Kissing Books

Let’s Pretend This Week Didn’t Happen

It’s Thursday, and I am never writing anything early “in the hopes nothing major happens over the weekend” ever again. Legit NEVER. I have never jinxed something so badly in my life. The last week has been nothing short of ridiculous, and I plan on writing plenty about it…on Monday. Because I need some time for Romancelandia to cool the hell down. Thursday’s Kissing Books will have to be business as usual because I am unable to can, now that I’ve made it out of the haze of painkillers.

Over on Book Riot

What were your favorite book covers of 2019? My choice happened to align with the book I chose as the best book of 2019 as well, but the cover decision was actually first.

This is an interesting way to think about reading challenges. I haven’t done the Goodreads challenge in a few years (you might have read why) but I don’t know if I could go the distance D.R. has

But the Reading Log has helped. Have you seen the one for 2020? It’s a thing of beauty.

Do you weed your digital shelves?


It’s getting close enough to the winter holidays that some folks might actually be full up on holiday romances. But if you’re looking to branch out from the usual, check out Holiday Brides, a trio of romances by Jewel Amethyst, Farrah Rochon, and Stefanie Worth. And for the lovely price of 1.49, I’d say these three stories are definitely worth checking out.

New Books

I saw someone mention on Twitter that publishing slows down in December, and that we tended to see a drop in book releases as we got closer to the holidays…but we all know that’s essentially true everywhere except romance. There are some good ones out this week, and we’ve got a few more weeks of awesome 2019 releases.

cover of A Delicate Deception by Cat SebastianA Delicate Deception
Cat Sebastian

As of writing this, I’m about a third of the way through this book, and I can guarantee I will finish it a few hours after I hit save on this newsletter. Cat Sebastian, as you all know, is already one of my favorites, and this particular story is one that I am already in love with. Both characters are queer, grumpy, and have some kind of anxiety disorder. Amelia, who we met in Unmasked by the Marquess, has decided to become a temporary recluse, with only the company of her former governess in the country cottage she’s let. Sydney hates the way he’s inherited the land he now owns, and is hesitant to reveal to the young woman he meets on his daily walks that he is her landlord. So far, their meetings have all been happenstance, but I have the feeling I’m really going to love where the story is going. And since they both have personal stuff to deal with, I imagine there will be a lot of growth to read through. (If you haven’t been able to tell, character growth is one of my favorite parts of a romance.)

Here are some other books that are just sitting here, staring at me:

cover of A Taste of Her Own Medicine by Tasha L. HarrisonA Taste of Her Own Medicine by Tasha L. Harrison (I hear there’s sex in a Subaru)
Tinsel by Kris Bryant
In Rhythm by JN Welsh
Meet Me on Love Lane by Nina Bocci
Best Women’s Erotica of the Year, Volume 5
Meg & Jo by Virginia Kantra
The A.I. Who Loved Me by Alyssa Cole (it’s Audible first, but a little birdie told me that there might be a print version somewhere down the line)

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, bookrecs, or just want to say hi!