There are lots of ways to be a comics fan. Some people are devoted to learning all the ins and outs of superhero comics, while others pick up only the occasional TPB at the bookstore. Any way is just fine! I hope you find something to squeal over in the comics featured below.
2024 is the tenth year of the Read Harder Challenge! Join us as we make our way through 24 tasks meant to expand our reading horizons and diversify our TBRs. To get book recommendations for each task, sign up for the Read Harder newsletter. We’ll also keep you informed about other cool reading challenges, readathons, and more across the bookish internet. If you become a paid subscriber, you get even more recommendations plus community features, where you can connect with a community of passionate, like-minded readers in a cozy and supportive corner of the internet. Sign up today!
Bookish Goods

Comic Book Frame White Mat by CustomPictureFrames1
If you’ve got exactly six issues that you think would look great together, this is the frame for you. You can even customize it by color and by the size of the comics you want to hang! $102
New Releases

The Racc Pack by Stephanie Cooke and Whitney Gardner
Dusty, Scraps, and ReRe Bins are a family of raccoons (one of whom is definitely NOT an opossum) who make their living scavenging through dumpsters. But when a new, anti-raccoon dumpster hits the market, can they band together to pull off a big score?

Zodiac by Ai Weiwei, Elettra Stamboulis, and Gianluca Costantini
In this unique memoir, renowned artist and activist Ai Weiwei uses the graphic form to explore what comics meant to him growing up in the restrictive atmosphere imposed by China’s Cultural Revolution. It is a beautifully rendered and sadly timely reminder of the importance of artistic freedom.
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter!
Riot Recommendations
Today’s Riot Rec theme is: fangirls! Fangirls tend to get a bad rap from Certain People, but I think we’re pretty great, and so do these comics!

If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan, I Would Die Volume One by Auri Hirao
Cham Jam is a pop group with plenty of fans — except for poor Maina, the group’s least popular member. His only fan is Eripiyo, whose extreme devotion to Maina puts her in debt and sets her apart from the other Cham Jam fangirls. But does Eripiyo care? Nope!

Fangirl Volume One: The Manga by Rainbow Rowell and Gabi Nam, Adapted by Sam Maggs
Based on Rowell’s novel, this series follows Cath and Wren, twin sisters who were both big fans of the TV series Simon Snow. But while Wren grew out of it, Cath still obsessively writes fanfiction and eschews social interaction, even after starting college. Increasingly isolated, Cath will have to figure out how — and if — fandom fits into her new life.
Ah, another week of Stacks stacked. See you again next Tuesday, nerd friends!