Today In Books

Egyptian Queen’s Tomb Contains 13 FT ‘Book of the Dead’ Scroll: Today In Books

Egyptian Queen’s Tomb Contains 13 FT Book of the Dead Scroll

In 2010 archeologists began excavating a vast burial ground south of Cairo. Among the discoveries are “more than 50 wooden sarcophagi, a funerary temple dedicated to an Old Kingdom queen and a 13-foot-long Book of the Dead scroll”. What they didn’t know until now was who the pyramid belongs to: Queen Naert (Teti’s wife). Things are starting to look up, so maybe put back the Book of the Dead scroll–just saying.

13-Year-Old Brayden Harrington To Publish Picture Book

Brayden Harrington met Joe Biden during a town hall meeting last year where they spoke about their stuttering and bonded. Later Brayden was asked to participate at the Democratic National Convention and he also participated in Biden’s primetime inaugural special. Now he’s adding author to his resume with his children’s book Brayden Speaks Up, which will be released in August from HarperCollins Children’s Books.

Political Upheaval Books Selling Well

The January 6 insurrection in Washington, D.C. led to political upheaval books having increased in sales: On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder and 1984 by George Orwell combined sold around 49,000 copies in the week that ended with January 16, 2021. For more book data on the big sellers at the beginning of 2021 read on.