Hey y’all it’s me, PN, back with another edition of Kissing Books. I hope that today finds you well and that you have a nice relaxing weekend ahead of you, especially if you or any of the kiddos in your life went back to school.
In case you didn’t know, today is Mail Order Catalog Day. True, it’s an oddly specific holiday; but, there’s something to be said about the nostalgia of going through a catalog, circling what you want, ordering it, and then waiting for the package to arrive in four to six weeks.
Don’t forget this Saturday is Bookstore Romance Day! Be sure to go support your local indie and get yourself some awesome books at the same time. If you’re a Tweeter and you go out on Saturday be sure to post your hauls and tag their account.
With that said, on to the rest of the newsletter.
Bookish Goods

Paranormal Reader Shirt by NurseNeedsDesigns
Love T-shirts? Love paranormal romances? Then this shit is perfect for you. Not only does it look comfy as all get out, but it’s also covers a wide variety of the sexy creatures you may come across in a PNR. Starts at $19 and comes in five colors.
New Releases

A Table for Two by Sheryl Lister
Serenity loves hosting dinner clubs and makes sure to follow the appropriate etiquette for these types of gatherings. This includes extending an invitation to Gabriel, her friend’s handsome but mildly annoying brother. Gabriel finds himself tongue tied around the beautiful Serenity and this leads to inadvertently insulting her cooking. Despite this less than auspicious meeting, the two cannot deny the attraction that exists between them and wonder if they should take a chance.

Cherry on Top by Georgia Beers
Cherry is loving her life as a social media influencer and is happy at the opportunity to turn it into a full time and paying gig, even if the life she presents isn’t as authentic as she lets on. Ellis is the journalist tasked with unmasking Cherry and uncovering all the aspects of her life she keeps hidden. A chance encounter draws the two women together but when everything comes to light, will they be able to stay together after all the pieces fall down?
Riot Recommendations
Like many romance readers, there was a period of time where PNR was all I read. Nowadays, I don’t read it as much as I use to but it’s still a favorite. That said, it cannot be argued that most of the PNR novels out there focus primarily on vampires and/or werewolves, with a recent addition of the fae.
Now that there’s anything wrong with that of course. I still love a good vampire or werewolf romance novel. But, as I’ve mentioned before, there’s much more to the paranormal and supernatural than just those two. That is why for today’s recommendations, I’m going to be focusing on supernatural beings that deserve to have a chance in the spotlight.

Bayou: King of the Seas Book 1 & 2 by Annitia L. Jackson
Mermaids are slowly rising in popularity in the supernatural world and we’re finding out that there are more layers to them than animated movies may have lead us to believe. And I’m here for it. In this book, King Bayou must team up with his brother’s widow, Rachel, to find out who and what is hunting/harming the Merpeople under his protection. Despite her distrust of him, Rachel agrees to help him, drawing both into a web of betrayal, unexpected enemies, and desire.

Angel with Attitude by Michelle Rowen*
Angels and demons are another set of supernatural creatures that are enjoying their time in romance. This delightful and light PNR is simultaneously hilarious, steamy, and emotional. When Valerie is literally pushed out of heaven, Nathaniel is the tempter demon assigned to make sure her fall is permanent. But when they start looking past each other’s surface level and ignoring how they’re supposed to treat each other, they open themselves up to the possibility of a romance for the ages.
*Please note that this isn’t available digitally, but the author has another set of PNRs that are if ebooks are your preference.
Mark October 28th and 29th in your calendars for the Romance Readers and Writers Experience, aka RRAW.
Click here for a chance to win a romance book bundle to celebrate the end of the summer.
Even more foodie romances that are waiting to be consumed.
Take this quiz and find out which HBS Bookstore Romance you are. I got Count Your Lucky Stars the first time and I’m So (Not) Over You the second and honestly I’m not disappointed either way.
And that’s all I have for you today! I hope that you have a lovely weekend and that you treat yourself if you go out on Saturday. I have my shopping buddy and store already planned out, along with lunch beforehand to fortify ourselves for the perusing. I will try to remember to lead by example by posting my own haul under @PScribe801.
I’ll be back on Monday with another fresh edition, along with a list of the books I got for my readers who don’t do social media. Until then, happy reading and stay hydrated!