Today In Books

Animorphs Covers Behind The Scenes: Today In Books

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Marie Kondo, Friend to Thrift Stores

One person’s trash is a charity shop’s treasure! A spokesperson for Goodwill of Western New York joked that they invented The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up author as a way “to get people to donate half of their things.”

It’s morphin’ time!

You remember those Animorph covers, right? Go behind the scenes of the making of the book cover art. (Extra credit if you also remember whose catchphrase that is.)

Does this mean she knows what happens in Avengers: Endgame?

We couldn’t be prouder of former Book Riot contributor Preeti Chhibber, who is writing a tie-in novel for Spider-Man: Far From Home! You can see the cover reveal for Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal here and preorder it starting tomorrow.