Today In Books

Mural To Commemorate Victims Of Jack The Ripper: Today In Books

Mural To Commemorate Victims Of Jack The Ripper

Hallie Rubenhold–social historian and author of The Five, which finally gave voice to the victims of Jack the Ripper–is planning a mural to honor the women and hopefully draw attention away from the Ripper tours. “Shouldn’t these women also be remembered, in a vibrant, colourful way?”

Impact of Coronavirus On Publishing

While celebration of the Lunar New Year closes many Chinese companies for weeks, the 2019-nCoV, known as the Coronoavirus, will keep many closed for longer. Some people can continue their work from home, but bookstores are closed, and jobs that need printing presses, and trade shows are all being affected. In coping with the pandemic “…more than 75 Chinese publishers are offering free online courses, e-books and audiobooks for the public during the period when people are forced to stay at home.

And The Winner Is…

Hair Love for best animated short film! Matthew Cherry and Karen Rupert Toliver accepted the Oscar for the beautiful short film that began as a Kickstarter campaign in 2017 and was inspired by Cherry seeing “videos of black fathers lovingly styling their daughters’ hair.” And yes there is a fantastic book that is illustrated by Vashti Harrison.