Today In Books

Bookmobiles Are Coming To You New York: Today In Books

This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by the audiobook edition of The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves.

The Girl He Used to Know cover image

Bookmobiles Are Coming To You, New York

Starting in June, for the Bronx, and fall, for Staten Island and Manhattan, residents will get to browse 1,000 books (for all ages) check out, return, renew, and get a library card from one of NYPL’s bookmobiles. Vroom vroom, check them out here.

Unseen Kafka Works May Get Seen

A decade-long battle over several safe-deposit boxes has reached a verdict that has many speculating that we may finally get to see unfinished and unpublished work by Franz Kafka. “The judgment of the Swiss court completes the preparation of the National Library of Israel to accept the entire literary estate of Max Brod, which will be properly handled and will be made available to the wider public in Israel and the world.” (What if it’s just boxes filled with bugs?…)

Get Your Creepy On

The official trailer for the adaptation of Shirley Jackson’s We Have Always Lived In The Castle is here. The film, about the surviving family members after an arsenic poisoning, will be in theaters on May 17th–maybe skip the popcorn this time.