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Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a lovely weekend. It was my birthday yesterday, and I had such a nice day. I ended up with a lot of Stephen King books to kick off my SK rereadathon. And I visited a bookstore, which is something I have only done three times in the last sixteen months, so that was amazing. Thank goodness my local indie was doing deliveries this past year!
Moving on: I have exciting news for you today! I also have a look at an excellent YA novel coming in 2022, plus cover reveals, a terrible pun, my precious little orange monster, and trivia! Let’s get started, shall we?
Here’s Monday’s trivia question: Where do the members of the Thursday Murder Club hold their weekly meetings in The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman? (Scroll to the bottom for the answer.)
Deals, Reals, and Squeals!
Robert Downey Jr. will co-star in Park Chan-wook’s adaptation of The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen.
Loki has been renewed for season 2 at Disney+.
Janicza Bravo will direct newcomer Mallori Johnson in a pilot for FX based on Kindred by Octavia E. Butler.
Megan Follows is narrating a new Lucy Maud Montgomery audiobook.
Colin Kaepernick and Scholastic announced a multi-book deal for children’s books.
HBO Max is developing two more Game of Thrones animated shows.
Amber Tamblyn’s new books will feature essays from America Ferrera, Amy Poehler, Jia Tolentino, Samantha Irby, and Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, and more.
Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden is being adapted for the screen.
Here’s the cover reveal of Portrait of an Unknown Lady by Maria Gainza, Thomas Bunstead (translator).
And here are this year’s Tonight Show summer reads nominees.
Book Riot Recommends
At Book Riot, I work on the New Books! email, the All the Books! podcast about new releases, and the Book Riot Insiders New Release Index. I am very fortunate to get to read a lot of upcoming titles, and learn about a lot of upcoming titles, and I’m delighted to share a couple with you each week so you can add them to your TBR! (It will now be books I loved on Mondays and books I’m excited to read on Thursdays. YAY, BOOKS!)
Loved, loved, loved:

This Golden State by Marit Weisenberg (Flatiron Books, March 1, 2022)
What does the world look like when you’ve lived your life on the run? Poppy doesn’t know why her family has been running her whole life, never settling down in one place very long, using different names, escaping in the night. It’s the only life she and her little sister have known. The Winslow family only has each other, so they have to trust and protect one another.
But it isn’t easy for Poppy and her sister. They have to leave behind the starts of new friendships over and over, and they have very few possessions. But then her parents take them to California, and things are different. They have a whole house instead of a motel room, and Poppy is allowed to take a summer course about computers. It’s here she meets a young man with secrets of his own—and starts to fall for him. Poppy is tired of running, and tired of not knowing who her parents really are, so she submits an online DNA test, hoping to find their real name. But the consequences of her actions will be much, much bigger. Will Poppy ever get to be a regular kid?
I thought this was a great family on the run story, with the 21st century updates, like the girls not having cell phones or being able to use the internet, and the DNA test. It felt like a very real family in a real situation, and my heart ached for all of them.
(CW for stressful situations, and mentions of violent crime, illness, and death.)
What I’m reading this week.
Far from the Light of Heaven by Tade Thompson
Agatha of Little Neon: A Novel by Claire Luchette
Act Like You Got Some Sense: And Other Things My Daughters Taught Me by Jamie Foxx
The King of Infinite Space by Lyndsay Faye
Carrie by Stephen King
Groan-worthy joke of the week:
What did one hat say to the other? “Stay here! I’m going on a head.”
And this is funny:
I’m laugh-crying because it’s true.
Happy things:
Here are a few things I enjoy that I thought you might like as well:
- Purrli: This website makes the relaxing sounds of a cat purring. (Why do I include this every time? Because it’s really that helpful.)
- Night Court: We just got cable at my house (I know right?? I feel like I’m in a hotel, lol.) The thing about cable is that there are TOO MANY CHOICES. I scroll through and end up watching old sitcoms instead of any newer offerings. Recently, it has been Night Court, which is not a great show, but it’s fun to see these actors and also laugh at what used to pass for storylines. I’ve also checked out episodes of Barney Miller, and Benson.
And here’s a cat picture!
🎵 Stretchy cat, stretchy cat, what are they feeding you… 🎵
Trivia answer: The Jigsaw Room.
Remember that whatever you are doing or watching or reading this week, I am sending you love and hugs. Please be safe, and be mindful of others. It takes no effort to be kind. I’ll see you again on Thursday. xoxo, Liberty