Read This Book

Read This Book: MONDAY MORNINGS by Sanjay Gupta, MD

Welcome to Read This Book, the newsletter where I recommend a book you should add to your TBR, STAT! I stan variety in all things, and my book recommendations will be no exception. These must-read books will span genres and age groups. There will be new releases, oldie but goldies from the backlist, and the classics you may have missed in high school. Oh my! If you’re ready to diversify your books, then LEGGO!!

Welcome to the first Monday of 2021! Today is officially known as TGIM. Thank God It’s Monday Day encourages us to celebrate the first Monday of the new year with enthusiasm and vigor with the hope that the TGIM spirit will continue through the rest of our Mondays. It’s time to stop dreading Mondays and embrace the new beginnings they represent. For the doctors of Chelsea General, Mondays are the chance to learn from previous mistakes and become better healers. 

Monday Mornings Book Cover

Monday Mornings by Sanjay Gupta, MD

Each time a surgeon operates, they are betting on their operating skills, but sometimes they are wrong. When the surgeons at Chelsea General Hospital bet wrong, they must confront their failings in the operating room in front of their peers on Monday morning at the Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) conference. These meetings provide a rare opportunity for reflection and introspection. If they’re lucky, on Monday mornings, these doctors have a chance at redemption.

Although Monday Mornings wouldn’t be considered award-winning material, I found the story engaging despite the clichés, typos, and seemingly dated references. Who is even using Mapquest in 2012?! For me, it was easy to forgive such faux pas because I was interested in both the medicine and the drama unfolding before my eyes. 

This is a straightforward story about the lives of these top-notch doctors at Chelsea General from Dr. Jorge Villanueva, the ex-football player turned ER doctor, and Dr. Tyler Wilson, the rock star surgeon who seems to have lost his mojo to Dr. Sung Park, the neurosurgeon who had to restart his medical training when he emigrated to the United States from Korea, and Dr. Michelle Robidaux who is a first-generation college graduate currently struggling as a resident. 

Coming from the mind of Dr. Sanjay Gupta, yes that Sanjay Gupta, Monday Mornings is a story that reads like an episode of Grey’s Anatomy and ER rolled into one, which is probably why it became a beloved, but short-lived TNT drama. If you need a dose of doctor drama while waiting for your favorite shows to return, then pick up Monday Mornings, STAT!

Until next time bookish friends,


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