Today In Books

Dead Bodies and Tiny Mortals: Today in Books

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Dead Bodies and Tiny Mortals

Best-selling author and mortician Caitlin Doughty has a new book coming and its title is brilliantWill My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death. She answer real questions from kids on death, dying, and dead bodies. Can Grandma have a Viking funeral? Tiny inquiring minds want to know.

Candy Canes Are Cancelled

The trailer for NOS4A2 has dropped and no I could NOT bring myself to watch it in full screen mode. The adaptation of Joe Hill’s haunting work of horror looks all kinds of creepy and wonderful. But yeah, no, never touching a candy cane again.

One Door Closes but City Hall Opens

Drag Queen Story Hour has had a lot of people in their feelings, driving many libraries to pull sponsorship and cancel the programs altogether. When this very thing happened to Atlanta drag queen Terra Cotta Sugarbaker, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms invited her to read to children at city hall instead. Don’t know what I love more here: the story itself or this positively delightful drag name.