Today In Books

Top 10 Challenged Books of 2017: Today in Books

This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by Penguin Random House, publisher of No One Ever Asked by Katie Ganshert.

Top 10 Challenged Books Of 2017

The American Library Association released its list of the most challenged books of last year. The list is topped by Jay Asher and Sherman Alexie. The reasons cited for the banning of their books is unrelated to the recent sexual harassment allegations made against both authors. Alex Gino’s middle grade book, George, is on the list for including a transgender child, and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini was thought to “lead to terrorism” and “promote Islam.” Click here for the full list.

HBO Develops Docuseries Based On I’ll Be Gone In The Dark

A docuseries based on Michelle McNamara’s true-crime book, I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, is in the works at HBO. In the book, McNamara investigates the Golden State Killer, an elusive predator who terrorized California for over a decade. McNamara unexpectedly died in her sleep in 2016; her husband Patton Oswalt said, “HBO taking on this story will advance the passionate pursuit that Michelle shared with dozens of men and women in law enforcement – to solve the mystery of one of California’s most notorious serial killers.”

Bookseller Organizes Protest Against Neo-Nazis

The New York Times wrote a piece on a bookseller who organized a protest in response to a neo-Nazi march through Berlin’s old Jewish quarter. Jörg Braunsdorf decided to act after he witnessed the 2016 neo-Nazi march through the neighborhood where his independent bookstore is located. The Residents’ Initiative for Civil Courage was born in Tucholsky Bookstore thanks, in part, to his leadership.


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