Today In Books

Original Peter Pan Manuscript Shows Meaner Peter: Today In Books

Original Peter Pan Manuscript Shows Meaner Peter

JM Barrieā€™s original manuscript of Peter and Wendy has been published (1,000 hand-numbered copies) showing not only the author’s handwriting but also the edits he made while writing. Looks like Peter Pan originally had more ego and was meaner.

Jennifer Weiner-Jonathan Franzen Feud Effect

Vox takes a really interesting look at what started a decade ago as an author “feud” but was really the beginning of questioning and pushing back in regards to “What kinds of stories do we consider to be worthy of respect? And to whom do those stories belong?” More end-of-decade pieces like this, please.

Emma Watson Book Fairy

Emma Watson continues to be a book fairy. This time she’s part of an initiative that is hiding 2,000 copies of Little Women. And there’s a surprise for those that find one: Watson handwrote a note in each book. Get to searching!