It’s coming up this Friday, nerd friends! And you can bet that we’ll be looking at some neat comics by and about women in today’s newsletter!
Want to make your book club the best club? Sign up for our In the Club newsletter. In the Club will deliver recommendations for the best books to discuss in your book clubs. From buzzy new releases to brilliant throwbacks, the books highlighted in this newsletter will drive your book club discussions. We’ll also share some book club-friendly recipes and interesting bookish updates from all over. If you become a paid subscriber, you get even more recommendations, plus community features. In other words, we’ll keep you well-met, well-read, and well-fed. Sign up today!
Bookish Goods

Totoro Resin Lamp by ResinLampMadebyRV
Look how pretty this is! What a cute and nostalgic way to fill your room with gentle light. $99
New Releases

Army of One Volume One by Tony Lee and Yishan Li
Carrie Taylor is more than what she seems: she is a fragment of Sister Fortune, a sorcerer who was destroyed in battle by Brother Havoc centuries ago. But as Carrie travels the multiverse looking for her other selves to put Sister Fortune back together, she begins to wonder if the story about her origins is true after all.

Third Shift Society Volume One by Meredith Moriarty
The acclaimed webtoon is now available in book format! Ellie’s life has gone from bad to just plain weird: formerly jobless and penniless, she now works for a detective with a pumpkin for a head who has her chasing down monsters and developing her heretofore unknown psychic powers! What does this career change have in store for Ellie?
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter!
Riot Recommendations
Today’s Riot Rec theme is: feminism! Since it’s Women’s History Month, this seemed like the most appropriate topic.

I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly and Ken Niimura
If a fifth-grade girl came up to you and said that she used a giant hammer to slay giants, would you believe her? Barbara believes that the world is full of monsters that only she can see, but all her peers and teachers see is a rebellious loner. What is the truth — and what will Barbara do about it?

Bitch Planet Volume One by Kelly Sue Deconnick and Valentine De Landro
Are you a woman with thoughts and ambitions of your own? Then you’re about to be exiled to Bitch Planet, where all such unruly females are contained for the good of the patriarchy. The only question is, will the prisoners work together to improve their lot in life, or will they let personal grudges and squabbles make things even worse?
And now that I’ve got your attention, I will remind my fellow U.S. residents to set your clocks ahead by one hour this weekend. Yes, it stinks, but you don’t want to be behind everyone else come Monday!