‘Sup, Scaredy Cats? It’s me, Emily, back with more stuff to keep you scared. Hey, here’s a question. Why is being scared so fun? Maybe it’s the adrenaline. It’s like riding a rollercoaster, right? Or maybe we’re just weirdos. Maybe it’s a little bit of both. If you love being scared and you love having fun, do I have some recs for you. Stay tuned.
2024 is the tenth year of the Read Harder Challenge! Join us as we make our way through 24 tasks meant to expand our reading horizons and diversify our TBRs. To get book recommendations for each task, sign up for the Read Harder newsletter. We’ll also keep you informed about other cool reading challenges, readathons, and more across the bookish internet. If you become a paid subscriber, you get even more recommendations plus community features, where you can connect with a community of passionate, like-minded readers in a cozy and supportive corner of the internet. Sign up today!
Bookish Goods

Horror Movie Cookbook by Debbie Wubben
What could be more fun than cooking up some recipes inspired by your favorite horror movies? This self-published horror-themed cookbook is limited edition, so make sure to grab yours now! Recipes are all hand drawn and handwritten, using watercolors and ink, and include beverages, appetizers, sides, entrees, desserts, and even pet treats! $49.50.
New Releases

Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase
Womb City is an Africanfuturist horror novel that’s described as The Handmaid’s Tale meets Get Out. Nelah is trapped in a loveless marriage with a man who monitors her every move using a microchip. When Nelah accidentally kills someone in a car accident, she tries to hide the crime from her husband and the world. But the ghost of her victim won’t let Nelah’s crime remain a secret for long.

Not Quite A Ghost by Anne Ursu
If you’re doing the Book Riot Read Harder challenge this year, maybe add this one to your TBR list for middle grade horror. Or, you know, if you’re not doing the challenge, just add it to your TBR list anyway. When Violet moves into her new house with her new family, she’s excited to have a new stepfather and a new sibling. She’s less excited about having a creepy room up in the attic. Especially when she realizes she might not be alone up there.
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter.
Riot Recommendations

The Last Final Girl by Stephen Graham Jones
You’ll probably see Stephen Graham Jones mentioned a lot in this newsletter because he is such a prolific author, and all of his horror novels are so good. But this one is especially fun, as it’s written like a film script, so you experience this slasher story as if you were watching an over-the-top B horror flick. Lindsay is a homecoming princess who barely escaped a bloody death at the hands of a killer wearing a Michael Jackson mask. Now, Lindsay is assembling a group of final girls to replace her original homecoming court. This time, it won’t just be a fight for survival. This is a fight to become the Last Final Girl.

Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix
Illustrator Michael Rogalski had a lot of fun with this horror novel, which is designed to look like an IKEA catalogue. This book is about a haunted IKEA-like furniture store called ORSK. To find out what’s going on in their store, a group of employees agree to stay after hours, and…weird stuff happens. The illustrations throughout this one are so great, and they get creepier and creepier as the story goes on.
Have fun being scared, horror fans! See you next week. In the meantime, you can follow me (and message me) on Instagram at emandhercat. Sweet dreams!