Today In Books

Here’s the Sci-Fi Series That Inspired Elon Musk: Today in Books

She Used Library Books To Learn How To Run. Next, Sheโ€™s Racing At The Olympic Trials.

In the realm of “wow, libraries can teach you how to do anything,” check out this story about Paula Pridgen, who is set to run in the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials. What makes her story so incredible is that she came to running in her early twenties, and taught herself how to run by checking out books from the library. Even though she’s grateful to just be running in the trials and doesn’t expect to win, we wish this library power user all the luck!

Asian American Content Banner Launches With Valence Media Investment

A new production company with a special focus on developing Asian American stories for film and TV has just launched, and here’s the most exciting bit–one of their first options is Maurene Goo’s YA novel, I Believe in a Thing Called Love! We really hope it makes it into production!

Elon Musk Shares The Science Fiction Book Series That Inspired Him To Start SpaceX

Any guesses as to which foundational sci-fi series inspired Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, to reach for the stars? (Hint, hint.) Unsurprisingly, it’s Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, which Musk recommended on Twitter last week. He’s spoken before about his desire to help humanity keep moving forward, and he sees space exploration as an integral part of that step. Here’s hoping he helps bring sci-fi possibilities to life!