Unusual Suspects

The Evolution of Detective Stories

Hello mystery fans! I have been counting down to the Disney+ drop of the new Ms. Marvel since it was announced so I am currently pure muppet arms that it is finally here! And now on to your regularly scheduled mysteries: new releases, upcoming favorites, news, and roundups!

three prayer candles each with an image of a main character from Only Murders in the Building show

Only Murders in the Building Holy Trinity by Flaming Feminist

What’s better than one prayer candle? Three for $33–and that’s three threes so certainly a good omen.

New Releases

cover image for I Cried To Dream Again

I Cried to Dream Again: Trafficking, Murder, and Deliverance — A Memoir by Sara Kruzan, Cori Thomas

(TW child sex trafficking) This is a new true crime memoir where Sara Kruzan tells her story. After following her home when she was 11, a man named GG befriended Kruzan and groomed her, with the abuse only ending when she shot him dead at age 16. Rather than being treated as a victim who killed her abuser in self-defense, she was given life in prison without parole. In 2013 thanks to activists’ tireless work, she was released from prison after 20 years. She has since dedicated herself to fighting for and helping sex trafficking victims. In this book she recounts her abuse, sentencing, and imprisonment, including the people and system that failed her but also those who helped her.

cover image for Wretched Waterpark

Wretched Waterpark (Sinister Summer Series #1) by Kiersten White

Here’s a middle grade mystery that follows twelve-year-old twin sleuths solving the mystery of their missing older sister at a horror themed water park. Billed as “part Scooby Doo, part A Series of Unfortunate Events,” I am 100% in and already queued up the audiobook!

Looking for more new releases? Check out our New Books newsletter!

Riot Recommendations

I recently finished reading two fall titles I’m really excited to share and since Care Bears would probably say “why wait to share?” I’m going to tell you about them now.

cover image for Blackwater Falls

Blackwater Falls (Blackwater Falls #1) by Ausma Zehanat Khan (Minotaur Books, Nov 21)

I’m a big fan of Zehanat Khan’s Rachel Getty and Esa Khattak detective series so I did actually drop everything to read this one when I got my hands on a galley. While we move from Canada to Colorado for this series, we once again get another fantastic pairing between two detectives. One of my favorite things about Zehanat Khan’s writing is how different the characters are, even when containing many similarities. Immigrants and marginalized people so easily and constantly get painted and viewed as a monolith and it’s comforting to not only avoid that in Zehanat Khan’s novels but also find nuance.

The mystery is in a town in Colorado where a teen from a Syrian Muslim refugee family is found murdered and deliberately positioned in the local mosque. Detective Inaya Rahman—who comes with a past she’s trying to shake and is sent to places with high complaints against officers—is investigating along with Lieutenant Waqas Seif. Rahman is American, half Afghan and half Pakistani with a loving family who may drive her up a wall sometimes and are split on supporting her career but are close and always there for her. Seif has been raising and supporting his two younger brothers and unlike Rahman keeps his culture/ethnicity to himself. Enter a motorcycle gang, the discovery of missing girls the police have done nothing to look for, and a community that isn’t all welcoming and it’s a race against time to figure out who is responsible.

If you’re a fan of police procedurals don’t miss this new series and getting to know Detective Inaya Rahman.

(TW scenes of assault to rip off a hijab/ racism, xenophobia, islamophobia/ police brutality stories / brief mention past domestic abuse, not graphic/ brief recount of groping, not graphic, mentions stalking/ scene in a meat packing plant)

cover image for I'm the Girl

I’m the Girl by Courtney Summers

Sadie fans will be thrilled by Summers’ upcoming novel and its ripped-from-the-headlines story. Just note that while Sadie kept the graphic things off the page, I’m the Girl does not.

Sixteen-year-old Georgia Avis has only one goal: becoming an Aspera girl. Her mother worked at the members-only resort and after once making a comment that Georgia couldn’t, it’s all she’s ever wanted to do. With her mother dead and her older brother in charge of her, her life really takes an even darker turn when she discovers the body of a younger teen girl right before being hit by a car. Now she’s determined to solve the murder along with continuing to become an Aspera girl, which she gets one step closer when she gets hired by the owner for a different job. But obsessions can so easily impair us from seeing reality, leaving us vulnerable to danger… Much of this book is just an ominous feeling layered on top of Georgia’s obsession–it’s hard to watch and harder to put down.

(TW rape and murder of young teen case, not graphic/ past parent cancer death, not graphic/ teen sexual assault by adult on page/ brief suicide mention, detail/ predators)

News and Roundups

Browse all the books recommended in Unusual Suspects previous newsletters on this shelf. See upcoming 2022 releases. Check out this Unusual Suspects Pinterest board and get Tailored Book Recommendations!

Until next time, keep investigating! In the meantime, come talk books with me on Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Litsy–you can find me under Jamie Canavés.

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