Today In Books

Libraries Working To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Today In Books

Libraries Working To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Not only have the 59 branches in Brooklyn Public Library’s system reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by 40% since 2006, their goal is to become a “net zero agency.” You can read about this, including the climate-friendly policies they put in place, here.

Banned Books Week And Prisons

This year we’ve seen many headlines spotlighting the problem with prisons’ book censorship–and those are just the ones that got attention. Now, during Banned Books Week, PEN America has released a detailed report looking at the issue of book banning in prisons.

Tom Ripley Cast

Showtime’s adaptation of The Talented Mr. Ripley has found its Tom with Fleabag’s hot priest. I will never again refer to him by anything but hot priest, but for the sake of highlighting news for you it’s Andrew Scott who will be playing the role Matt Damon played in the 1999 adaptation. You can get all the details here.