Happy Tuesday, shipmates! It’s Alex, and I’ve got a double dose of new releases coming at you today, since June continues its absolute storm of books. I hope everyone had a lovely weekend — I played way too many video games, because the final installment of Destiny came out and just stuck the landing, story-wise. (One thing to love about this space wizard FPS is that there’s a massive amount of in-game text lore, which has now been collected into six print volumes.) If you didn’t have as much fun as me, hopefully you at least got more things crossed off on your to-do list! Stay safe out there, space pirates, and I’ll see you on Friday!
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Bookish Goods

Trans Siberian Express Art Print by EmuDesigns
This art print is absolutely gorgeous. I love the style and color of it. And of course, I had trains on the brain because of one of the new releases (see below)! $25
New Releases

Rakesfall by Vajra Chandrasekera
In the midst of the Sri Lankan civil war, two children met and were bound indelibly together, first by a search for truth, and then by an act of violence that propelled their souls ever into the future. No matter how many lives they live, Annelid and Leveret will hold on to each other.

The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks
The Trans-Siberian Express is the only means of traversing the Wastelands, and its tickets are always sold out, its cars always filled with people who want to see the fantastic and terrifying creatures it will pass on its journey. On the last journey, something went terribly wrong, yet no one can remember what. And as the train departs again into the Wasteland, there is a stowaway — and one lifelong employee of the train service who can’t bring herself to turn her in.
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter.
Riot Recommendations
Two more new releases, coming your way!

The Runes of Engagement by Tobias S. Buckell and Dave Klecha
Fantasy is all fun and games until portals open in the sky and let forth a wave of dragons and trolls. It’s even less fun and games if you’re in a Marine platoon trapped on the wrong side of one of those portals, in a world that gives lie to every geek’s knowledge, and where the next mission involves a Very Important Princess.

Of Jade and Dragons by Amber Chen
At 18 years old, Aihui Ying finds her dreams of becoming an engineer like her father abruptly ended by his assassination. Pursuing answers, she poses as her own brother to enter the Engineer’s Guild…with a little unexpected help from a prince who has his own motivations. Ying’s mission brings her up against jealous engineers, competitive classmates, and then far deeper and scarier politics. Revenge may save her life — but it soon becomes clear that it will require her to betray her father’s memory.
See you, space pirates. If you’d like to know more about my secret plans to dominate the seas and skies, you can catch me over at my personal site.