Today In Books

Brooklyn Indie Bookstores Unite: Today In Books

Brooklyn Indie Bookstores Unite

Which sounds like an opening for a comic book–someone write that please! Okay, the news bit: For Independent Bookstore Day (August 29th) Brooklyn’s indie bookstores have joined together. Their combined resources will be promoting bookish items designed by artist Ping Hatta–think tote bags/mugs for Brooklyn Bookstore Day–and will be available for sale as direct-to-home orders. Proceeds will be split among the 15 bookstores participating.

Megan Abbott’s Upcoming Novel & Adaptation

2021 will see a new Megan Abbott release! The Turnout will focus on a ballet school and the sisters running it, and it’s Abbott so it will be delicious, feminist, and have violence/crime–possibly murder? Also, the rights have already sold, so there will be a TV series.

Former President George W. Bush’s New Book

Former President George W. Bush, who signed into law the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to create ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), has an upcoming book of portraits he’s painted of immigrants, which will also have an art exhibit. The book, Out of Many, One, is set to publish in March of 2021 and will feature his paintings and the subjects story: “‘While I recognize that immigration can be an emotional issue, I reject the premise that it is a partisan issue. It is perhaps the most American of issues, and it should be one that unites us,’ he wrote, adding that ‘my hope is that this book will help focus our collective attention on the positive impacts that immigrants are making on our country.'”

How Audiobooks Benefit Your Heart & Mind

Love to listen to your books? Here’s what experts are saying about the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of audiobooks.