Happy Friday, shipmates! It’s Alex, and we’re continuing on with the November of the Sequels: two new sequels, and two sequels that I was thankful to read this year. I hope if you’re in the US, you had a wonderful turkey day and are having as peaceful a Black Friday as possible. (And if you work in retail…I’m sorry.) Stay safe out there, space pirates, and I’ll see you on Tuesday!
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Let’s make the world a better place, together. Here are two places to start: Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund, which provides medical and humanitarian relief to children in the Middle East regardless of nationality, religion, or political affiliation; and Entertainment Community Fund, which supports entertainment workers who are striking for living wages and a future where humans can continue to create art for each other.
Bookish Goods

Cat Bookmarks by LeChatQuBulle
These bookmarks are super cute, are made from recycled cardboard, and they come in different sizes! They’re the kind that sort of clip on to your page so it looks like the cats are peering over the book at you, too. $3
New Releases

The Crimson Fortress by Akshaya Raman
Sequel to The Ivory Key.
The royal siblings Vira, Ronak, Kaleb, and Riya are the closest they’ve ever been to restoring the stability and magic of their kingdom, but while they have attained the fabled ivory key, they cannot figure out the cipher. This new mission scatters them across the land and directly into danger. But the only way they will succeed in their quest is how they began it: together.

Saevus Corax Captures the Castle by K. J. Parker
Saevus Corax maybe isn’t the best boss in the world, but he’d do anything to keep his employees in his battlefield salvage company alive. So when he has to capture an entire castle to keep his men from getting killed, he faces that task head-on…and utilizes some very unconventional tactics.
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter.
Riot Recommendations
Since it’s Thanksgiving, here are a couple of books I’m thankful for — it’s been a rough year, and these helped me make it through.

Cassiel’s Servant by Jacqueline Carey
Technically, this book is just kind of a retelling of Kushiel’s Dart, but it’s from Josceline’s point of view, and he is peak Oblivious Boy for a lot — honestly, let’s just say all — of the book. I love it. I cannot wait for the next book, where we get to see his emotional crisis from the inside.

Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse
This was the first book I read this year, and I could not wait to get started on it because I loved the first book, Black Sun, so very much. Rebecca Roanhorse never misses, and I cannot wait for the third book of the series to land in my hot little hands!!
See you, space pirates. If you’d like to know more about my secret plans to dominate the seas and skies, you can catch me over at my personal site.