be.

Andie J. Christopher interviewed Beverly Jenkins and it was as great as expected.

This looks pretty great.

And so does this one.


cover of an extraordinary union by alyssa coleNow that the trilogy is complete, it’s a good time to read An Extraordinary Unionif you enjoy historical spy romances featuring amazing women doing awesome things. It’s 2.99 right now, which is significantly lower than the others. If you’re a person who Doesn’t Read Civil War Romances, download a sample. You might decide to keep going.

Have you been curious about Sylvia Day’s new book, Butterfly in Frost? You can get it for 3.99 right now! This new novella, which is part of the Crossfire universe but not really, is her first venture into fiction in several years, and has all of the elements you’re used to seeing in a Sylvia Day romance.


A friend posted recently about people’s go-to comfort reads, and it made me think about what that means to me. As I might have mentioned, I tend not to reread books, so I have a different standard for what a comfort read is. I’ve decided it’s a book I know will be like reading a warm hug, and often by an author I know will treat me well. There are authors for whom I have deliberately left part of their backlist unread, so I can still have something available to read when I need them. They help me out of slumps, make me feel better on sick days, and get me through rough times.

Here are a few of mine.

cover of In the Middle of Somewhere by Roan ParrishRoan Parrish (In the Middle of Somewhere)

I had been putting Roan Parrish’s books on my to-read list for years before I finally picked one up. It was a day I was feeling poorly and needed something that would not only get me through the day, but distract me from my ailment. And Riven was that book. Needless to say I started picking up more of her books, but have been reading them very slowly. The one that has been on my list the longest is In the Middle of Somewhere, which just sounds magnificent and which I am holding on reserve for a really bad one.

cover of He's Not My Boyfriend by Jackie LauJackie Lau (He’s Not My Boyfriend)

Jackie Lau’s books are high-fun and low-angst, and they’re a perfect few-hour pick me up. Her characters are fun, her conflicts are meaningful, and her books are relatively short. I have trouble not gobbling up every book of hers that comes out, but I still have a few on the back burner, waiting to grab when the time is right. The one that has been hanging out longest is He’s Not My Boyfriend, which is the second Lau book I acquired. It’s the second book in the Chin-Williams series, and honestly I just like having the cover to look at. How cute, huh?

cover of Bad for the Boss by Talia HibbertTalia Hibbert (Bad for the Boss)

It’s easy to leave a few of Talia Hibbert’s books hanging out, because every time you turn around there’s another one, and you just can’t keep up. I didn’t come into the gospel of TH until after the Just for Him series has been well underway, and it’s the one I have yet to come back to. Now that I’ve devoured Work For It, though, I might have to let that rainy day go ahead and come, because I want to see what Olu was like in his old world, before he figured out what his life should really look like. And of course, I can’t stay away from her books, no matter how hard I try.

This is just a snapshot of my rainy day collection; other authors include Olivia Dade, TJ Klune, and Alyssa Cole (yes, it’s true. I still have books of hers to read). But the list is ever growing, and I like knowing I won’t run out of that specific kind of book anytime soon.

What are your go-to comfort reads?

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

Kickass Space Princesses and All the Faire Feels

The past week has been…something…on both sides of the Atlantic (and in the Pacific) and goodness knows we need romance novels right now. We’ll talk news on Monday; let’s just hold onto the happy.

Over on Book Riot

Annika has a lot of questions about illustrated covers and their connection to romcoms.

It was anchored in the bottom of last Thursday’s newsletter, but in case you go banner blind, I neglected to mention that When in Romance aired last week, so if you rely on me to remind you it exists…well, don’t because I’m terrible at it.

Have you read these romantic suspense novels? Some of them are a little more on the suspense end than romance, but they have both thrills and kissing, so we’ll let that slide.


a young woman in leather body armor faces away from the viewer holding up a ray gun. she's facing a blue-tinted scene with a firing space ship and a Saturn-like planet in the skyIf you’ve been feeling bereft of kickass space princesses, Polaris Rising by Jessie Mihalik is 1.99. Fighting in the dark, snark up the wazoo, and developing trust regardless of terrible circumstances are just the highlights of this first book in a cool space opera series.

Speaking of romantic suspense, have you checked out anything by Piper J. Drake yet? If you want to check out something I can guarantee is worthwhile—equal explosions and *explosions*—try Hidden Impact, which is also 1.99 right now.

New Releases

This week has been a veritable smorgasbord when it comes to new releases, and I’ve gotten my hands on a couple or three.

cover of Well Met by Jen DeLucaWell Met
Jen DeLuca

What could possibly send me running faster than hearing the words “Renaissance faire romance”? Lots of GIFs featuring everyone’s favorite Captain Guyliner, Colin O’Donoghue. Obviously, I was curious enough to dig in.

And man, so many Faire feels.

Some of us grew up going to renfaires. In my case, it was one of the ones mentioned in Well Met, the Maryland Renaissance Festival (though the one they put on also reminded me of the New York Renaissance Festival, which I’ve only been to once but from which I have basically the only photographic evidence of my ever having gone to one). But we’re getting way off track. Basically, if you love participating in Renaissance festivals in any role, you’re going to enjoy the hell out of this book.

Another thing you’re probably going to love, as a romance reader, is living in Emily’s head. She can be a touch annoying, but it’s great to watch her grow over the course of the summer, to see how she connects the dots and figures out her own life, even as she’s dealing with a terrible past betrayal and the psychological and general life-related repercussions of said betrayal. But it’s not all sad, because she’s got a delightful sister and niece, some rambunctious new friends, and of course, Simon, the Faire coordinator who…might also be a pirate…

So yeah. Have at it.

(I will note that while Jen DeLuca’s universe is delightful, there was a significant lack of POC and queer characters. One might argue that it’s a small town…but it’s a small town outside of Baltimore, so I’d expect a little less homogeneity.)

Cover of Work for It by Talia HibbertWork for It
Talia Hibbert

This was almost a surprise release; Talia announced it about a month ago, as we all thought we’d have to wait for Get a Life, Chloe Brown in October before we’d get a new Talia Hibbert book, and I’m glad to have gotten my hands on an eARC. Which I devoured.

I have a confession to make: I haven’t read Bad for the Boss or the other Just for Him books. I have been saving them for a rainy day, because too much time without a TH book is just a travesty. (How did we survive before?) But luckily, we don’t need to have met Olu in those books to dive deep into his soul in this one. Having reached a point in his life where he needs to reset, be alone with his thoughts and his journals, Olu decides to go out into the country and join an elderberry harvest. Which is where he meets Griff, the farm manager and town weirdo (according to the town, anyway). They don’t start off on the right foot, but eventually they sort of figure each other out. But not themselves—so there’s a lot of grief that each has to deal with before they’re in the right place to be together.

Don’t worry though; if you’ve read anything else by her, you know she treats her readers well. Just prepared for an exhausted, feelings-heavy nap when you’re done.

I also started Lord of the Last Heartbeat by May Peterson, and I didn’t want to stop to write this. I haven’t felt pulled in by worldbuilding like this in a while, and I want to know everything about everyone. I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I’m all in for the magical opera and the moon children.

Other books I’m looking forward to picking up:

Cover of Black Tie Billionaire by Naima SimoneBlack Tie Billionaire by Naima Simone
Island Fling with the Tycoon by Therese Beharrie
Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore (I started but got distracted by this guy with humongous eyes climbing El Capitan with no ropes or anything…)
The Lady and the Highwayman by Sarah M. Eden
Guarding the Countess by Jess Michaels (apparently, the swords cross—it’s a requirement in MMF, you know)
How to Belong With a Billionaire by Alexis Hall
To Break a Vow by Chencia C. Higgins
Return to Me by Farrah Rochon
Netherfield Must Go! By Nikki Payne (Pride and Prejudice retelling with black protagonists, what?!)

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

The Whole FIT Trilogy For Less Than Three Dollars

We’re heading into what for some of us will be a three-day weekend, and I can’t wait to get somewhere near caught up. I mean, that’s never actually going to happen, but I like to feel like I’m trying. Or something.

Over on Book Riot

Natalya got to chat with Kennedy Ryan about her RITA win and all kinds of things.

I waited as long as possible to open Sil’s list of 19 great romance series to start, because I just cannot right now. But if you’re looking for a good read to dip into, you can’t go wrong with any of these.

Want a free copy of an intriguing Brenda Novak book?

Katherine wrote a rundown of what’s happening at Barnes and Noble, if you still do that kind of thing. My main thought: if their goal is now to better meet customer demand instead of selling what the publishers want them to, are we going to see a broader, larger range of romance? My local store isn’t terrible when it comes to stocking romance, but they could definitely be more aware of what people are buying from other venues.

I used to be a page folder, but some random shift happened in my brain and now I hoard bookmarks. And I want all of these.


cover of Fit by Rebekah WeatherspoonHave you read Rebekah Weatherspoon’s Fit trilogy? All three books (Fit being the first, then Tamed and Sated) are 99 cents each right now. If your only trek into Rebekah Weatherspoon’s universe has been Rafe, you’re in for quite a treat with these. The first features a television producer who decides to try a new fitness routine and the trainer that she ends up with. There’s also a lovely D/s element (is lovely the right word? Probably not.) that just makes everything a touch more…sweltering hot.

And if that wasn’t enough, That Could Be Enough, Alyssa Cole’s historical novella that first appeared in Hamilton’s Battalion, is also 99 cents! This is an amazing bit of f/f set in Antebellum New York with two women that you just can’t help loving even when they bug you to death. If you haven’t yet tried it out, now is definitely the time.

New Releases!

So many books came out this week (and I missed a couple last week being distracted by the shinies) and it is good.

cover of Man vs. Durian by Jackie LauMan vs. Durian
Jackie Lau

I told you last time you’d hear more about this one, and I can tell you it did not disappoint. Jackie Lau is the queen of what some would call “low stakes” romance. Here, Valerie, who we met in The Ultimate Pi Day Party, pretends that she has a boyfriend named Peter during a bad conversation with her mother. So when she accidentally dumps durian ice cream on a guy who turns out to be named Peter, she asks him to be her fake boyfriend. And he agrees…because he’s already interested. Valerie, on the other hand, needs time to trust before intimacy blooms—I don’t think she says she’s demisexual but I wouldn’t say she’s not demisexual—and would rather this thing with Peter just be…what it is. For now.

CW for mentions of sexual harassment

There are a few other books I’m looking forward to checking out, of course:

Cover of Training my Heart to Love You by Monica WaltersTraining My Heart to Love You by Monica Walters (I’ll admit: I judged this book by its cover)
Butterfly in Frost by Sylva Day (I KNOW)
Dalliances & Devotion by Felicia Grossman
Nothing to Fear by Juno Rushdan
Flashed by Zoey Castile
Tiny House, Big Love by Olivia Dade
How to Love A Duke in Ten Days by Kerrigan Byrne
Sidelined by Suzanne Baltsar
Handle With Care by Helena Hunting
On The Corner of Love and Hate by Nina Bocci
Bootie and the Beast by Falguni Kothari

That’s…plenty. Right?

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

#BlackRomanceMatters and All The Sexy Fairytales

It’s a new dawn, a new day, a new life, folks, and I’m feeling good. I finally sat down to read another author I’ve been following on Twitter forever, and now I just want to read all the erotic fairy tales.

I mean, uh.

Let’s talk about what’s been happening, eh?

News and Useful Links

The name Sue Grimshaw might have been coming across your feed if you’re on twitter, but if you’re not sure what has been going on for the past couple weeks, here is a good place to start. It’s an annotated transcript of the (twelve minute!) video that Suzan Tisdale posted, defending her actions in retaining Sue as an acquiring editor at her press.

With all of this stuff that’s happening, let’s celebrate why black romance matters.

Have you been keeping an eye on the lineup for KissCon? I mean…I had plans for my vacation funds lined up for 2020 but…that might change.

Authors don’t often change titles months after they’ve announced said title, but sometimes it’s necessary. For instance, Cat Sebastian apparently “revised the duchess right out of” what was formerly called The Duchess Deception and there’s a new title in its place!

What do you know about Naima Simone? Read this interview and try to keep yourself from buying too many things.

Ooh look what OprahMag thinks is worth checking out this year!


cover of the ultimate pi day party by jackie lauThe Ultimate Pi Day Party is 99 cents right now! This is the first in Jackie Lau’s Baldwin Village series, and if you couldn’t tell from the title, is about the ultimate party and all the math jokes. You’ve got a few days to read Pi Day and the follow-up, Ice Cream Lover, before Man vs. Durian comes out later this week. But we’ll talk about that one next time. I have a lot of feelings about Vivian and Peter.


I thought Dithered Hearts was going to be my only sexy fairytale this summer, and then I went and read all the things. And want more.

cover of Flashed by Zoey CastileFlashed by Zoey Castile

Y’all. I think this is my favorite of the Happy Endings series. And not even just because it’s basically a Beauty and the Beast retelling. It’s got messy people figuring out their shit and overcoming their obstacles, and sometimes it’s tied in a nice bow, and sometimes they have to work for it. Pat was the worst kind of Hollywood bad boy possible and now he’s a recluse, having been in a major accident that leaves him still physically able bodied but scarred across half of his body and with some major fears when it comes to people. He doesn’t know how to ask for help, and only takes it because it’s foisted upon him. And boy, is Lena thrust upon him. Hired to cook and clean—and in need of the money thanks to the worst stepmother ever—she manages not to quit on the first day (though it’s a near thing) and they form a sort of truce. Which becomes something else. There might be phones involved but I’ll let you find out.

(Also, that cover bothers me because Pat’s scars are important. And so is his hair!)

cover of Ariana by Ash DylanAriana by Ash Dylan

Set in a post-Apocalyptic America, this is the first in a series of erotic fairytales, and I’m excited to read the rest. Ash promises “an HEA and a lot of happy endings” and honestly, dude delivers. If you follow Ash on twitter, you see his ponderings of new stories to tell, and just want them all now. But luckily, we have a few to gnaw on while we wait, and oh man, are they delicious.

In Ariana, King Devin is the next in a line of suitors who will potentially allow Princess Ariana to live up to her potential and rule her land forever. Because her father was an asshole, he left a codicil in his will that she would only become ruler if she could be convinced to cut her hair and marry. Instead, she’s just been killing the dudes that show up at her door. Tan, Devin’s lover and bodyguard, is afraid that Devin will be the next in an ongoing, endless line of dead rulers, and takes matters into his own hands. But what if the three of them can work something else out?

I’m looking forward to checking out the next book in this series. Meanwhile, I’m off to find more sexy fairytales.

What are you reading this week?

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

Preorder Some Awesome Upcoming Romances

Thursday brings all kinds of things. But first, let’s talk about what’s happening over on Book Riot proper.

Over on Book Riot

Kelly has some thoughts about illustrated covers. While I can see where she’s coming from, I think they’re incredibly useful, even if they do indicate a different price point than your average mass market paperback. Think of a cover like Get a Life, Chloe Brown, and how perfectly that depicts the couple, based on what might be available in stock. (Though I now hold all books with “non-traditional” pairings to the Can’t Escape Love standard as far as book covers go.) I don’t think I fully support her thesis of these new covers being essentially born out of sexism and infantilization of women, though. It’s just one of many ways to market to the American puritanicalist society that remains uncomfortable with clinch covers, clothed or not. They did it in the nineties, too, like when they reprinted Jude Deveraux’s The Velvet Promise and the rest of her Montgomerys.

cover of get a life chloe browncover of can't escape love by alyssa cole1991 cover of The Velvet Promise by Jude Deveraux

OOOH! Sea creatures!

Do you follow non-romance awards? If you do, you might have seen that the Hugo Awards were this past weekend. If you saw that, you know that Archive of Our Own, the largest and most popular fanfiction site, is now an official Hugo Award winner. So when you’re over there reading your favorite Ben/Maddie/Ryn fics, you’re reading award winning fiction.

Do you use Goodreads? Here are some great hacks to using it better.


cover of The Right Kind of Trouble by Christina C. JonesYou know how I was all over Christina C. Jones last time? Maybe you want another title to check out. Right Kind of Trouble is older, but still has that same feeling that I Think I Might Love You gave out. Also, it’s 99 cents, which is less than a lot of the other 30 books in her repertoire (30!) so you can drop the dollar on the first and then spend a lot more on the rest (lolsob).

Book Recs

I have to tell you: I haven’t finished a book in ages. And for some reason, all the books are coming out next week.

If you’re looking to offer up some preorder money that will definitely give as it gets, here are a couple of titles to look for ahead of time:

cover of Man vs. Durian by Jackie LauMan vs. Durian by Jackie Lau

The third full novel in her Baldwin Village series, we once again return to the hungry world of Jackie Lau’s Toronto. Jackie is great at food and fake relationships, and this one gives us both. For anyone who isn’t fond of the smell of durian, this one’s for you. And for anyone who will do just about anything to keep their parents off their backs, this one is also for you.


cover of Tiny House, Big Love by Olivia DadeTiny House, Big Love by Olivia Dade

The follow-up to Desire and the Deep Blue Sea takes us from island vacations to choosing a tiny house on the fictional equivalent of HGTV. Lucy needs her BFF to help her pick out a tiny house on a reality show, but the crew is particularly interested in getting them together. Which Sebastián wouldn’t mind, since he’s totally in love with her.

(Here’s a fun fact: this one isn’t out on kindle until the 29th, but you can get it immediately in paperback!)

cover of Flashed by Zoey CastileFlashed by Zoey Castile

In the third of Zoey Castile’s Happy Endings series, Pat Halloran, once a stripper, is now a recluse. The only person allowed into his house is his housekeeper, Lena, who he doesn’t allow to see his face. Yes, you are correct that this is very reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast, down to him frightening her into the forest at some point. I’ve been waiting to read this one, but I might have to just…go ahead and do that now.

Of course, if you haven’t yet tried out Three Part Harmony, it came out earlier this week. I will continue to sing its praises for the time being, until Holley Trent comes out with a next one, of course.

What are your reading plans this weekend?

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

A New App for the High Volume Romance Reader?

It’s Monday again, and whatever, we’ll make it through the week knowing that at some point, we have romance novels to read, right?

News and Useful Links

Come for the book recs, stay to watch the Keanu Reeves GIFs over…and over…and over…

This new app says it’s for the “high volume genre reader” and I’m curious but am bad at forming habits. Has anyone tried it?

RWA finally posted recordings of some of the speeches from the annual conference last month. I’m particularly excited to hear Alyssa Cole’s Librarians’ Day Keynote (are we surprised at all, or just surprised I haven’t listened to it yet?) but there are plenty of good things there.

Did you know that Romance Sparks Joy pulls together a thread of noteworthy tweets/threads by and about authors of color, queer authors, disabled authors, and other marginalized groups in Romancelandia? This week was a doozy (I’m going to pull out a couple of the big moments that they mention here, too):

  • Marie Force hired former Borders bookseller Sue Grimshaw to be an editor at her press, Jack’s House. This is particularly noteworthy because Sue has proven herself not to be particularly open to or supportive of authors of color or queer authors in her previous work. After some consideration, Sue was no longer a part of Jack’s House.
  • Connected to our conversation on When in Romance last week and the ongoing discussion on Twitter, Melissa Blue wrote about a specific book that did not particularly do a good job of representing a main character whose experience was outside of their own. It comes down to the same thing; if you’re going to do the writing, do the work.
  • Speaking of doing the work—this actually sparked some amazing conversation about what quality writing is in romance. We have this thing about accepting something that might not be particularly well written because Feels. I’ve definitely overlooked some writing that made me go “hmm” because the book had an unusual setup or something similar. Of course, good writing gives me the feels, too; have you ever just put your book down and swooned because of an amazingly well-written or gut-wrenching sentence? Either way, craft is important, and I look forward to seeing where these conversations lead.
  • Oh, and some publicist doesn’t know that there are already bisexual people in romances. Hoo, man.

Not to mention, there have been some think pieces that have been so bizarre and out of touch that I’m not even going to link to them. We’re all better off just not knowing what some people think.

So yeah. Buttons, anyone?

Romance Adjacent Romcom Alert: Have you seen the trailer for Falling Inn Love? I am utterly and completely unironically excited to watch it many many times before year’s end.

Finally, did you participate in Bookstore Romance Day? I didn’t get to participate in all the activities but the event I attended at my local indie was delightful.


cover of Small Change by Roan ParrishIf you’re like me, you might see the phrase “Small Change by Roan Parrish is FREE” and immediately go to buy it only to realize you’ve owned it for nearly two years. But if you aren’t like me you should definitely take advantage and grab this queer M/F romance that is basically the perfect coffee shop/tattoo shop AU. It’s also the first in a series that includes Invitation to the Blueswhich is one of the most beloved Roan Parrish stories (that I have not yet read because I want to relish it someday when I really need it).

If you want something completely different, Eva Leigh’s Temptations of a Wallflower is 2.99. What does a woman do when she needs to hide the fact that she writes some of the most scandalous literature society has ever seen? Marry a vicar, of course…but what if he’s the one tasked with finding out who the author is? (I know, right?)


I have been putting Christina C. Jones’s books on my to-read list for years, and yet I had never actually picked one up before this weekend. I’ll never be able to answer the question of why, but now the question is how much vacation time do I need to take to read all of her backlist as quickly and as soon as possible?

cover of I Think I Might Love You by Christina C JonesI Think I Might Love You
Christina C. Jones

I made the decision to start reading this book after reading the first few pages of three or four other books and peacing out for one reason or another. It had been sitting on my Kindle since my first round of Kindle Unlimited picks a couple months ago (I follow CCJ on Facebook and had gone all heart-eyes emoji at each cover release for this trilogy), and after a week of the author’s name popping up all over the place, I knew I needed to come into this decade.

And y’all, it was glorious.

This book somehow pulled together three of my tropetonites and managed to make them all work here: meet-disaster forms an enemies-to-lovers setup turns into we’re-forced-to-be-in-each-other’s-company-for-a-long-amount-of-time leads to some very lightly sprinkled fake-relationship and what the hell how did this work.

Back to the beginning:

Jaclyn Love is having a rough night, rounded out by her finding a naked man in her sister’s apartment, who she proceeds to punch in the face and kick in the balls. Turns out that’s her sister’s tenant (whoops) and he’s also the vet she has to turn to when she finds a wounded cat on her fire escape. Things unroll from that first meeting, and oh man I have not been this excited about two people who are so openly hostile towards each other in their earliest stages learning to care about each other. It’s just so wonderful to watch. I laughed, I cried, I spent a lot of time reading with a smile.

I was joking about the PTO thing (or was I?), but I might still read the next one ASAP.

cover of The Unhoneymooners by Christina LaurenSpeaking of openly hostile turned somehow caring, I also started reading The Unhoneymooners because I am apparently in the mood for Poor Woman Can’t Catch A Break But Look She Has To Spend A Lot Of Time With This Guy She Hates But It’s All A Misunderstanding, Maybe. I’m only about a third of the way in, and I am worried about this whole setup. But it must turn out okay, because it’s a Christina Lauren book and they don’t disappoint us. So while I’m currently cringing at Olive telling her future boss that she and the guy she can’t stand are newlyweds, I look forward to seeing how on earth they’re going to untwist themselves from this whole mess.

What are you reading this week?

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

Who’s Your Favorite Avenger? (Don’t Worry, You’ve Got The Right Newsletter)

Happy Thursday, folks! Just two more sleeps until the first-ever Bookstore Romance Day!

Over on Book Riot

Do you have a favorite Avenger? Sil matches up a few with a good romance.

You might recall that Stacey Abrams and Selena Montgomery are one and the same. If you haven’t yet tried one of her books, here’s a reading pathway offering places to start.

Animal lover? You’ll love these.

And as usual, Trisha and I talked about stuff, including the RITAs and what romances/universes we want to get the fanfic/extended universe treatment.


cover of a lady's desireAlready read The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics and A Little Light Mischief but still haven’t had that urge met? Check out A Lady’s Desire by Lily Maxton, which is 99 cents right now. Two women are reunited after a youthful friendship fallen apart, and they have to deal with the fact that they’re in each other’s lives. Sounds like a good start to me.

If you’re looking for something completely different, Where Souls Collide by Stefanie Worth is $1.49 at the moment. This is a contemporary romance with elements of magic—the female protagonist, Navena, is psychic and having visions of a murder. Meanwhile her ex now owns the newspaper she writes for. All kinds of fun goodness.

New Releases

It’s been a good week for romance, y’all. Let’s talk about a couple.

cover of Three Part Harmony by Holley TrentThree Part Harmony

Holley Trent

I wanted to wait until next week to read this one, but I have been waiting for this follow-up to Writing Her In since the first time Raleigh appeared on the page and just couldn’t hold off any longer. When said publicist has a chance encounter with reluctant rock star Bruce, neither of them can forget it, even though they left on bad terms. Months later, Bruce is in Raleigh’s orbit again, but this time it’s Raleigh’s work nemesis, Everley, who makes Bruce smile. Raleigh and Everley have their own issues, sparking completely from Raleigh being pretty certain that the nepotism hire is determined to undermine and eventually rule them all.

But we all know what assumptions do, don’t we?

I don’t know if Holley Trent was thinking about Design for Living when she wrote this you and me, now you and him, now me and him, now all of us story, but I couldn’t help but feel the featherlight touch of Noel Coward’s classic story as I read this one. And if there was anyone who could come up with three hot messes bigger than the ones in that play, it’s Holley Trent. But they all come to figure themselves out, at least as far as they relate to the other two, and it’s nice to watch not just the development of their relationships, but their characters. And boy, do they find themselves in some…situations.

cover of playing house by ruby langI also started reading Playing House by Ruby Lang. I’ve been grabbing snatches of it in moments by the microwave and the elevator, and it’s just delightful. (By the time you read this, I hope I’ll have finished it.) I’ve never read a romance featuring urban planners before, and this one also features—because how could it not—a fake relationship. I’m excited to see where Fay and Oliver go from here, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts as well.

Other books I’m looking forward to grabbing soon (or think you should):

cover of The Wallflower Wager by Tessa DareThe Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare

One Day To Fall by Therese Beharrie

Blood Truth by JR Ward

Moti on the Water by Leyla Attar

The Bewildered Bride by Vanessa Riley (did you see my review on Monday?)

Blood of the Pack by Jenny Frame

Unbreak Me by Michelle Hazen

She’s Got Game by Laura Heffernan

What are you reading this weekend?

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

Two Dukes and a Baron

New week, new things to talk about!

News and Useful Links

This is a great rundown of the early history of Black romance.

And one about Avon and queer romance.

Speaking of Black romance, want to know more about Kennedy Ryan?

This made me giggle a lot.

If you’ve read The Right Swipe or haven’t but don’t mind a longer deep-dive into related content, this is a great piece from Ana Coqui. And then there’s this one by Amanda Diehl, her first NPR byline!

And here are great words directly from Felicia Grossman, author of Appetites and Vices.

Also, I missed Jen Prokop’s Kirkus article about eight books that should have been on the RITAs docket.  

Book Deals

cover of The Preacher's Promise by Piper HuguleyAccording to the television that I think was playing in the background the other night, football is back. What better time to pick up Naima Simone’s Scoring With the Wrong Twin, the first in her WAGS series? It’s 2.99 right now, and you can get all three of the books for less than seven dollars.

The other thing that has been playing on my TV while I’ve been reading is Forged in Fire, which has really had me reaching for some romance featuring blacksmiths. While not exactly the same, my first stop was The Preacher’s Promise by Piper Huguley, which is 3.99 right now. Not only is the male protagonist of this book a blacksmith, he’s also the Reconstruction-era town’s mayor and preacher. A man of many talents!


On my Clickup list, today was supposed to be about fantasy romance, but I got…easily distracted by a couple surprise historical romances and a few non-surprise ones that I was going to talk about later but couldn’t resist picking up once I was on a roll. So today, we’ll talk about those (including a couple I didn’t make it through before it was time to get moving) and table the fantasy reads for an upcoming Monday chat.

Here they are, in order of length:

Cover of A Lifetime for Love by Lydia San AndresA Lifetime For Love
Lydia San Andres

If you haven’t yet read A Summer for Scandal, first off, go read A Summer for Scandal! Then come back. This book (which is very short) will do nothing for you, and it doesn’t stand alone. But if you have already read the other marvelous book, this is a nice look into the hearts and minds of Susana and Luis, the Jane and Bingley of this Pride and Prejudice-esque story.

Cover of Unsolicited Duke Pic by Nico RossoUnsolicited Duke Pic
Nico Rosso

Yes, you read that right. I don’t remember where it started, but someone on Twitter pondered over the fact that out of all the dukes in Romancelandia, not a single one had commissioned a painting of his penis. Well, Nico Rosso (romance author and spouse to author Zoë Archer/Eva Leigh) took the idea and ran with it, giving us this brief morsel of goodness and ridiculousness. Thomas, the Duke of Lighthorn, has lost a bet. To satisfy that bet, he must have a painting made…of his penis. Not him, naked. His penis. And Thomas is nothing if not honorable, so he would never think of reneging on said bet. So he goes to a painter who has been unfairly maligned by one of his peers and offers her quite the commission for the small painting. Of course, sitting for a painting—even one so limited in size—means long periods of time together. And you have to figure out something to talk about when you’re just sitting in a chair, trou dropped, right? In the words of a fellow Twitterer, come for the laughs, stay for the consent talks.

Cover of The Bewildered Bride by Vanessa RileyThe Bewildered Bride
Vanessa Riley

Ruth and Adam married young. So young, in fact, that they had to run off to Gretna Green to make sure it happened. But when trouble from Adam’s uncle met them on the road back, they are both under the impression that the other has been killed. Fast forward four years, and Ruth is maligned by family and her community for having made up a husband who doesn’t exist. But when a potential piece of evidence shows its face, Ruth—now nearing blindness after the attack—sets off to find it in the hands of Adam’s father. But the new Baron Wycliff is not Adam’s father. It’s Adam.

This is where it starts to turn. Adam, returned from impressment into the Royal Navy and shocked at his supposedly dead wife’s arrival, is even more shocked when she doesn’t realize it’s him. So in a very Count of Monte Cristo move, he courts his wife as a cousin, the man who will prove that Ruth is the widow she says she is. All the while, he is working to get revenge on those who wronged both of them years ago.

While the fourth book in Vanessa Riley’s Advertisements for Love books, this book stands perfectly fine on its own. Characters from previous books are relatively prominent here, and some things might spoil the plot of the previous books, but this is as fine a starting-off point as any other.

CW: racism, attempted lynching, discussion of rape, ongoing deception

I’m about halfway through One Fine Duke, my second dive into Lenora Bell’s Regency world, and it’s just as much fun as you’d expect it to be. (Also, I keep singing the only part of the song I know, every time I look at the cover.)

I have been reading a lot of contemporary romance, so it’s not surprising that I would go on a histrom bender. There’s still more on my stack, and I’m excited to get to them!

Read any good historical romance lately? (Besides Brazen and the Beast, I mean.)

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!

Kissing Books

“Be Gay Do Crimes 1817.”

What a week, huh? Thankfully, we’ve got romance to think about.

Over on Book Riot

Got some time on your hands (or just a craving for everything you can get your hands on)? Here are some romance series worth marathoning all in one go. Well, not completely, because you’ll need sleep; but you won’t be able to move onto anything different knowing that more books in the series exist.

I overthink a lot of things, like if I can ever read all the books, and how I don’t review books as well as other people. I also know I’ve caused some insecurity in my IRL friends about how much I read. We’ve all got a lot of fears and doubts about our reading. But Kelly is here to tell us how to get out of that cycle.

In a similar vein, Jeffrey talks about owing it to yourself to DNF. I know there are people who absolutely refuse to stop reading a book. But there are so many books. If it ain’t working, there are countless more for you to try. (Especially in Romance!)

And don’t forget, there are always giveaways you can enter on the website! Right now there’s one for an iPad Mini and another one for a Ripped Bodice gift card.


cover of Every Last Breath by Juno RushdanSecond chance love, a lethal bioweapon, and a race-the-clock partnership filled with distrust and a need for redemption? Sounds like my kind of romantic thriller, right? Juno Rushdan’s Every Last Breath is 1.99 right now, and it’s definitely worth checking out! And now’s the time to get it, because it’s a dense puppy, and the next one, Nothing to Fear is out August 27.

And if you’re interested in the “my date is now my professor” kind of story, Penny Reid’s Kissing Tolstoy is 1.99 for the time being. I love Penny Reid’s Winston Brothers stories, but have yet to venture out into her other universes. I might try to get over my “sleeping with the professor” squick to see if I can enjoy this one. It’s definitely bound to be way funnier than Gabriel’s Inferno, right?

New and Upcoming Releases

Cover of A Little Light Mischief by Cat SebastianA Little Light Mischief
Cat Sebastian

All you really need to know about this book is that the author-sanctioned tagline is “Be Gay Do Crimes 1817.” What else do you need?

I don’t know if she did it on purpose, but this title makes me think of A Little Night Music and thus I read the whole thing with a waltz soundtrack in my head. A nice dance, right? I’ll tell you, though: I got to the epilogue and was a little bit in shock, because I hadn’t realized I would reach the end so quickly. Shouldn’t be unexpected in a novella, but it’s really short.

But so delightful.

Back to the beginning, eh? Alice is a young woman, obviously “gently raised,” who is now living as a companion. Molly, the lady of the house’s lady’s maid, is happily living the straight life, no thefts or swindling for years. The women end up spending a lot of time together, as Alice likes to feel useful. But there’s a reason she is no longer in her family’s house, and Molly sees a way for both of them to gain from the perpetrator’s pain. And each of them might get something else out of it, too.

I described it vaguely because it’s so short, every detail feels like it’s spoiling something, but it’s Cat Sebastian’s first f/f romance so you know it’s going to have the same qualities as her previous books, even at a third the length.

Cover of One Day to Fall by Therese BeharrieOne Day to Fall
Therese Beharrie

This book comes out next Tuesday, and you should be prepared to read it immediately upon its arrival. I haven’t read a book that makes so much sense in a questionable situation since The Sun is Also A Star, which has a similar time structure.

Parker and Sophia are both at the hospital, stressed out of their minds due to their family members’ reasons for being in the hospital. When a series of accidents puts them in each others’ paths (the first time, literally), they find companionship in each other—more so as the day progresses. Each has their own reasons for not being in a relationship, but they can’t help their attraction to each other. They also learn more about each other and themselves as the day progresses.

The day. One day. This takes place in one day. And it works.

Other books that are out now:

Cover of Off Limits Lovers by Reese RyanOff Limits Lovers by Reese Ryan
The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai (If you missed my review on Monday)
One Summer Weekend by Shannon Stacey (There’s only one bed!)
Chasing Sunset by Missouri Vaun
Heart Unbroken by Andrew Grey
Reticence by Gail Carriger

What are you looking forward to reading this weekend?

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!