New Books

Hooray, It’s Time for New Books!

It’s time for another Tuesday full of books! There are several amazing new books out today. At the top of my list of today’s titles that I want to read are The Oddmire, Book 2: The Unready Queen by William Ritter and Block Seventeen by Kimiko Guthrie.

You can also hear about some amazing books on this week’s episode of the All the Books! Patricia and Mary Kay discussed great anti-racist reading and recommendations for Pride Month. (I am sad to have missed only my second show in five years of podcasting, but I give my biggest thanks to MK for stepping in at the last minute.)

As always, I am wishing the best for all of you in whatever situation you find yourself in now. Please stay safe and wear a mask as we slowly transition out of quarantine. I care about you meeps!

And now, it’s time for everyone’s favorite gameshow: AHHHHHH MY TBR! Here are today’s contestants:

The Angel of the Crows by Katherine Addison

Fans of The Goblin Emperor, how excited are you for the second book in the series?!! Well, you’re going to have to wait longer, because this isn’t it, lol. (Sorry not sorry.) But the good news is that The Angel of the Crows is an excellent offering. It’s a fantasy novel set in alternate 1880s London, where angels, werewolves, and vampires coexist with humans because of a truce. It’s an homage to Sherlock Holmes and Watson, but instead, the book has Crow and Dr. Doyle, who are working to find Jack the Ripper. The book is a mish-mash of several things, and it’s nerdy and great!

Backlist bump: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

Party of Two by Jasmine Guillory

This is the fifth book in Guillory’s Wedding Date series, each of which have crossover characters, but don’t require being read in order. I myself have read them all, and at this point, I find them comforting and familiar. This is another great story of two people who hook up and then discover they’re great together. Olivia didn’t expect to see Max again after they went home together after a night at a bar. But he’s interested in being with her. But the problem is he’s a junior senator who lives in the public eye. Olivia agrees to try a secret romance, but when their secret romance becomes public, will their relationship withstand the scrutiny?

Backlist bump: The Wedding Party by Jasmine Guillory

What’s Left of Me Is Yours by Stephanie Scott

This is an intense, heart-kicking debut set in modern-day Tokyo. It’s based on a true crime, and follows a young woman, Sumiko, as she investigates the death of her mother. Sumiko’s father had hired a “wakaresaseya” (“breaker-upper”) to seduce her mother, Rina, so he would have the upper hand in their divorce proceedings, but when his plan backfires, it has violent consequences. Years later, Sumiko will seek the truth of what happened, no matter what it reveals.

Backlist bump: Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

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