Admit you: you’ve judged a book by its cover. We’ve all done it. Most of us will still read a book even if the cover isn’t pleasing to our brain, if it’s been highly recommended or the synopsis hooks us. But having a cover that sinks its hooks into our eyeballs and yells “WELL DON’T I LOOK INTERESTING” certainly helps. You know the ones. And now you’re going to get a chance to read one of them as a task for the 2023 Read Harder Challenge: read a book you know nothing about based solely on the cover.
Getting the design right for a cover must be a difficult job! You have to convey a mood for the book, as well as give an idea of what’s inside, or even straight-up include something from the book itself. It’s especially hard when the title gives nothing away. A book called “Adventures at the Magical Raccoon CafĂ©” gives a designer a lot to work with, as opposed to a book called something like “Grand Love” or “Big Time.” Then you really need the artwork to catch the eye, because the title certainly won’t.
This is going to be an easy task for you because there are so many books with gorgeous, eye-catching covers being released every week! Below, you’ll find 10 I chose for myself based on what made my brain sit up and go “OOOOO” when it saw them. These are all upcoming 2023 releases, so maybe you’ll also find books to add to your TBR! Have fun with this challenge, and happy reading!

Scorched Grace by Margot Douaihy
This one stood out to me immediately, because the nun is smoking. As someone who knows nothing about nuns, I don’t even know if nuns smoke cigarettes? But something about this cover made me think that they don’t. And that made me think this nun must be a badass. (Spoiler: I have read this book since I chose it for this list, and the nun in question is indeed a badass.)

Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, translated by Megan McDowell
What is this book saying? Is it about a monster with claws? A manicure gone horribly wrong? Nail polish is flammable, after all. None of the words in the title give away anything that is conveyed in the illustration. But something about it has me transfixed. Maybe because it’s so cool how the nail color matches the font.

Your Driver Is Waiting by Priya Guns
Here’s another fun illustration that captivated me. Something about the look the person in the illustration is giving, combined with the pine tree air freshener on fire, tells me this is a car ride I don’t want to take. So maybe it’s about a murderous ride share driver? The most ominous thing might be the upside-down smiley face.

Sucker by Daniel Hornsby
I am a sucker (pun intended) for vampire novels, and at first glance, this title combined with that bit of blood has me thinking this might be one. It also has that sorta 1970s, early 1980s font, so perhaps it’s historical? The bloody ‘K’ could also just mean there’s murder, or it kind of looks like a thorn? But I’m guessing vampires.

The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
I don’t know what is happening here but also I need it as a tattoo right away. I am fairly certain the figure on the left is a plague doctor, so perhaps the long-haired creature on the right is Death? And its adding another skull to its pile of dead people it has collected? The style reminds me of the dwelling of Gung the Magnificent from The Amazing Screw-On Head, my favorite 22 minutes of television, which is probably why it appeals to me.

Maeve Fly by CJ Leede
Here’s one that really illustrates the point that taste is subjective. Because some of you might look at this and think, “Gross, no thank you.” But I look at it and think, “GIVE IT TO ME NOW.” Even though I don’t know what it’s about, I love the strange and unusual. (I myself am, et cetera, et cetera.) I’m going to guess it isn’t a Victorian-era romance or a children’s book. The title is a play on “mayfly” but does it actually have anything to do with insects? Will someone really lick a giant eyeball? Inquiring minds want to know!

The Shadow Sister by Lily Meade
This one I want to read just because the cover is beautiful. It doesn’t really tell me anything about the book, aside for the tag line at the top: “She came back. Is it a miracle…or a curse?” Did the character come back from the dead? College? Cleveland? Do butterflies and flowers really have anything to do with the story, or are they just pretty? I’m okay with the latter, because it got me to notice the cover.

The Thick and the Lean by Chana Porter
This one already has my vote for my favorite cover of 2023. What does it even mean??? I’m guessing the person in the book isn’t actually made from fruit, but perhaps they’re a chef? Could it be a horror novel? Maybe someone is turned into food, like Alice becomes cake in that old Tom Petty video. I’m getting a bit of sinister vibes from it, too, or perhaps just weird vibes. Whatever it is, it’s GORGEOUS.

She Is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran
Here’s another one that made me say “WOW” when I saw it. This young woman has flowers in her mouth — they appear to be growing out of her mouth, indicated by the vines in her skin? I don’t think she is happy about it, because she’s crying. Or maybe she loves having flower lip accessories and she’s crying about something else. I must know!

Gone to the Wolves by John Wray
And this last one does all its talking just with its font. This one appealed to me because it looks like something I was doodling on my notebook in high school while I should have been paying attention in class. It’s very heavy metal, and in fact, I did look at the synopsis for this one after the cover jumped out at me. And it is about heavy metal, so A+ job, cover designer!
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Click here for the full Read Harder 2023 task list, and for previous recommendations, click here.