The Stack

Happy Star Wars Day! Que la Fuerza te acompañe

Why, yes, yes that is the Spanish phrase for “may the Force be with you.” De nada for the free Spanish lesson! But don’t worry: today’s comics are all available in English.

Book Riot has a new podcast for you to check out if you’re looking for more bookish content in your life. First Edition will include interviews, lists, rankings, retrospectives, recommendations, and much more, featuring people who know and love books. You can subscribe to First Edition on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your podcatcher of choice.

Bookish Goods

A R2D2-shaped Apple Watch charger cover, next to an Apple Watch for scale

R2D2 Inspired Apple Watch Charger Cover by BigUpCreative

Well, who wouldn’t want an itty-bitty R2D2 to look out for their Apple watch charger? I don’t even have an Apple watch and I want one! $12

New Releases

Visions of the Crow cover

Dreams, Volume One: Visions of the Crow by Wanda John-Kehewin and nicole marie burton

At school, Damon has to deal with bullies. At home, it’s his alcoholic mother. And now, there’s a weird crow following him around. How much can one guy be expected to take? As much as he just wants to be left alone, this crow and the insight it brings him might be the key to a happier life.

Four Eyes cover

Four Eyes by Rex Ogle and Dave Valeza

This fun and true story follows Rex, who wants what many young boys his age want: friends, and for the girl he likes to notice him. Unfortunately, all he gets is a very ugly pair of glasses. Navigating middle school might actually have been easier when he could barely see where he was going! Can Rex find a way to salvage sixth grade anyway?

For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter!

Riot Recommendations

Today’s Riot Rec theme is: Star Wars! There is no shortage of Star Wars comics out there, so the ones below may not be the comics you’re looking for. Still, they’re a great starting place for the fan who loves both Star Wars and graphic novels.

Doctor Aphra Fortune and Fate cover

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Volume One: Fortune and Fate by Alyssa Wong and Marika Cresta

Everyone’s favorite non-Harrison-Ford archaeologist returns to hunt down the Rings of Vaale, a cursed and most elusive artifact. She seeks out a seasoned crew of treasure hunters to help her on her quest, but they aren’t the only ones after the Rings, of course…

Darth Vader Dark Heart of the Sith cover

Star Wars: Darth Vader Volume One: Dark Heart of the Sith by Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco

We all remember when Darth Vader, iconic villain and Galaxy’s Worst Dad Award winner, tried to tempt Luke to the Dark Side — and Luke preferred to take a swan dive than to accept. How did Vader take that, exactly? He probably should have gone to therapy, but we all know that’s not how it went down, don’t we?

I admit, in the Trek vs. Wars debate, I come down hard on the Trek side. (Scandal! Horror!) But for all you Star Wars fans out there, I hope you have a really fantastic day. May all of your future Star Wars content be completely Jar Jar-free!
