Today In Books

George Orwell’s “Approved” Mistress: Today In Books

George Orwell’s “Approved” Mistress

Today in none-of-my-business-but-I’m-gonna-make-popcorn-anyways: George Orwell’s son, Richard Blair, purchased letters his father wrote to Brenda Salkeld claiming that he had gotten approval from his wife to sleep with her twice a year. “Orwell told Salkeld that his first wife, Eileen O’Shaughnessy, understood his desires and ‘she wished I could sleep with you about twice a year, just to keep me happy.’”

Have Fun With Your Mentions, My Dude

Alex Christofi thought it would be a good idea to go on Twitter with a photo of doorstopper books ripped in half saying, “Yesterday my colleague called me a ‘book murderer’ because I cut long books in half to make them more portable. Does anyone else do this? Is it just me?” And ahahahah you better believe people have opinions on Twitter about ripping books in half. For those who can read digitally, may I suggest this thing called an ereader that holds thousands of books and weighs very little

Amazing Human

Thirteen-year-old Sidney Keys III created Books N Bros with the goal of using African American literacy to empower boys and it now has 250+ “bros.” And he was selected to be featured in the Disney+ series Marvel’s Hero Project. Here’s where I teared up: “‘We noticed with a lot of the families that need Books N Bros, they can’t afford to be a part of the book club, so we started the adopt a bro program so you can adopt a bro,‘ Caldwell explained.”