Kissing Books

We Get Two Jasmine Guillory Books This Year

It’s Monday, but I just watched my first episode of Game of Thrones last night and I am so happy to think about romance again. How have y’all done this for all these years?

Anyway, let’s get to love stories that don’t involve secret family connections and threats of sexual assault.

Sponsored by: Shadow Mountain Publishing

As the second daughter of a royal chief, Maile is engaged to the best navigator in Hawai’i. But when sailors from a strange place called England arrive on her island, a misunderstanding ends in battle, and Maile is suddenly widowed before she is wed. Maile takes John Harbottle prisoner—even knowing the now-wounded man killed her fiancé—and she reluctantly heals him. In the process, she discovers the man she thought was her enemy might be her ally instead. Inspired by a true story, A Song for the Stars will enchant fans of Romeo and Juliet and Disney’s Pocahontas.

News and Useful Links

This amazing interview with LaQuette is worth checking out. And I am waaaaaiting to read Under His Protection.

Have you heard about Jasmine Guillory’s fall release? After The Wedding Party comes out this summer, we get Royal Holiday in October, which features the mother of The Wedding Party’s heroine! I’m excited, y’all.

Catherine Bybee resigned as a member of the RWA board.

Romance Sparks Joy, the book club that came out of the RITA thing, starts their read-along of Bad Blood, the first of the three RITA finalists who are authors of color, today!

Sarah Kuhn shared the cover of her new book, Unsung Heroine, and it’s amazing. (I really need to read these. Seriously.)

I haven’t even read effing Red, White, and Royal Blue yet, and it’s already been optioned for film!

Do you have all these books on your TBR yet?


cover of Bad Blood by M MaloneSpeaking of Bad Blood, if you want to join the read-along and book club, it’s available for 2.99 right now! It’s another one of those “my best friend’s little sister is off limits books” but you know what, fuck the patriarchy, let them bone.

Have you read any Charlie Cochet? She has a bunch of books for 1.99, including Hell & High Water, the first book in her THIRDS series (which has a lot of books out, so hey, series starter!). There is a “Human Police Force” so if you’re looking for a queer shifter suspense series, it sounds like this is the kind of place to start.


I came to the realization a while back that I don’t read much romantic suspense. I like the quieter types of books where the antagonist is less a person and more a personal problem. I’m all about people getting over their problems, instead of getting out of a life-or-death situation. But that doesn’t mean I’m not interested. So I made an effort to pick one up. Good thing I’ve got a nice library of unread books to just pull from (lolsob).

cover of hidden impact by piper j. drakeHidden Impact
Piper J. Drake

Gabriel Diaz is a private military contractor on some quiet security work. While on the job, he’s approached by Maylin Cheng, the owner of the catering company at the party where Gabe is working. She needs his help finding her sister, who’s gone missing—but his group, the Centurion Corporation, doesn’t do that kind of work, and especially not for someone with as low a budget as a caterer. When a car nearly takes out Maylin on the street, though, Gabe is certain it’s not an accident, and he and his team take on what they can to keep her safe, and try to find her sister in the meantime. Things spiral and unspiral, and all of a sudden it’s not just about a missing scientist anymore.

This book has everything you want in a good romantic suspense novel: there’s a logical-enough reason for the two protagonists to end up together, and there’s a logical enough reason for them to stick together. The mystery is compelling enough that you want to find out what’s going on just as much as you want them to get together. You fall in love with all of the other team members and are basically ready to read all of their books, because you know there will be sequels. And you can sigh in satisfaction about both the romance and the suspenseful storyline.

Reading this book, I’ve realized I’ve got a few more books featuring protectors on my shelves, and I’m definitely going to move them up:

cover of sexy/dangerous by beverly jenkinsSexy/Dangerous by Beverly Jenkins
Imperial Stout by Layla Reyne
Hot Target by Suzanne Brockmann (I’ve been told I can kind of just…jump to this one)
Tender Loving Passion by Donna Hill
Mr. and Mr. Smith by HelenKay Dimon
Every Last Breath by Juno Rushdan (coming out April 30! So excited)

What are your favorite romantic suspense novels?

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, book recs, or just want to say hi!