Today In Books

#BlackArtMatters Coloring Book: Today In Books

#BlackArtMatters Coloring Book

Two Whitney Young students, Mya Cavner and Ethan Switall, reached out to nine Black local artists to create a 44-page coloring book. You can purchase a paperback or hardcover edition and 50% of the proceeds go to the artists and the other 50% goes “to the Brave Space Alliance, the city’s first Black-led, trans-led LGBTQ resource center, located in Hyde Park.”


Due to the pandemic, the University of Texas at San Antonio has had to halt their project of digitizing the U.S.’s largest collection of historic Mexican cookbooks. In the meantime they’ve decided to release free ebook mini-cookbooks. The first, Postres: Guardando Lo Mejor Para el Principio/Desserts: Saving the Best for First, contains Spanish/English historic sweet Mexican recipes. Sí, please!

New Award

Gotham Book Prize has just been created and will award $50,000 to one author for a book of fiction or nonfiction that is published in 2020 and set in or about New York City. The prize, which will become an annual award, will be awarded in the spring of 2021, and will be selected by 10 New Yorkers and authors who will vote on a created short list.