Today In Books

We Spent $2.8 Billion on Audiobooks Last Year: Today In Books

This edition of Today In Books is sponsored by Running Press and Cats on Catnip by Andrew Marttila.

“Forrest Gump” Director in Negotiations for Roald Dahl Adaptation 

Oscar-winning director Robert Zemeckis is wrapping up talks to adapt Roald Dahl’s The Witches, according to a piece inVariety. If the deal goes through, Zemeckis will serve as both scriptwriter and director. And if “Back to the Future” is any indicator, he’s good at that flavor of multitasking.

Audiobooks Are Making That Paper

Sales data from the American Audiobook Association shows that 2017 was a very good year for audiobook titles. The $2.8 billion in U.S. sales is a 22.7% increase over 2016. Those dolla dolla bills don’t tell the whole story of audio’s popularity, though. According to the same research, 43% of listeners said they downloaded an audiobook from their library.

Go Buy Stuff from Comics Hero Greg Pak

Today on Twitter, Greg Pak announced that through July he’d be donating all money spent at his shop to the excellent organizations RAICES and the Texas Civil Rights Project. We’re not talking his profits. He is giving the entire purchase price. He’d probably raise more if he were offering audiobooks, but go get yourself some amazing comics for a good cause!