Today In Books

Cover Reveal for Tochi Onyebuchi’s New Novel GOLIATH: Today in Books

“Household Book” of Jane Austen’s Favorite Recipes to be Published

Have you been dying to try Jane Austen’s favorite cheese toastie? Well, now you can. The cheese toastie recipe, among many others, will be published in a “household book” written between 1798 and 1830 by Martha Lloyd. Lloyd was a close friend of Austen’s, and she lived with Austen, her sister Cassandra and their mother for many years. Jane Austen loved Lloyd’s cheese toastie recipe, and she was also a big fan of Lloyd’s white soup, a recipe also included in the book. This white soup is mentioned in Pride and Prejudice by Mr Bingley, who says he will host ball at Netherfield, “and as soon as Nicholls has made white soup enough I shall send round my cards.” Additionally, this book includes a recipe for mead, Austen’s favorite drink, and also has the only surviving recipes written by Austen’s mother.

Here’s the Cover Reveal for Tochi Onyebuchi’s New Novel Goliath

Tochi Onyebuchi, author of Riot Baby, is releasing his second adult novel Goliath on January 22, 2025. And earlier today, Tordotcom Publishing shared the cover for the upcoming science fiction epic novel. The cover includes a blurb from author Leigh Bardugo that says, “Onyebuchi sets fire to the boundary between fiction and reality, and brings a crumbling city and an all too plausible future to vibrant life. Riveting, disturbing, and rendered in masterful detail.”

P.E.I. Writer’s Guild Hosting Online Self-Publishing Series

During May and June, the P.E.I. Writer’s Guild is offering a series of webinars covering various aspects of self-publishing. The series will kick off this Wednesday with self-publishing 101, facilitated by C.E. Flores. All sessions will take place online and cost from $20 to $30. To register or for more information, visit

The Expanded Star Wars Universe, Explained by Someone Who Has Never Seen a Star War

One star wars n00b takes a stab at explaining the wide universe of Star Wars and its books, including A New Dawn.