This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by All the Women in My Family Sing: Women Write the World: Essays on Equality, Justice, and Freedom edited by Deborah Santana.
Publishers Call On Man Booker To Drop Americans
A letter, still in draft form, from 30 members of the publishing industry is urging the Booker Foundation to reverse its 2014 decision to include U.S. authors. Prior to the decision, the prize only allowed entry to citizens from Commonwealth countries and the Republic of Ireland. The petitioners argue that the inclusion of the U.S. has allowed the domination of Anglo-American writers, and could result in “a homogenised literary future.” The letter, which was intended to be private while in draft stage, has not been sent to the Booker Foundation, but the Booker responded, saying there’s no evidence that diversity has been affected.
The New York Times Gets A Romance Novel Review Column
New York Times Book Review Preview Editor and columnist Tina Jordan announced The New York Times‘ first romance novel review column. The Times‘ Book Review has been criticized for ignoring the genre as a whole. Late last year, the section inspired anger and disappointment in many romance readers who found a rare romance novel roundup, written for the Times by former Simon & Schuster editor-in-chief Robert Gottlieb, dismissive. Jordan, who covers romance as well as other genre fiction and literary fiction, did not mention the Book Review’s history with romance or the approach it would take with the new column in her original Twitter post, but you can judge it for yourself.
Disney’s Hocus Pocus Gets A Book Sequel
Take this fun news into the weekend with you. We’re getting a sequel to Disney’s Hocus Pocus, but instead of a movie, the story will be published as a book. Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel will be out in time for the 25th anniversary of the film, on July 10, 2018. Part one of the book will be a retelling of the original film, and part two will be a sequel that continues the story of familiar and new characters.
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