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Greetings from a vacationing me! I’m writing this on the official day one of my time off and I already feel less tense than I have in a while. It’s a nice feeling just relaxing and not worrying about too much of anything outside of eating semi-regularly and making sure that my son isn’t getting too feral. But oh my goodness I needed this break.
For the first half of my time off, we went to visit my aunt and cousin. It has been well over a year since we had laid actual eyes (meaning not through a Zoom meeting) on each other. And with my aunt being fully vaccinated and my cousin being halfway, we all felt it was safe enough. Of course we were still mindful while there. When we went anywhere outside the house, we put on masks and wiped everything down. But it was a nice break that I needed. Besides visiting loved ones, it was also a chance to look at a different set of four walls for a few days.
We arrived on Sunday late afternoon and that evening watched the Grammys and let me tell you, it was an exercise in hilarity when the “W.A.P” performance came on. My elderly aunt was cackling the entire time while my cousin was flabbergasted by the performance. I was snickering, both on the inside and out, because the reaction didn’t go to the corresponding family member I expected it from. I figured it would be my aunt talking about how this is being shown on prime-time TV on a Sunday while my cousin would have just been like “Meh”. But nope; it was swapped and my aunt got a good chuckle out of it as well.
Personally, the performance didn’t affect me one way or the other. I wasn’t offended by it because I know by the song alone it was going to cause a lot of pearl-clutching. Also, the edit they played was super clean because, well, it had to be. But seriously with as much editing as it required, what was the point of the performance?
Bluntly put? Shock value. That’s all there was to it. Was the performance super sexualized? Of course it was…look at what the initials stand for. Did you expect anything less from it? By that mindset alone, I’m sure there were people who tuned in just to be offended by the performance and talk about which in reaction caused people to watch the reply, Youtube uploads, etc. Which ultimately comes down to money. And that’s fine of course; money still needs to be made to keep our economy afloat.
Song still bangs though; so, there you have it.
Romance News
The 2021 Lambda Literary Award finalists were announced. I was excited to see that two of my favorite books from last year (Take a Hint, Dani Brown and Written in the Stars) were nominated. Congratulations to all of the nominees and good luck.
If cute and quirky romances are your bag, then PopSugar has some 2021 recommendations for you.
Are you wanting some more strong Black women who get their rightfully deserved HEA? Check out some of the books listed here to fill your e-reader with a variety of different romance tropes.
The story I shared earlier about my aunt was a nice reminder that getting older isn’t something to fear. I am looking forward to being a cranky old lady, personally. Especially if I am as strong-willed, independent, and fiery as the women in my family are showing to be. I’ve got big shoes to fill in that regard, and I’m more then ready for the challenge when I get there.
We all know that romance is not just for the young. So, in honor of my sassy aunt and all the awesome elderly people I know in my life, I’m going to highlight a few romances today that feature either an older hero, heroine, or both.
If She Says Yes by Tasha L. Harrison
Tomás has always had a crush on Darcy, his mom’s best friend. Which, to him, is wrong on so many levels. Will the weekend of said friend’s wedding be the time that he decides to throw caution to the wind and offer his body for her pleasure? Will she refuse or will she surprise him and agree to his carnal offer?

Team Phison by Chace Verity
Restaurant owner Phil finds it hard to date after being left for a younger man. It’s a mixture of him feeling too old for the younger and modern dating crowd and fearing he’s too old. So, he turns to online gaming and one night befriends a newb (new player for those not in the know), which starts a friendship. When it seems like it will turn into more, will Phil take a chance or let his own insecurities hold him back from possibly finding new happiness?
Mrs. Martin’s Incomparable Adventure by Courtney Milan
Violetta Beauchamps comes barreling into Beatrice Martin’s life, demanding repayment from the latter’s Terrible Nephew. She also wishes to get her assistance getting him out of her boarding house. Although Beatrice refuses to pay, she does agree with getting him removed and goes on an adventure with Violetta. Along the way both women discover how strong they are and that you’re never too old for love.
And that’s all she wrote for now. Thanks for stopping by and if you want more of me between the editions, feel free to follow me at Twitter under @Pscribe801. Until next time.