Today In Books

The Great Gatsby Hits Public Domain In New Year: Today In Books

The Great Gatsby Hits Public Domain In New Year

The 1925 works that were supposed to have gone into the public domain in 2001 but didn’t—congress extended the copyright term to 95 years—will now enter the public domain on January 1, 2021. Along with Fitzgerald’s novel, Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time, and Franz Kafka’s The Trial will also be in the public domain.

American Indian Library Association’s 2021 Reading Challenge

If you’re looking for a reading challenge to tackle in 2021, here’s a great one: Read Native 2021 by the American Indian Library Association. There’s a reading challenge list for adults and a bingo card style one for kids. The challenges include prompts like “read a book about native food” (yum!) and “horror book by a Native author.” Even if you don’t do challenges, it’s a great list to read and get ideas for a few books to look up and add to your TBR.

BBC To Adapt Kate Atkinson’s Life After Life

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson will be adapted into a four-part drama by the BBC, telling the fictional story of Ursula Todd who in 1910 lives and dies apparently starting her infinite number of lives. Playwright and screenwriter Bash Doran will write the adaptation, John Crowley will direct, and Kate Ogborn will produce.

Barack Obama’s Favorite Books of 2020

Former President Barack Obama dropped his list of favorite books of 2020.