This Week In Books

The Bidens’ Double Book Deals: This Week in Books

Uncle Joe is On the Way

Following in the footsteps of their presidential partners, Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, have secured a joint book deal with Macmillan imprint Flatiron Books. The contract reportedly went into at least seven figures and will include two books from the former veep and one from Jill. No release dates have been set. If you need us, we’ll be over here hoping for a the Bidens will team up with the Obamas for a joint book tour of unspeakable coolness. (Do it for the memes, Joe!)

First “Official” Black Lives Matter Memoir in the Works

Speaking of exciting developments at Macmillan! Patrisse Cullors, a cofounder of the Black Lives Matter movement, has inked a high-six-figure deal (with cowriter and journalist asha bandele) for her memoir, When They Call You a Terrorist. St. Martin’s Press executive editor Monique Patterson won the book at auction, competing against six other houses. Angela Davis will write the foreword.

For the hat trick: This week, Macmillan launched Reading Without Walls, an initiative to encourage kids and their parents, teachers, and librarians to expand their literary horizons. If you’ve seen Book Riot’s own Read Harder Challenge, you know we love this idea.

A Map of Aural Tendencies

This week in Cool Interactive Tech with Questionable Methodology: Audible released data (kind of) about the relative popularity of various audiobook genres across the U.S. Have a scroll and see how much your state digs horror, sci-fi, humor, and more. We’d love to have a peek at the raw data that went into this, but given Amazon’s notorious reluctance to release actual numbers for, well, anything, we’ll have to be content with interesting approximations.

Thanks to Strong is the New Pretty by Kate T. Parker for sponsoring This Week in Books.

Girls being fearless. Girls being silly. Girls being wild, stubborn, and proud. Girls whose faces are smeared with dirt and lit up with joy. Strong Is the New Pretty celebrates, through more than 175 memorable photographs, the strength and spirit of girls being 100% themselves. Real beauty isn’t about being a certain size, acting a certain way, wearing the right clothes, or having your hair done (or even brushed). Real beauty is about being your authentic self and owning it.


Riot Rundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves.

Sixteen-year-old Anna is a member of the ruling class who control all magic through an ancient master spell. But she is unable to perform even the simplest magic. All she can do is break spells—by accident. Her family sends her to Hungary where she meets a mysterious boy (or two), comes face-to-face with “The Rebellion” that wants to use her to free magic for all, and confronts the extent of her own powers. What Anna wants more than anything is to belong in her own world. But she may instead be the key to tearing the world apart.


Toward a Secret Sky by Heather Maclean



We have 10 copies of Toward a Secret Sky by Heather Maclean to give away to 10 Riot readers.

Here’s what its all about:

Toward a Secret Sky by New York Times bestselling author Heather Maclean is a fast-paced thriller that mixes reality with possibility, blending an epic romance with a breathless flight through the highlands of Scotland, the secret city under London, and history itself.

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click the cover image below:



The Goods

Book Mail 4 second push – Your TBR in a Box!

In the mood for a reading adventure? We’ve got book mail ready for you!

In the new Book Mail box, get two surprise books and a selection of awesome bookish gifts to rock your reading life.

Not so much for surprises? That’s cool, too. We’ve saved some extras of past boxes just for you.

Go meta with the books-in-books box, which includes a rad personal library kit!

Get spellbound with the magic & myth box. What’s more magical than floating bookshelves?

Or tap into your funky side with the strange & peculiar YA box.

Big changes are coming to Book Mail soon. Get in on the action!



Giveaway: Marlena By Julie Buntin

We have 10 copies of Marlena by Julie Buntin to give away to 10 Riot readers.

Here’s what it’s about:

An electric debut novel about love, addiction, and loss; the story of two girls and the feral year that will cost one her life, and define the other’s for decades

Everything about fifteen-year-old Cat’s new town in rural Michigan is lonely and off-kilter, until she meets her neighbor, the manic, beautiful, pill-popping Marlena. Cat is quickly lured into Marlena’s orbit, and as she catalogues a litany of firsts—first drink, first cigarette, first kiss, first pill—Marlena’s habits harden and calcify. Within the year, Marlena is dead, drowned in six inches of icy water in the woods. When a ghost from that pivotal year surfaces unexpectedly, Cat must try to forgive herself and move on, even as the memory of Marlena keeps her tangled in the past.

Go here to enter for a chance to win a copy, or just click the cover image below. Good luck!

Swords and Spaceships

Swords and Spaceships Apr 7

Happy Friday, geek friends and nerd pals! I have been scouring the interwebs for interesting tidbits, and boy did I find some.

First and foremost: The Hugo Finalists are heeeeeeere! You will notice some repeats from the Nebulas, which is neither unusual nor unexpected in these cases (Obelisk Gate and All the Birds in the Sky, what what!). If you want a look at how the rules changes from last year may have affected this year’s nominations, our own Alex is happy to oblige.

There are always trend pieces making the rounds, but I happened to see three in a row. Things what are Hot Right Now: dystopiasspace opera, and killer flus. (Not mutually exclusive, let us note.) Dystopias always seem to be on-trend to me, but I welcome additions to the ranks. Space opera, on the other hand, does seem to be having its day in the Sun (heh); Wired and I have a lot of the same favorites, which means you should definitely read them. And killer flus are like little black dresses — perennial and inescapable. If that’s all a little heavy for you, have some talking cats too.

Speaking of space opera! There’s a gorgeous new cover for Ann Leckie’s forthcoming Provenance, which we will not get until October, argh. If you haven’t read the Ancillary trilogy, never fear: this is a new story, so you can jump right in. But you have several months between now and October, so you definitely could read them, I am just saying.

And last but not least, here is a sci-fi short film that I found delightful and eery as all get-out, plus it is only five minutes long: Strange Beasts.


Now for recommendations! Here’s something brand new and something old (because in publishing, 2015 was like a decade ago).

The Wanderers by Meg Howrey

The Wanderers by Meg Howrey coverAmbiguous near-future astronaut stories are also hot right now! We just talked about Spaceman of Bohemia, which I read back to back with The Wanderers. Whereas Spaceman goes unabashedly surreal, Wanderers sticks hard to the science-possible. Three astronauts from around the world are hired by a private space-exploration company called Prime Space (it’s all very Elon Musk) and sent into a seventeen-month-long simulation to prove that not only is a landed mission to Mars possible, but they’re the right crew. As the story — told skillfully from multiple points of view — develops, astronauts Helen, Sergei, and Yoshi each develop a different view of what is actually going on.

There are comps to be made with The Martian; Howrey gives us technical action, company politics, and pencil-pushers as well as problem-solving and astronaut body-humor. But she also delves deeply into the emotional fault-lines of her characters, which gives us some of the funniest and most moving moments (occasionally at the same time!). Helen’s grown daughter Meeps, a struggling actress, absolutely steals every scene she is in, as does Yoshi’s wife Madoka. And Sergei’s sons, oof! My heart breaks. So, to wrap this up, my short recommendation is: come for the Hijinks Involving Space, stay for the incredible characters.

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro coverIshiguro excels at writing books that are not at all about what they seem to be about, as you know if you’ve read Let Me Go. That one appears to be about boarding school and is actually about, ahem, medical ethics (I am resisting the urge to spoil it for you, you’re welcome). The Buried Giant does not actually have a giant in it — ogres yes, pixies yes, knights yes, dragons yes!, but not a giant to be found. For a while you’re pretty sure it’s just about two olde time British people who can’t remember anything, then it’s about King Arthur, and then you get to the ending and it’s about — Well, I don’t want to spoil it, but it wasn’t what I thought.

And yet despite all of this confusion and ambiguity (which ultimately does have a point), I couldn’t put it down. The Buried Giant is a dreamy walk through an ancient England that barely knows itself from one day to the next, and that contains surprises both wondrous and horrible around every turn. From the troubled relationship between the Saxons and the Britons, the role of the early Catholic church, the long-deferred quest of Sir Gawain (who I could not help picturing as a Monty Python-era John Cleese), to the perils facing an aging couple in a harsh world, Ishiguro balances a ton of depth with a deceptively simple style. A slow burn of a novel, this one is for Ishiguro fans, readers who enjoy open-ended plots, and my fellow Arthurian completists.

This newsletter is sponsored by Macmillan Teen.

We have a YA Science Fiction & Fantasy prize pack to give away! Click here to enter for a chance to win, or just click the image below:

The Stack


Cage Match is back! Unbound Worlds is pitting science fiction characters against fantasy characters in a battle-to-the-death tournament, and you can win a collection of all 32 books featured in the competition.

Enter now for your chance to win this library of sci-fi and fantasy titles!

Riot Rundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by Chronicle Books.

Dive into your destiny and learn more of what the stars have in store for you. This brilliant little book is a guide to the future for the fate-curious among us, diving into the meaning of names, zodiac signs and birthdays, unveiling the significance behind friendships, color choices and love interests and providing entertaining predictions for everything from careers and romance to health and self-fulfillment. Truly fortune telling at your fingertips.


Audiobooks!: April 6, 2017

Welcome back, audiobook fans! I’ve just come off a streak of excellent, short listens — Exit West and A Separation are both moody little novels with a global scope, and The Rules Do Not Apply and Wishful Drinking are both eye-opening memoirs by women who aren’t afraid to wear their flaws on their sleeves. And if you’re still in search of listening ideas, you’re in luck because today’s newsletter is full of recs!

Sponsored by Little House on the Prairie

The Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder is now available in digital audio! Listen to excerpts from all nine audiobooks, performed by Cherry Jones, plus the playing of “Pa’s fiddle” by Paul Woodiel.

“The Handmaid’s Tale” Continues in New Audiobook Scene by Margaret Atwood

The Handmaid’s Tale famously ends with the line “Are there any questions?” and now we finally have the chance to get some of our questions answered. Margaret Atwood has written a new Q&A between key characters from the original story, available as a special edition audiobook from Audible. Claire Danes reads the classic novel, and a full cast performs the new material. Learn more and listen to an excerpt at EW.

Take a Bookish Audio Tour of New York City

You can now take an audio listening tour of New York City by clicking on a map to hear recordings of famous New York writers like Zora Neale Hurston, Harper Lee, Richard Wright, and Edna St. Vincent Millay. How great is this?! I’d love to listen to this while actually roaming the streets of NYC, but meanwhile I’m happy to play along from my office in Kansas City.

10 Underrated Audiobooks You Should Listen To

Maybe you’ve already heard of these excellent books, or even put a few on your To-Be-Read list. But what you might not know is that the audiobook versions elevate them to must-listen status. There’s something about each narrator’s performance that reveals just how funny, or sad, or insightful that particular book is. See the complete list at Book Riot.

A Power Commuter Shares Her Audiobook Tips

If you had your dream job but had to commute an hour each way, would you look for a worse job? Or get super cozy with audiobooks? One commuter who chose the latter shares her daily reading ritual and what she’s learned about juggling tools like Overdrive, Hoopla, Audible, and more to keep her audiobook queue flowing. Get her tips at Book Riot.

Odds & Ends:

The unglamorous ordeal of recording your own audiobook, via LitHub

Audiobook listening trends by state, via Audible

The many benefits of audiobooks, via the Minneapolis Star Tribune

Our obsession with productivity is driving the audiobook trend, via Quartz

Alec Baldwin reads a clip from his new memoir, via HarperAudio

Smalls out! I hope you loved all the new links tucked under “Odds & Ends.” If you want to stay in touch and swap audiobook recommendations before the next Audiobooks! Newsletter, you can find me on Twitter at Rach_Smalls or on Instagram at LadybitsKnits.

High five,
Rachel Smalter Hall


$100 Book Outlet

It’s tough to beat good, cheap books. And that’s what Book Outlet sells: a whole bunch of books across genres and publishers are shockingly good prices.

So whether you are a long-time customer or still haven’t filled your first virtual shopping cart, this $100 giftcard to Book Outlet we have to give away will buy a whole bunch of books.

Go here to enter, or just click the image below of some of Book Outlet’s current deals. Good luck!