Today In Books

Pandemic Hasn’t Stopped Book Banning: Today In Books

Pandemic Hasn’t Stopped Book Banning

While the pandemic has most things closed and is causing major delays in all aspects of life it has apparently not stopped book banning. Even though it was already in place that parents could opt their child out of required reading the school board in Mat-Su, Alaska voted to ban 5 books and remove newspaper materials from being used in high school journalism classes. The books got the “controversial” label and Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings had “anti-white messaging” as one of the reasons for banning.


The Clinton Presidential Library is technically closed because of the pandemic but it’s open for service to the community. 70 daily volunteers are working hard to feed members of the community, including students 18 and younger who are offered breakfast and lunch. Around 7,200 meals are created a day to then be delivered around Pulaski County for food distribution.

Uplifting Poems

Add to your calendar Shelter In Poems on Apr 30th, 7:30 PM EDT. Poets laureate, actors, musicians, artists, and more will be reading poems that offer comfort and/or courage. Check out the virtual reading presenters!