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Happy Friday, shipmates! It’s Alex, with some shapeshifters for the continued monster-fication of October! Also some links and a few deals. We just had our first freeze–and snow–of the season here in Colorado! I had to bring my plants inside, and now my cats are angry at me because the plants have stolen their windowsill. Hardships abound. Stay safe out there, space pirates, and I’l see you on Tuesday!
Let’s make the world a better place, together. Here’s somewhere to start: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ and anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co
News and Views
10 best fantasy and sci-fi books with upcoming TV and movie adaptations
What makes John Carpenter’s The Thing so effing scary?
Celebrate Ursula K. Le Guin’s legacy by reading a classic Earthsea story
Star Trek: Discovery season 4 trailer!
A moment that changed me: Patrick Stewart on the teacher who spotted his talent – and saved him
William Shatner went to space!
SFF eBook Deals
Memory of Water by Emmi Itäranta for $1.99
The Complete Chronicles of William Wilde by Davis Ashura for $2.99
Chaos Awakens by Megg Jensen for free!
On Book Riot
The most influential sci-fi books of all time
Why not both? 8 books with love triangles that end in polyamory
This month you can enter to win a Kindle Oasis, a waterproof Kindle Paperwhite, a year of free books, a stack of fall new releases, an audiobook bundle, and $100 to spend on books plus a romance tote bag.
Book Riot is 10 years old this month, and we’re celebrating with some limited edition merch!
Free Association Friday
For this free association Friday in Monstertober, we’re going to howl at the moon and aim for books with werewolves and other shapeshifters! And we’re doing this hardmode, with no paranormal romance and no Animorphs. Here’s what I’ve got for you!

Lobizona by Romina Garber
Manuela is an undocumented immigrant on the run from both the government and her father’s Argentinian crime family, trying to live her life in Miami. But when her mother is arrested and her grandmother is attacked, Manuela has to look to her past to find solutions to these present problems. And that past takes her all the way to a cursed city in Argentina, where she finds out she’s even more “illegal” than she could have imagined.
The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells
Moon is an orphan who can shapeshift into a winged creature; it’s something he’s been hiding for his entire life. Just as he is about to be thrown out of another adopted tribe, he meets a shapeshifter like himself, one who can tell him the truth about his lineage and his existence… and what he means for the survival of the tribes around them.

When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo
A cleric named Chih and her mammoth-riding companion find themselves at the mercy of a family of shapeshifting tigers. To survive, they need to buy enough time for help to arrive… and the best way to do that is to trade stories. What better story than one about a tiger and the woman she fell in love with?
The Devourers by Indra Das
A college professor named Alok in Kolkata listens to the odd confessions of an even odder stranger and agrees to transcribe a series of yet still odder notes. These notes document a people who are both human and beast during Mughal India, and the story of a wanderer who falls in love with a ferocious woman.

Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee
Min is the young daughter in a family of gumiho who have been hiding their magic and their true selves for centuries. She dreams of joining the Space Forces like her older brother did so she can shake the dust of her backwater planet off her boots. But then her brother is accused of going AWOL in search of the fabled Dragon Pearl, and Min knows that can’t possibly be the truth. She moves up her timeline to leave home and runs away, determined to clear his name… but she’s in for a wilder adventure than she could have ever imagined.
The Tiger and the Wolf by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Two warring clans face off: the Tiger and the Wolf. Maniye’s an outcast of the Wolf clan, even though she’s the chieftain’s daughter, because her mother was queen of the Tigers. But she has an even bigger secret: she can shift to either animal form, and not just that of her father’s clan. She rescues a prisoner of her clan and escapes, but with a murderer on their trail to bring them back.

The Glass Magician by Caroline Stevermer
At the turn of the twentieth century in New York City, rich and famous families rule both society and the country. Thalia is a nobody; all she’s got going for her is a talent for stage magic.. until a trick goes horribly awry and she finds out in the process that she’s a shapeshifter. It might be her ticket to wealth and power, but only if she can control it and survive.
See you, space pirates. If you’d like to know more about my secret plans to dominate the seas and skies, you can catch me over at my personal site.