A hearty hello once again, nerd friends! I hope you’re ready to learn about history and some other fascinating topics in today’s newsletter. It’s never a bad time to expand your knowledge, after all!
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Bookish Goods

Gotham City University Tumbler by DogRockPopShop
It’s probably a lot safer to drink from this tumbler than it would be to actually go to Gotham City U! $27
New Releases

The Science of Ghosts by Lilah Sturges and El Garing
Joy’s job is to help ghosts solve their problems, but she’s got plenty of problems of her own: her ex-wife hates her, Joy’s first relationship since transitioning is not going smoothly, and also she keeps finding clues to an unsolved murder that she should probably do something about…

Villain Actor Volume One by Mikumo Seto and Kentaro Harada
Ayumu always wanted to be a hero, but since it’s hard to find jobs in that area, he settled for becoming a police officer instead. Even that job is jeopardized when Ayumu inexplicably turns into a city-destroying monster! Can Ayumu change back and become the hero he knows he was meant to be?
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter!
Riot Recommendations
Today’s Riot Rec theme is: the Korean War. Today is the 74th anniversary of the day the war started, so let’s look at some comics that use it as a backdrop for some very intimate stories.

The Waiting by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim
Gwija was a young mother when her family tried to flee northern Korea to the south. Only Gwija and her daughter Jina made it; her husband and son were left behind. Seventy years later, Jina knows she only has so much time left to reunite her family.

Red Scare by Liam Francis Walsh
Peggy and her dad are both learning to cope with disabilities: she had polio, and he was traumatized by his service in Korea. Peggy’s attempts to fix things only make her situation worse, requiring both her and her dad to rediscover their inner strength. I admit I’m not entirely fond of the book’s ending, but it’s still a fun blend of all the things that made the real 1950s not so fun.
And with that, I leave you once again until Thursday! Stay cool in the meantime (unless you’re in Australia, in which case, snuggle under those blankets!).