Swords and Spaceships

Swords and Spaceships for May 21

Happy Friday, shipmates! It’s Alex with some ebook deals and news items and books you definitely want to pre-order on this lovely weekend-eve. I am happy to report that my plants are finally outside and my old man cats have reclaimed the windowsill with a little help from a box full of books. Cats are on the windowsill, all is right with the world. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and stay safe out there, space pirates. I’ll see you on Tuesday!

Let’s make the world a better place, together. Here’s somewhere to start: and

News and Views

Before Murderbot: Martha Wells’s awesome back catalogue

The AAPI Star Trek characters who broke barriers

In the latest wave of science fiction, authors of color take space to imagine multiple new societies

Filming The Underground Railroad was grueling. But the cast grasped ‘the weight of what we were doing.’

Patrick Ness: ‘Terry Pratchett makes you feel seen and forgiven’

Lavie Tidhar will be visiting professor and writer in residence at Richmond

SFF Ebook Deals

The Hero of Numbani by Nicky Drayden for $1.99 (this is the first original tie-in for Overwatch!)

And Again by Jessica Chiarella for $2.99

Faerie Fruit by Charlotte E. English for free

On Book Riot

The Expanded Star Wars Universe, explained (by someone who’s never seen a Star War)

In this week’s SFF Yeah! podcast, Jenn and Sharifah talk anime

Enter by May 25 to win a copy of Dark One by Brandon Sanderson

You have until 11:45pm to enter to win a copy of Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon

This month you can win an iPad mini, a one year subscription to Owlcrate, and a year of reading.

Free Association Friday: Pre-Orders for AAPI History Month!

May is, indeed, AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) Heritage Month in the United States… so in honor of that, here’s five books coming at us from authors in the diaspora. Because pre-orders are love, and these books look AWESOME. (Never forget we live in a new golden age of SFF.)

Cover for The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo

The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo (June 1)

Jordan has anything a woman could want in 1920s America: money, education, social clout, a great talent with golf. But as a Vietnamese adoptee who is also queer, she also gets treated like an exotic pet by her peers and finds many doors are closed to her. Her world isn’t just money and parties though–it’s also ghosts, magic, and infernal pacts. And Jordan has always been a fast learner.

Cover of Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta

Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta 9June 29)

Godolia warlords are tightening their tyrannical rule on the Badlands using mechanized weapons called Windups. Eris is a gearbreaker who specializes in destroying Windups, but she ends up in a Godolia prison when a misson goes awry. There she meets Sona, a Windup pilot. While at first they seem to be enemies, they soon learn they’re fighting the same enemy… and maybe falling in love.

Cover of Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim

Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim (July 6)

Shiori’anma is a princess, and one with forbidden magic. Her determination to keep it a secret ends on the morning of her wedding day when she loses control of her magic. She’s not sorry to miss out on the wedding, but her stepmother Raikama, also secretly a sorceress, banishes her and turns her brothers into cranes with a special curse that means if Shiori ever speaks of it, with each word, one of her brothers will die. Destitute and voiceless, Shiori must save both her brothers and her kingdom before it’s too late.

Cover of She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan

She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan (July 20)

When a bandit attack leaves an eighth-born son destined for greatness and his second-born sister destined for nothing orphaned, it’s another trick of fate that the son dies. The daughter takes on her brother’s name, Zhu, and in an attempt to escape her own fate, enters a monastery masquerading as a male novice. But when the monastery, too, is destroyed, Zhu must fully take her brother’s fate of greatness and make it her own.

Cover of The Wild Ones by Nafiza Azad

The Wild Ones by Nafiza Azad (August 3)

The Wild Ones are girls who have seen the words of the world, girls who have gained access to the place of pure magic called the Between, girls who refuse to be silenced. Together, they will rescue Taraana, a boy with stars in his eyes who helped them gain their magic.

See you, space pirates. If you’d like to know more about my secret plans to dominate the seas and skies, you can catch me over at my personal site.