Sponsored by Sleigh Bells Ring by RaeAnne Thayne.
All Annie McCade and Tate Sheridan needed was a little Christmas magic—and they have a week on the ranch he’s determined to unload, and she will always treasure, along with her little niece and nephew, to create a holiday to remember….
Welcome to the Kissing Books newsletter. Hope your spirit is doing well. I’m P.N. Hinton, your companion through the world of romance. Whether or not this is your first time or you’re a regular I’m glad to have y’all here.
While I did miss trick-or-treating on some level, another part of me was glad to avoid the big crowds especially because the last few years I was going solo with the kiddo. Friends we’d previously trick-or-treated with in the past always had other plans; so, we were kind of left out. Not to sound maudlin; it is what it is. Still, it was nice to not be out there with no other adult friends to speak with and watch the kids get their candy.
Things making me happy this week is my new haircut and style. I got bangs which I’ve never had before. So, this is an exciting experience for me.
Romance Reflection
Even if you just lurk over on Twitter, you likely saw this tweet floating around. Seems like this man has hurt feelings because his book won in the Bad Sex Reward. He says it’s because he’s a man and women are overly sensitive.
Based on that snippet alone, this book didn’t win that award because a man wrote it. It won because it is, in fact, a terrible sex scene. What gets me is that he seems to blame it all on women readers. While it could be argued that most readers are women, we’re still only half of the world’s population. Which means some men read this and agreed it was terrible.
So, don’t blame it on the fact that you’re a man as the reason your book tanked and got this award. There are plenty of men out there writing novels, romance or otherwise, with sex scenes in them that aren’t getting this award. Get over yourself. You just can’t write sex well.
Book Riot Romance
This last Monday, Book Riot’s latest podcast, Adaptation Nation, went live. If you haven’t already be sure to give it a listen.
Speaking of podcasts, check out the latest When in Romance where Trisha and Jess discuss the future of romance conventions among other things. There’s still time to submit requests for romance recommendations!
I am in love with this list of some of the best Indian Romances out there.
There’s also this Rioter’s recap of her romance scavenger hunt at a local book fair.
Around the Web in Romance
Here’s a round-up of some of the romance novels coming out this month.
If you prefer some suspense with your romance, there are a few for your consideration.
Even more romance covers as rocks!
Be sure to sign up Love’s Sweet Arrow Sapphic Romance virtual event! With this impressive line-up, you know that it’s going to be a great time.
I think most of us can agree that this fanart, is probably where a lot of romance readers got their first dose of a monster romance.
The gif on this tweet combined with Olivia Waite‘s quote calling out romance scorn as formulaic is *chef’s kiss*.
Which leads into the monthly appearance of someone saying that romance novels don’t need to have an HEA. This meme sums it all up here all around.
As mentioned last week, November is Indigenous People Month, an observation that was established in 2019 here in America. Historically, romance novels haven’t been kind to Native Americans. And there has been a call as of late to stop publishing those older books and focus on positive ones.
There are Indigenous Romances out there to be found, even if they don’t get the spotlight shone on them like others do. This week I’m going to highlight a few romances by Indigenous authors. One thing I will call out is that there isn’t an LGBTQ rec this week. I couldn’t find one I was certain was written by an Indigenous author. And I wanted to be mindful and avoid any type of fetishization since that has been the issue in the past. So, the books listed here are M/F romances.

Lovesick Braves by Pamela Sanderson
Ester manages to juggle all the tasks she has in her life seamlessly including holding down two jobs and being responsible for an irresponsible roommate. Theo is a man who chose to leave the rez life and is okay with that choice. Seeing Ester everywhere, including both of his jobs, is making him rethink that decision. This is the second book in the Crooked Rock Urban Indian series but can be read as a standalone. The first one is Heartbeat Braves.

Seducing His Secret Wife by Robin Covington
As often happens in Vegas, Justin wakes up married to Sarina, his best friend’s little sister. When they return home, they agree to keep this change in relationship from her family. However, their steamy affair continues to bloom, leading them both to wonder why they are keeping their love a secret from the world? You can also read the first book, Taking on the Billionaire.

Last Chance Rodeo by Kari Lynn Dell
One moment may have cost David his chance at a dream of rodeo fame. When his lost horse is found at the Blackfeet Reservation, he figures it is a step in the right direction of getting back on that path. There he meets Mary who has temporary custody of her nephew, who has taken a shine to his horse Muddy. Mary doesn’t want her troubled nephew to lose all the positive progress he’s made and fights to make sure that doesn’t happen with the horse going away. As David finds himself drawn to the two, he is faced with the choice of giving up on his lifelong dream or embracing a new one.
And that is all I have for you today. I’ll be back Monday with another newsletter and in the meantime you can catch me on Twitter under @PScribe801. Have a wonderful weekend.