Today In Books

Powell’s Will No Longer Sell On Amazon: Today In Books

Powell’s Will No Longer Sell On Amazon

Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon released a letter to customers announcing it would no longer sell books on Amazon. While it relied on the sales that came from Amazon, the independent bookstore was forced to focus on website sales during the pandemic as Amazon prioritized other items over books.

Today’s Bookish Google Doodle

Author of The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas is celebrated in today’s Google Doodle–technically a swashbuckling adventure slideshow. Check out the doodle and the history of Dumas’ work.

400 Years Later, Library Acquires Book It Coveted For £2.5m

Duke Augustus, who died in 1666, helped acquire hundreds of thousands of books that make up one of the world’s oldest libraries: Herzog August Bibliothek. One of the books he really wanted was the album amicorum (friendship book) but he was unsuccessful. Now, so many years later, thanks to a Sotheby’s private sale, the book has found its way (with a serious price tag) onto the Herzog August Bibliothek shelves.

Donating Books During COVID-19

In the midst of a global pandemic, we’ve all done some cleaning. Here’s a guide to donating books during COVID-19.