Today In Books

The Strand Labeled Landmark Against Owner’s Wishes: Today In Books

This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by Grand Central Publishing and Cari Mora, the new novel from Thomas Harris.

Cari Mora cover image

The Strand Labeled Landmark Against Owner’s Wishes

New York City wanted to grant The Strand bookstore landmark status while The Strand’s owner really didn’t want that status because it would drive up costs related to maintaining the building. But N.Y. got what it wanted and The Strand is now a landmark building. The Strand’s Twitter account posted: “Although this is not the outcome we hoped for, we’ll continue to serve our customers as we have done robustly for 92 years.”

Obama Will Have His Library

The Obama Presidential Center was currently held up from being built by a lawsuit from Protect Our Parks, a group of environmentalists, who wanted the $500 million library and museum built on private land rather than public. The lawsuit was dismissed on Tuesday by a federal judge.

Update: Publisher Responds To Lawsuit

First, Natasha Tynes publicly went after a black woman for eating in public, so Rare Bird Books dropped her upcoming book. Then, Tynes decided to sue them for $13 million. Now, Rare Bird has released a statement.