It’s the third Thursday in October, and you know what that means: it’s Spirit Day — when we honor and acknowledge queer folks of all types! Also, we wear purple. So grab those purple pumps, lavender laces, or periwinkle pants as we look at some LGBT-friendly comics to celebrate!
Autumn is here, which means it’s time to curl up with a great read and get cozy — whatever your version of cozy looks like. Whether it’s romance, creepy reads, modern classics, or escapist reads you crave, TBR can help you find the perfect books for your fall reading, with options curated to your specific reading tastes.
Bookish Goods

Windblade and Chromia Stickers by Rider6666
Who doesn’t want a couple of lesbian Transformers gracing their notebook? Look how cute they are! $3
New Releases

If You’ll Have Me by Eunnie
PG and Momo are the living embodiment of “opposites attract.” Momo is shy and trusting, while PG is a loner with a rough past. Can these two head-over-heels sweethearts make their romance work despite the challenges?

Gender is Really Strange by Teddy G. Goetz, MD, MS, and Sophia Standing
Can’t argue with that! This short comic endeavors to get to the bottom of what gender really is with the aid of SCIENCE. (Spoiler alert: it’s really complicated!) No matter how you identify, you’re sure to get something out of this helpful guide.
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter!
Riot Recommendations
Today’s Riot Rec theme is: Spirit Day! Here are two comics featuring queer characters for you to enjoy today!

Constellations by Kate Glasheen
When their drinking spins out of control, Claire is forced to attend rehab, where a counselor and understanding new friends help them to understand themself better. But it’s easy to stay sober in a small, supportive environment. Can Claire find their place after returning to the “real” world?

Confessions of a Shy Baker Volume One by Masaomi Ito
Toshi owns a real estate company, loves to bake for his boyfriend Gonta — and is still most definitely in the closet. When he agrees to start emphasizing how LGBT-friendly his company is to customers, Toshi will have to confront his fears of being outed and discover how much the world has changed for the better (and make lots of delicious goodies, of course).
Have a great and colorful day, nerd friends!