Today In Books

Women Are Publishing More Than Men: Today in Books

Marvel Launches 20th Century Studios Imprint with Planet of the Apes Comic

Marvel Comics is launching a new imprint dedicated to 20th Century Studios’ properties. The imprint will kick off with a new Planet of the Apes comic from writer David F. Walker, artist David Wachter and cover artist Joshua Cassara. “Ever since we announced our Alien and Predator comics, we hoped to create a special space within our comics line to go even bigger and bolder and keep building on the iconic moments from these properties that we all know and love,” Marvel Comics editor-in-chief C.B. Cebulski said in a statement. “This 20th Century Studios comics imprint, in collaboration with our friends at 20th Century Studios, is the perfect way to do that. And now that we’re bringing back Planet of the Apes again through classic comic book storytelling, we are absolutely thrilled to officially launch this imprint for the fans, and we’re all honored to expand upon it in the coming months.”

Poetry Challenge: Kwame Alexander Wants to Know How Naps Inspire You

NPR’s poet-in-residence Kwame Alexander has a poetry challenge for you. As a big fan of the power nap, Alexander wants you to share, in the form of a poem, how naps have inspired or restored you. Your poem must start with or incorporate the phrase “I would like to…” Share your poem, and Alexander will take lines from some of your pieces and create a community crowdsourced poem. Alexander and NPR’s Rachel Martin will also read the poem on air. NPR will publish it online, and contributors will be credited. The form closes Friday, March 10.

Women Are Publishing More Than Men

In a recent study by Joel Waldfogel, an economist at the University of Minnesota, it was discovered that by the year 2020, for the first time in history, women were publishing more books than men. Waldfogel analyzed data from Goodreads, Bookstat, Amazon, and the National Library of Congress, and found that women’s share of published titles increased from around 20% in the 1970s to over 50% by 2020. It’s not that fewer men are publishing now. Rather, the publishing industry has grown, and female-authored books are selling more copies on average than those by men.

Must-Read Books Based on Your D&D Class

From artificer to druid to paladin, rogue, warlock, wizard, and more, here are the books you should read based on your D&D class!