Welcome (back) to the Kissing Books newsletter. I hope that this Monday morning finds you as well as can be for…well…a Monday morning. I know that those can be challenging just because they are what they are but, hey, at least we have coffee right?
While coffee has always been my friend, in the last couple of weeks it’s become even more of a staple in my life. Between my spouse and I, we got a lot of coffee over the holidays. So, there is a variety of flavors to choose from. Which is nice since the reason I tend to go to coffee shops is for a change of pace. Don’t get me wrong, occasionally I do still treat myself. But mostly I make do with the brew at home, something my bank account is grateful for.
In “currently reading” news, I’m still working on Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute and Back in a Spell. I also started Lunar Love as well as The Gentlemen’s Book of Vices.
Bookish Goods

Probably Reading Romance Candle by BookedCandles
Now, I do actively try to read a variety of genres outside of romance, save for a few that I just can’t get into. And in the year of 2023, I am not making myself read anything that doesn’t bring me joy. That said, this would still be a fairly accurate candle for me to light when I’m relaxing and reading since chances are I am probably reading a romance. $23
New Releases

The Year of Cecily by Lisa Lin
Determined to take charge of her life, Cecily comes up with a list of resolutions to tackle after she celebrates the Lunar Year with her family. One thing that isn’t on the list is forgiving Jeffrey, the ex who broke her heart a decade ago. Now a successful screenwriter and regretting the way he ended things years before, Jeffrey is determined to convince Cecily that there is a second chance in store for them.

Her Enticing Muse by Violet Cowper
Aspiring artist Maria runs away from an arranged marriage and heads to London to beg accomplished portraitist Stella to take her in as a protégé. Against her better judgement, Stella agrees and soon an attraction begins to develop between the two women. However, the differences in them are numerous and when Maria’s blunt nature threatens Stella’s otherwise calm life, will she be willing to risk it all for a chance at love?
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter.
Riot Recommendations
We’re halfway through January already, which is a statement in and of itself. I know that the beginning of this month is the time most people make their resolutions, and thanks to the “diet culture” that shows up every couple of years, most of these tend to be related to eating better, losing weight, and working out. Which is great…if you’re doing it for you. If you’re doing it because someone told you should, well…that changes things.
One thing I am gradually coming to terms with as each year passes is that the way you look is not going to be pleasing for everyone. There is just as much hate for people who seem “too skinny” as for those who are considered “too big.” I have friends in my life on both sides and skinny people get told to eat a hamburger just as often as plus-sized people get told to put it down. There will always be people in the world who are gonna hate on you no matter what. This is typically because they’re so miserable in their own lives that their only joy is tearing others down. And to them I saw with all of my chest:
Jog. On.
With that stated, I am plus-sized and while I still have occasional concerns about the weight I “should” be, overall, I am happy with how I am. And with that in mind I wanted to highlight books that had plus-sized love interests in romance novels.

Game of Hearts by Cathy Yardley
When Kyla is offered the chance of a lifetime that will help get her cosplay business off the ground, she’s ecstatic. That is until she is informed that she has to find a replacement to help in the auto shop she works at, which leads to her reaching out to her brother’s best friend, Jericho. When he shows up to help, he is taken aback at how grown up…and sexy…Kyla is now.

Their Troublesome Crush by Xan West
When metamours Ernest and Nora start planning their shared partner’s birthday party, they’re surprised at the feelings of attraction that begin. Neither want to upset the balance of their relationship but neither can they ignore what they’re feeling.
Here are just some of the exciting romances headed our way in 2023.
And that’s all I have for y’all today! I will be back in your inboxes on Thursday and in the meantime you can find me floating around on Twitter. Until our paths cross again, happy reading and stay hydrated.