
Win a $250 Barnes & Noble Gift Card!


Summer reading season is just around the corner, and we have a $250 Barnes & Noble gift card to give away to help a lucky Book Riot reader stock up, courtesy of our friends at Riffle Books.

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click on the image below. Good luck!

Kissing Books

It’s a Quiet News Week, so We’re Talking Recommendations!

And that’s a good thing. Really.


Simon and Schuster released their official statement about Crimson, stating that the market had changed. Which, really? I’d like to see their research. My guess is that the ebooks there weren’t selling at the same pace as their bestsellers, and they cut their losses. That’s just a guess, but I have no other one. What do you think happened there?

Sponsored by The Marquis and I by Ella Quinn

In the latest of Ella Quinn’s Worthington series, Lady Charlotte Carpenter’s brother-in-law put a brothel out of business—but it’s Charlotte who suffers the consequences. After being abducted by thugs, she’s rescued by a dashing gentleman, only to realize later she’s seen him before—with two courtesans! Unwilling to tarry with such a man, Charlotte escapes again…but a gossiper has spied on Charlotte, and rumors spread quickly. Soon, everyone knows Charlotte spent the night with Constantine, Marquis of Kenilworth, and all agree the only answer is marriage—including Constantine. Yet, Charlotte’s abductors aren’t finished, and Constantine will do anything to protect her.

Also, The Guardian published an interesting piece highlighting race issues and the Riptide and Crimson happenings, with some perspective from either Bea or Leah Koch (it actually just says “Koch says” so nice work, Guardian).

The other thing we’re still hearing about is the Audible Romance Package Paygate, which I hope is on its way to a satisfactory resolution for the company, for Audible, and for us readers/listeners. Isobel Starling wrote about it at the beginning of this month, and recently tweeted about there being no change (also tweeting at Publisher’s Weekly to see if they were looking into it). I don’t know what’s going to happen there, but we’ve seen what happens when companies pay enough in licensing or royalties for unlimited romance (they stop doing it because it’s too expensive).  

In happier news, this is just perfect. I want to be a Writer in Residence at a completely random, unexpected place.

The Wall Street Journal asked a few romance authors about the workplace romance in the age of #metoo, and Sarah MacLean had good words. In one tiny space, she touches on the history of consent in romance, big cornerstone romances, and the continuing evolution of the genre. She also links to the Journal article, but since it’s behind a paywall, I’ll let you check that one out on your own if you’re able (if you’re not a subscriber, see if your local library does!).

Also, here’s some news! Here’s hoping that means NYT will actually be worth looking at again.

As someone who keeps randomly picking up books set in Australia (like the adorable Cutie Pies, a recent release), it was awesome to get a tip from an Australian KB reader (hi Kat!) about the Australian Romance Readers Awards, which is an interesting blend of international titles. The shortlist is a combination of books I’ve never heard of and ones I love dearly, so I look forward to hearing the results in May!

Some awesome people got together and did an awesome thing.

Also, Chrissy Teigen whined on Twitter about there not being enough rom coms, and we’re banking on her influence to get that shit done. Hopefully by this time next year there will be 30 announced, all adapted from awesome romance novels. In the meantime, the new adaptation of Rachel Van Dyken’s The Matchmaker’s Playbook is available on Passionflix. The trailer looks pretty great.

Finally: contest finalists yaaaaaaas.


Fraternize by Rachel Van Dyken is 2 dollars, if you’re interested in more after checking out The Matchmaker’s Playbook.

If you’re still in that princess mood, Delaney Diamond’s new Princess of Zamibia is 3.99.

Are the Forbidden Hearts books the only ones you’ve read by Alisha Rai? You should check out Glutton for Pleasure, which was the first romance with a South Asian heroine that I ever read. (Warning: if you have a twin squick, this one is not for you.)

Over on Book Riot

Do you love the Black Dagger Brotherhood? Erin collected some quotes for you.

Dana tried really hard to listen to audiobooks, but just can’t.

Want to win a $250 gift card to Barnes and Noble? Read on!


I started picking up those not-big-name #ownvoices books immediately after the last Kissing Books, starting with one that’s more romance adjacent than romance, but it would definitely appeal to romance readers (especially if said romance readers are working on the Read Harder challenge and are looking for science fiction by a woman with a lead woman).

Jacqueline Koyanagi

Alana is a Sky Surgeon. She falls in love with ships faster than she would any woman. But she and her aunt are both in need of higher pay to maintain their flow of meds for a debilitating disorder, and she’ll do anything to get it, especially if that means leaving her dusty planet. She stows away on the Tangled Axon, home to a darling crew of loyal folks looking for a way to save their pilot, who has her own secrets. What Alana doesn’t expect is the sudden influx of feelings she has for the ship’s captain. Of course, while all of these feelings are happening, there are explosions, manhunts, metaphysical activities, and a spacewalk or two. CW for chronic pain and maiming.

Signs of Attraction
Laura Brown

As of writing this, I’ve still got a quarter left, but something incredibly significant will have to happen for me to not recommend this book now (I’ll tell you next week if that changes). Reed and Carli are both hearing impaired—Reed has been deaf since birth, Carli hard of hearing and reliant upon hearing aids since she can remember. Laura Brown is also hard of hearing, and brings that experience and her experiences with the deaf community to the forefront of this story, bringing readers into a world we might not be familiar with. The two, a college senior and graduate student, meet the first day of class. While their attraction is mutual, their bond is solidified by Reed introducing Carli to the world of accomodation, which she hasn’t experienced thanks to a…less than happy childhood. While the love story is sweet, and both Reed and Carli have some awesome character growth and resurrection, this one definitely has a CW: talk of suicide (past and present), child abuse, non-sexual assault, and addiction. Somehow the sweet and the heavy balance each other out, but you have to be ready for it.

Next up, A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert, which has been exploding in my Twitter feed. I haven’t yet encountered a reviewer who didn’t love it, so I hope I do. Have you read it? What did you think? I’m really looking forward to reading a book featuring a black woman on the Autism Spectrum, something that is overpoweringly white and male in literature, with a few recent exceptions.

New and Upcoming Releases

Wanderlust by Lauren Blakely

With this Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Hurts to Love You by Alisha Rai (!!!) (March 27)

Her Perfect Affair by Priscilla Oliveras (March 27)

Invitation to the Blues by Roan Parrish (March 28)

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback or just want to say hi!

New Books

Don’t Miss This Week’s New Books!

Happy Tuesday! Once again we are being offered up a treasure trove of new titles, and there are so many gems among them! I am most excited to buy

I have a few awesome books for you below and you can hear about several more great titles on this week’s episode of the All the Books! Jenn and I talked about a few amazing books we loved, including The Astonishing Color of After, The Heart Forger, Stray City, and more.

Sponsored by Warren Adler’s brand new release HIGH NOON IN HOLLYWOOD . Get it for $1.99 exclusively with this link:

A clever look into the machinations of Hollywood from the bestselling author of the blockbuster hit The War of the Roses…

When Hollywood producer Zane Galvin’s failed movie leaves him with a $5 million debt and thirty days to pay it off, he goes to unpredictable extremes to raise the money. Joining in on his scheme are Zane’s girlfriend, his gardener, the film’s writer, and the director. The plan quickly turns into a wicked game of switching sides, blackmail, betrayal, and greed. Will anyone come out a winner?

the gunnersThe Gunners by Rebecca Kauffman

In Kauffman’s fantastic second novel, Mikey Callahan struggles to make human connections as he loses his sight to macular degeneration, starting with his reunited group of childhood friends, “The Gunners.” This is a beautiful, funny story about reconnecting with your past and trying to make sense of the present.

Backlist bump: Another Place You’ve Never Been by Rebecca Kauffman

the past is neverThe Past is Never by Tiffany Quay Tyson

A compelling Southern Gothic about a missing child who seems to have just vanished from the old rock quarry. Local legends tell of something sinister that haunts the town, but when no explanation and no child are found, the devastated family moves on. Until years later, when they will discover that some things are better left unknown.

Backlist bump: The Summer That Melted Everything by Tiffany McDaniel

the fighterThe Fighter by Michael Farris Smith

I didn’t mean to recommend two books set in the Mississippi Delta (see above), it just happened that way! This is a dark novel of violence, betrayal, and danger, about an aging boxer who seeks to repay his gambling debts, only to have the money stolen. Now he must fight once again – this time for his life. If you like Daniel Woodrell, Donald Ray Pollock, or Harry Crewes, this is the book for you!

Backlist bump: Desperation Road by Michael Farris Smith

That’s it for me today – time to get back to reading! If you want to learn more about books new and old (and see lots of pictures of my cats, Millay and Steinbeck), or tell me about books you’re reading, or books you think I should read (I HEART RECOMMENDATIONS!), you can find me on Twitter at MissLiberty, on Instagram at FranzenComesAlive, or Litsy under ‘Liberty’!

Stay rad,


Riot Rundown TestRiotRundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by Flatiron Books.

Poornima and Savitha have three strikes against them: they are poor, they are ambitious, and they are girls. This searing debut novel is for readers of Rupi Kaur, as it follows two friends from India to America, who are driven apart by circumstance but relentless in their search for one another.

Today In Books

LibraryThing Acquires Litsy: Today in Books

This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by The Neighbors by Hannah Mary McKinnon.

LibraryThing Acquires Litsy

An interesting development from the world of bookish apps. LibraryThing, a provider of library software and social cataloging app, has acquired Litsy, an app marketed as “Instagram for book lovers.” So far, it doesn’t sound like much will change on either platform, although LibraryThing’s press release mentions a plan to upgrade Litsy’s book data using LibraryThing information, and an intention to give Litsy members access to LibraryThing’s Early Reviewer program, connecting them with publishers for ARCs.

Racism And The Dearth Of Diversity In Romance

The Guardian published a piece about the recent spate of stories circling the Romance genre, particularly those regarding racism and a decline in works by writers of color from publishers of the genre. One of the telling and damaging stories related an interaction between a romance writer of color and a former Riptide editor, where the editor wrote in an email to the writer: “We don’t mind POC But I will warn you – and you have NO idea how much I hate having to say this – we won’t put them on the cover, because we like the book to, you know, sell :-(.” The piece is worth a read for a broader picture of the numerous issues that have surfaced.

John Oliver Challenges Mike Pence With Children’s Book

The Last Week Tonight host turned his attention to the U.S. vice president, reviewing Pence’s ultra-conservative views on issues such as abortion rights, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, gays and women in the military, and bringing up the Pence’s children’s book about their pet rabbit, Marlon Bundo. In response to the book’s release, Oliver released his own book, titled A Day In The Life Of Marlon Bundo, about a White House rabbit who falls in love with a rabbit named Wesley. The rabbits marry, despite bigotry.

The Goods 2

All the Genres!

It’s now or never, friends. Today’s the last day to celebrate your love of all the things genre with our latest limited-edition tee, available in 5 styles for just $19.99.

Book Radar

ALL GROWN UP by Jami Attenberg is Hitting the Small Screen

Happy Monday! I hope you had a fantastic weekend and read something awesome. Exciting news: Spring is just around the corner, and along with it comes a ton of wonderful books and book-related news. I myself have a few great things to tell you about today. I hope everything in your world is marvelous and you have something wonderful to read. Enjoy your upcoming week, and be excellent to each other. – xoxo, Liberty

Sponsored by The Neighbors by Hannah Mary McKinnon

In 1992, Abby is responsible for a car crash that kills her beloved brother. It’s a mistake she can never forgive, so she pushes away Liam, the man she loves most.

Twenty years later, Abby’s husband, Nate, is also living with a deep sense of guilt. He was the man who pulled her to safety—the man who couldn’t save her brother. When a twist of fate brings Liam and Abby back into each other’s lives, they pretend never to have met, yet cannot resist the pull of the past—nor the repercussions of the terrible secrets they’ve been carrying…

Deals, Reals, and Squeals!

little fires everywhereHulu nabs the Little Fires Everywhere series.

Tangerine by Christine Mangan is being made into a film.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society film will debut on Netflix in North America.

Malala will release a new book, We the Displaced, in September.

The Sinner renewed for a second season on USA Network.

Yangsze Choo has a new novel coming from Flatiron Books!

Amma Asante to direct thriller The Billion Dollar Spy, based on the book by David E. Hoffman.

Markus Zusak, the author of The Book Thief, has a new YA novel coming this fall.

All Grown Up by Jami Attenberg has been optioned for television!

Madonna to direct a feature film based on ballerina Michaela DePrince’s 2014 memoir Taking Flight: From War Orphan to Star Ballerina.

a suitable boyMira Nair to direct the TV adaptation of Vikram Seth’s much beloved novel, A Suitable Boy, for the BBC.

Neil Young is writing a sci-fi novel. *faints*

There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins to be a slasher film.

Richard Flanagan’s The Narrow Road to the Deep North to be adapted for TV.

Christine Lahti joins the Gone, Baby, Gone reboot.

Younger’s fictional novel Marriage Vacation being made into real book.

Marvel casts Annabella Sciorra as Luke Cage season 2 villain.

Okoye, Ayo, Aneka and the Dora Milaje meet the Marvel Universe in Wakanda Forever, a three-part story written by Nnedi Okorafor, starting in June.

Cover Reveals

Viola Davis has written a Corduroy Bear book (!!!) and here is the cover! (Viking Books for Young Readers, September 4)

Here’s the cover of Any Man, Amber Tamblyn’s first novel. (Harper Perennial, June 26)

I am in love with the cover and title of Nova Ren Suma’s new book. (Algonquin Young Readers, September 4)

Mary Kubica has a new novel coming: When the Lights Go Out. (MIRA, September 4)

Check out the cover to The Black God’s Drums, a new novella from P. Djèlí Clark. (Tor Books, August 21)

Here’s the first look at Fire & Heist, the forthcoming Sarah Beth Durst novel. (Crown Books for Young Readers, December 4)

Sneak Peeks

Dread Nation by Justina IrelandRISE UP! It’s the official teaser trailer for Dread Nation by Justina Ireland.

Here’s the first peek at Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

These are the first photos of Lila and Elena in the My Brilliant Friend show.

Book Riot Recommends 

At Book Riot, I work on the New Books! email, the All the Books! podcast about new releases, and the Book Riot Insiders New Release Index. I am very fortunate to get to read a lot of upcoming titles, and I’m delighted to share a couple with you each week!

tin manTin Man by Sarah Winman (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, May 15)

This novel was already nominated for a bunch of things when it was released overseas, and now it is coming to share its wonderfulness with the States. Because it’s amazing! It’s a beautiful novel about friendship and true love, and not, as you might think from the title, about the heartless tin man from Oz.

the ensembleThe Ensemble by Aja Gabel (Riverhead Books, May 15)

A wonderful debut about four talented people, drawn together by their love of music, who are trying to survive in the competitive, cutthroat world of musicians, and how their reliance on one another both helps and hurts them.

And this is funny.

Mary Laura Philpott is busted.

Today In Books

Tire Store Welcomes Romance Author as Writer in Residence: Today in Books

Book Riot’s Deals of the Day are sponsored by Random House:


Tire Store Welcomes Romance Author as Writer in Residence

For some reason, Amy Dawes found Tires Tires Tires conducive to writing. A lot of writing. After several surreptitious writing sessions while having her car (and those of friends and family) worked on, the store welcomed her as a kind of writer in residence. It’s a fun, warm-hearted story that is sure to wear well.


The National Book Critics Circle Winners

The winners of this year’s National Book Critics Circle Awards all have something in common. Go see if you can figure out what it is.


James Comey’s Forthcoming Book Tops Amazon Bestseller List

Former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming memoir, A Higher Loyalty, surged from number 15 to number 1 in Amazon’s sales rankings over the weekend. The book, which will be released April 17, seems to have been bolstered by President Trump’s recent angry tweeting about Comey, and Comey subsequent response.




Win a Copy of THE PRICE GUIDE OF THE OCCULT by Leslye Walton!


We have 10 copies of The Price Guide to the Occult by Leslye Walton to give away to 10 Riot readers!

Here’s what it’s all about:

When Rona Blackburn landed on Anathema Island more than a century ago, her otherworldly skills might have benefited friendlier neighbors. Guilt and fear instead led the island’s original eight settlers to burn “the witch” out of her home. So Rona cursed them. In her second novel, Leslye Walton spins a dark, mesmerizing tale of a girl stumbling along the path toward self-acceptance and first love, even as the Price Guide’s malevolent author—Nor’s own mother—looms and threatens to strangle any hope for happiness.

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click the cover image below:

Riot Rundown TestRiotRundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror, Mallory Ortberg. Published by Henry Holt.

From Mallory Ortberg comes a collection of darkly mischievous stories based on classic fairy tales. Adapted from Mallory’s popular “Children’s Stories Made Horrific” series, The Merry Spinster takes up the trademark wit that endeared Ortberg to readers of both The Toast and Mallory’s best-selling debut Texts From Jane Eyre. Sinister and inviting, familiar and alien all at the same time, The Merry Spinster updates traditional children’s stories and fairy tales with elements of psychological horror, emotional clarity, and a keen sense of feminist mischief.