Today In Books

Addressing Racist History, LSU Renames Library: Today In Books

Addressing Racist History, LSU Renames Library

Louisiana State University’s library, named after Troy H. Middleton a former university president, has removed his name and a bust of him from the library after a petition circulated pointing out Middleton’s own correspondence, housed in the LSU archives, state his racism towards Black students. “Although the petition had advocated renaming the library after Pinkie Gordon Lane, LSU’s first black female Ph.D. graduate, and the public had suggested a number of other names, the building is now called simply LSU Library.”

Pro-Democracy Books Removed In Chinese-Ruled Hong Kong

The public libraries in Chinese-ruled Hong Kong no longer carry books by pro-democracy authors. In light of a new national security law, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department says the books are being reviewed for violation of this law. “’The national security law … imposes a mainland-style censorship regime upon this international financial city,’ [Joshua] Wong tweeted on Saturday, adding his titles ‘are now prone to book censorship.’”

Did You Know About Black Josei Press?

Jamila Rowser, comic book creator and editor, took her love of Josei manga (Japanese comics marketed to older teens and young women), and her mission to showcase more Black and Brown women creators, and created Black Josei Press: “I have a deep love for the comics and want to do what I can to help more Black women see themselves in comics and the industry.” Here she talks about the company and the two upcoming titles: The Saddest Angriest Black Girl in Town and Egungun.