Welcome to In The Club, a newsletter of resources to keep your book group well-met and well-read.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow here in the states and I hope lots of tasty foodstuffs are in all of your futures! Funny story — as a kid I had to ask my mom why we always made turkey-related crafts in school for the holiday. My Mexican family ate pozole and ham back then. I was hella confused.
Wherever you are and whatever you dine on, whether with friends or family or just your super cute cat, I wish you all a very happy day of thanks. I’m grateful to all of you fantastic readers and the chance to bring you book club love each week.
Alright, moving on. I’ll keep it brief this week. To the books!
This newsletter is sponsored by Penguin Random House Audio. Keep up with your reading by listening to the audiobook – and never miss a book club meeting!
Keep up with your book club reading by listening to the audiobook. Audiobooks are the perfect complement to your busy schedule. Listen to new releases such as The Kennedy Debutante, by Kerri Maher and read by Julia Whelan, and you can enjoy a whole new book club experience. For more listening suggestions, visit Tryaudiobooks.com/BookRiot.
Issa Giveaway – I’m still recovering from my very first trip to Powell’s over my birthday weekend last month, yo. I may have blacked out for a moment somewhere in the gold room; all I know is that purchases were made. Get in on this action and sign up to win $250 to Powell’s here!
The Club that Cooks – The holidays approacheth and for a lot of us that means whipping up culinary masterpieces, or watching other people do so while we drink wine in the corner – amirite? Whether you’re cooking, gifting, or hosting Book Club: Cookbook Edition, check out this list of 2018’s best cookbooks.
- Book Club Bonus: Not everyone has time to read over the holidays – I for one work in Retailandia and will probs set up a cot in the bookstore soon! If you still want to make time for your bookish pals, turn book club into a holiday gathering with help from your favorite cookbooks. Everyone pick a different title and prepare a dish from said cookbook. Gather, munch, and maybe have a casual wrap-up of this year’s favorite reads. Eggnog and buttered rum optional. Hold the optional.
- Related: In more cookbook news, watching Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat on Netflix has a) made me a solid fangirl for Samin Nosrat, and b) bumped Coming to My Senses up a few notches on my TBR. I’m so pleased to see this memoir by Alice Waters of Chez Panisse fame on this list of 20 of the best food books from 2018.
Give Us All the Prizes – The National Book Award Winners have been announced and y’all…. I am SCREAMING my congratulations for all of the women and authors of color who graced that stage! Can we start a petition to award Elizabeth Acevedo a prize for Most Poppin Curls?
- Book Club Bonus: If your group read and loved The Poet X, do yourselves a favor and catch Pride by Ibi Zoboi. This reimagining of Pride & Prejudice is brilliant Latinx love + black girl magic on its own but is neeeext level fantastic on audio. It’s narrated by Elizabeth I’m-Just-Good-At-All-The-Things Acevedo and I can’t imagine a more perfect pick to do so. Discuss how the Bushwick setting and characters of color bring new depth and perspective to the classic.
Related: While you’re at it, pre-order Elizabeth Acevedo’s With the Fire On High. Have you seen that cover?? I die. I just die.
BRB, going to bust out my head scarves and hoops right quick before accepting that I will never recreate this glory.
Grateful for Great Reads – You love the books, we love the books. We all loves ze books! Rioter Olivia Páez shares a list of the books she’s thankful for and that have changed her life.
- Book Club Bonus: Host Friendsgiving with book club! In between the stuffing of face and other traditions you partake in, take some time to talk about the reads you’ve been thankful for this year/life. I relate so much to Olivia’s excitement over finally reading a book that celebrated her Cuban culture. Share the stories that made you swell with pride, that taught you important lessons, or that simply shook your soul.
Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at vanessa@riotnewmedia.com with your burning book club questions or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the Audiobooks newsletter for tips and latest listens and watch me booktube every Friday too!
Stay bad & bookish, my friends.
More Resources:
– Our Book Group In A Box guide
– List your group on the Book Group Resources page