New Books

Hooray, It’s Time for New Books!

Tuesday: it’s not Monday. That’s my new tagline for Tuesday. I expect it will make me a billion dollars. But while I wait for that fat cash to start rolling in, I have some great books for you to check out today! And you can hear about more awesome reads on this week’s episode of the All the Books! Sharifah and I discussed The Water DancerThe Dutch House, The Shadow King, and more great books!


P.S. More fun news: be sure to enter Book Riot’s giveaway of the year’s 10 best mystery/thrillers so far!

the liarThe Liar by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen

This is a compelling tale of lying. Nofar is a teenage girl working in an ice cream parlor, until she tells a lie that catapults her into the spotlight. Raymonde is an elderly immigrant tells tales of her own. But lies like these have consequences. Gundar-Goshen explores and exposes the liar in us all.

Backlist bump: Waking Lions by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen

The Last Seance cover imageThe Last Seance: Tales of the Supernatural by Agatha Christie

A new collection of Agatha Christie! These are almost all stories published elsewhere, but they are her creepiest. And now they are all together in one place, PLUS there is indeed one story that has never been published in the United States before. That’s a reason to party right there. And reading Agatha Christie is always a comfort.

Backlist bump: Hallowe’en Party: A Hercule Poirot Mystery by Agatha Christie

the bone housesThe Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones

“In your head, in your head, zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie.” I don’t know about you, but I am not tired of zombie novels. Especially not with Halloween just around the corner. This fun novel is about a family of gravedigger siblings who are trying to scrape together (ha) a living. But it’s hard to finish the job when the dead don’t want to stay in the ground. If Ryn, the oldest, can figure out how to break the curse that brings the “bone houses” back, it will be smooth sailing for all. But that’s easier said that done.

Backlist bump: The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

See you next week!